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ble. The charge of the future, devolves upon you, and your children. The vestal fire of freedom is in your custody! May the souls of its departed founders never be called to witness its extinction by neglect, nor a soil upon the purity of its keepers.

The above beautiful and eloquent extract is from an "Oration on the life and character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, delivered at the request of both houses of the congress of the United States, before them, in the house of representatives, at Washington, on the 31st of December, 1834, by Hon. John Quincy Adams." Lafayette, who was born in France, in September, 1757, came to America at the early age of 19, which was soon after the adoption of the "Declaration;" and, voluntarily joining the army of Washington, devoted himself, his life, and fortune, to the patriotic and righteous cause of North American independence. In the year 1785, he returned to France, where he remained about forty years, and then he revisited the people of the United States, by whom he was hailed welcome,thrice welcome. His reception was cordial, glorious, and triumphant. The sentiment pervaded every bosom.

"We bow not the neck, we bend not the knee;

But our hearts, Lafayette, we surrender to thee."

After the expiration of a brief period he again returned to France, where he continued to take a deep interest in the concerns of the American people, till the close of his life. The noble spirit of liberty which animated Lafayette, pervades the mind of his eulogist, ex-President Adams. Let us all cherish it "as the immediate jewel of the soul," and exclaim:

"For ever float the standard sheet,

Where lives the foe but falls before us;
With freedom's soil beneath our feet,

And freedom's banner waving o'er us."


1. Gentlemen of the jury:-In all human probability this is the last time, that I shall ever address a jury of my beloved county of Columbia. I have had the honor of entering this hall of justice for about forty years; but prejudice and corruption never entered it before. Prejudice is an innocent passion, so long as its possessor is unconscious of its existence; but when he becomes conscious of the existence of prejudice, it becomes corruption. Every thing, gentlemen, that I have attempted to introduce, in the shape of testimony. has been clipped by the long scissors of the law.


fame, unlimited in space, and infinite in duration. In the performance of its sacred office, it fears no danger, spares no expense, omits no exertion.

2. It scales the mountain, looks into the volcano, dives into the ocean, perforates the earth, wings its flight into the skies, encircles the globe, explores the sea and land, contemplates the distant, examines the minute, comprehends the great, ascends to the sublime; no place too remote for its grasp, no heavens too exalted for its reach.

De Witt Clinton, son of James Clinton, a major general in the revolutionary army, was born in Orange county, New-York, in 1769. He was elected governor of his native state in 1817. Being repeatedly reëlected, he was acting as our chief magistrate at the time he died, which was February 11th, in the year 1828. His services in the cause of education and internal improvement, evince that he was a patriot and a philanthropist.


1. I cannot forbear to express the hope that the ladies will continue to aid us by their powerful influence, and by pledg ing themselves to banish ardent spirits, in every form, from the nursery and from the social family circle. I have once had the pleasure to remind them of that memorable occasion where the heaven-inspired Zerobabel convinced the haughty Persian monarch and his assembled princes, that the influence of woman was more powerful even than strong drink; more powerful than the king upon his throne; yes, more powerful than any thing save divine wisdom and truth.

2. If such was her influence in a semi-barbarous age and nation, what must be with us, when she is now raised to her proper rank in society? Females are seldom the subjects, although they are so frequently made the victims of the vice of intemperance. Would to Heaven I could be permitted to say it is always thus! But truth compels me to declare that this monster has sometimes succeeded in degrading the fairest and the loveliest of the creation to the level of the brutes.

3. I knew one whose father had occupied a distinguished station in the councils of his country, whose mother was the pattern of every social and of every christian virtue; she was

herself lovely and intelligent, the delight of every circle in which she moved; the pride of her own family, and of her numerous friends. She was also the happy mother of several interesting children, who had entwined the chords of affection closely around a mother's heart.

4. But alas! this destroyer came. And before her sun had reached its meridian brightness, its glory was obscured; and it finally set in the deepest gloom. She inhaled the pestiferous breath of intemperance; more dangerous than the fatal malaria of the Pontine marshes; more noxious than the poisoned breeze from the deadly tree of Java,—more blasting than the withering sirocco of the Syrian desert,-more destructive even than the dreaded cholera of India, which is now spreading desolation, terror, and affright over the north of Europe.

