The Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 1 |
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Addison Ćneid ancient ANTISTROPHE appears Aristotle Bard beauty blest Boileau Bolingbroke Book called censure character charms critic DAPHNIS Dryden Dunciad Eclogues edition epic Epistle Essay ev'n ev'ry excellent exquisite eyes fair fame flow'rs genius grace groves heav'n Homer honour Horace Iliad IMITATIONS judgment language lays learned Letters lines living Lord Lord Halifax Lord Lansdown Lycidas Milton mind Muse nature never NOTES numbers Nymphs o'er observations Ovid Paradise Lost passage Pastorals pieces Pindar plain poem poet poetical poetry Pope Pope's pow'r praise quć Quintilian REMARKS rise sacred satire says scene sense shade Shakspeare shepherds shew shine sing skies song Sophocles Spenser spirit spring swains Sylphs taste Thalestris Thames thee Theocritus thing thou thought tion tragedy translation trembling true VARIATIONS verse Virg Virgil Voltaire Warburton write written wrote
Popular passages
Page 144 - race thy spacious courts adorn; See future sons, and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks on ev'ry side arise, Demanding life, impatient for the skies! 90 See barb'rous 3 nations at thy gates attend, Walk in thy light, and in thy temple bend; See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, And heap'd with products of 4
Page 329 - I omit that exquisite song, in which his favourite and peculiar pastime is expressed. " Where the bee sucks, there suck I, In a cowslip's bell I lie ; There I couch where owls do cry, On the bat's back I do fly, After
Page 203 - sweet recreation : And innocence, which most does please With meditation. Thus let me live, unseen, unknown, Thus unlamented let me die, Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I lie. Scaliger, Voltaire, and Grotius, were but eighteen years old when they produced, the two first their
Page 143 - ut omnia seeclo!" The reader needs only to turn to the passages of Isaiah, here cited. P. See, a long * race thy spacious courts adorn; See future sons, and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks on ev'ry side arise, Demanding life, impatient for the skies! 90 See barb'rous
Page 203 - Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose flocks supply him with attire, Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire. Blest, who can unconcern'dly find Hours, days, and years, slide soft away, In health of body, peace of mind, Quiet by day, Sound sleep by night; study and ease, Together
Page 257 - Others for Language all their care express 305 And value books, as women men, for dress : Their praise is still,—The Style is excellent; The Sense, they humbly take upon content. Words are like leaves ; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found : 310 False eloquence, like the prismatic glass, Its gaudy colours spreads on ev'ry place
Page 225 - first good tragedy, was played. Corneille was more than thirty Unerring NATURE, still divinely bright, 70 One clear, unchang'd, and universal light, Life, force, and beauty, must to all impart, At once the source, and end, and test, of Art. Art from that fund each just supply provides;
Page 322 - cuspide cuspis," &c. Stat. W. Twas then, Belinda, if report say true, Thy eyes first open'd on a Billet-doux; Wounds, Charms, and Ardours, were no sooner read, But all the vision vanish'd from thy head. 120 And now, unveil'd, the Toilet stands display'd, Each silver Vase in mystic order laid. NOTES. Ver. 121. And now,
Page 137 - baccare, tellus, Mixtaque ridenti colocasia fundet acantho Ipsa tibi blandos fundent cunabula flores." See lofty Lebanon 6 his head advance, 25 See nodding forests on the mountains dance: See spicy clouds from lowly Saron rise, And Carmel's flow'ry top perfumes the skies! Hark! a glad voice the lonely desert cheers; Prepare the
Page 259 - vanity display What the fine gentleman wore yesterday ; 330 And but so mimic ancient wits at best, As apes our grandsires, in their doublets drest, In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold ; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old