5. The chords of reciprocal friendship were quickly sev ered; the bonds of maternal affection were loosed and broken; the ties of connubial love were sundered forever; and soon, very soon, the grave concealed the miserable remains of what once seemed the perfection of female worth and loveliness.

6. To save one such being from temporal and eternal ruin, were an object well worthy of the best exertions of the whole sisterhood of charity. What mother, what daughter, what sister, then, will hesitate to lend her influence and her example to the cause of entire abstinence, when perhaps it may be the means of saving her own beloved relative from the same dreadful fate?

7. But let not our female friends believe, that the benefits of their exertions or of their example, will be confined to their own sex alone. We know that with ours the influence of women is most powerful, and can be most beneficially exerted. We do not ask her to declaim against this vice in public assemblies, or to visit its most loathsome haunts; but we beseech her to let her influence be felt in the family circle, with her relatives, and among her most intimate friends: to let the moral force of her example be felt wherever she is known.

8. Were it consistent with female delicacy to mention their names in public, I could refer you to the examples of some among us, whose exertions in this cause have already added many bright gems to those crowns of glory which are reserved for them in heaven. And let it never be said of her who lingered last at the cross, and was found first at the tomb of the

Redeemer of the world, that, within her own proper sphere, she is either unwilling, or ashamed, to follow the example of her Divine Master, by going about and doing good.

The above is the close, or concluding part of an address made by Chancellor Walworth as President of the New-York State Temperance Society, at its third anniversary, in January, 1832. He was appointed chancellor of the state of New-York, in 1828; and was the first president of the New-York State Temperance Society, which was organized in February of the next year. And he is now President of the American Temperance Union.

If the writer were asked what is the first, second, and last thing upon which a person can rely for success in the higher walks of usefulness, connected with public life, he would answer each time, in imitation of the renowned Grecian orator, "self-culture." Chancellor Walworth, in common with many of the most prominent men of this country, had no other education than such as could be obtained in our common schools. He has found a passport to public favor, not by means of wealth, or the important advantages of a liberal education; but by the influence of industry, perseverance, and probity. The writer has heard him say, that he was brought up as a farmer, and did not contemplate turning his attention to the study of the law, until, in consequence of the overturning of a Ìòad of grain, that he was drawing in for his father, which produced a temporary lameness, he was compelled to discontinue manual labor. It is said that Sir Isaac Newton discovered the great principle of gravitation, by the fall of an apple which he happened to witness. The Canada Temperance Advocate states, in substance, that one of the witty sons of Erin, while drunk, knocked down in the street a clergyman, who instituted an action of assault and battery against him; which, however, the complainant agreed to prosecute no farther, if the party who had injured him would sign his. name to the tee-total pledge, and keep his pledge for a month. He readily acceded to the proposition; and, at the expiration of that period, he called at the house of the divine, to whom he expressed his gratitude for the good effects of the pledge to which he had submitted; and he, moreover, expressed the utmost sorrow at not having met and knocked down his reverence thirty years before! In this case, it seems that good grew out of evil. The greatest astronomer the world ever produced, owed a portion of his success, and fame, to the trifling circumstance already mentioned. And had it not been for the accident which befel Chancellor Walworth, when young, we should not perhaps have enjoyed the benefit of his judicial labors. His high official station does not make him unmindful of the duty which American citizens owe to their country.

It is believed that the cholera, of which the orator speaks, to illustrate his subject, in the address of which I have given an extract, is the legitimate offspring of intemperance. In 1832, that scourge followed drunkTo avert its ards, from the old country, across the Atlantic, to the new. ravages, to mitigate the force of its visitation, more than $100,000 were expended in the city of New-York alone. And all business was suspended in those places where it raged; but nevertheless, those who freely used intoxicating liquors were swept away like flies. Now and then an Ewing or Maynard fell a victim to the Asiatic cholera, but such instances were "few and far between." The writer recollects an incident which, with

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