VERSES left by Mr. POPE, on his lying in the fame Bed which WILMOT the celebrated Earl of Rochester slept in, at Adderbury, then belonging to the Duke of Argyle, July 9th, 1739. WITH ITH no poetic ardour fir'd Such flames as high in patriots burn, F VERSES то MR. C. ST. JAMES'S PLACE. LONDON, OCTOBER 22. EW words are best; I wish you well; Some morning-walks along the Mall, The falling leaf and coming froft, EPITAPHS. D ORSET, the Grace of Courts, the Muses' Pride, Patron of Arts, and judge of Nature, dy'd. The fcourge of Pride, though fanctified or great, Of Fops in Learning, and of Knaves in State: Yet soft his Nature, though fevere his Lay, His Anger moral, and his Wisdom gay. Bleft Satirist! who touch'd the Mean so true, As show'd, Vice had his hate and pity too. Bleft Courtier! who could King and Country please, Yet sacred keep his Friendships, and his ease. Bleft Peer! his great Forefathers every grace Reflecting, and reflected in his Race; Where other BUCKHURSTS, Other DORSETS shine, And Patrons still, or Poets, deck the Line. VOL. XLVI. Bb II. On On Sir WILLIAM TRUMBAL, One of the principal Secretaries of State to King WILLIAM III. who, having resigned his place, died in his Retirement at Easthamsted in Berkshire, 1716. A Pleasing Form; a firm, yet cautious Mind; Sincere, though prudent; conftant, yet resign'd: Honour unchang'd, a Principle profeft, Fix'd to one fide, but moderate to the rest: An honeft Courtier, yet a Patriot too; Juft to his Prince, and to his Country true : Such this Man was: who now, from Earth remov'd, III. On III. On the Hon. SIMON HARCOURT, Only Son of the Lord Chancellor HARCOURT, at the Church of Stanton-Harcourt in Oxfordshire, 1720. T O this fad shrine, whoe'er thou art! draw near, Here lies the Friend most lov'd, the Son most dear; Who ne'er knew Joy, but Friendship might divide, Or gave his Father Grief but when he dy'd. How vain is Reason, Eloquence how weak! IV. On JAMES CRAGGS, Esq. In Westminster-Abbey. JACOBUS CRAGGS, REGI MAGNE BRITANNIE A SECRETIS ET CONSILIIS SANCTIORIBUS, PRINCIPISPARITER AC POPULI AMOR ET DELICIÆ, VIXIT TITULIS ET INVIDIA MAJOR ANNOS, HEU PAUCOS, XXXV. OB. FEB. XVI. MDCCXX. Statefman, yet Friend to Truth! of Soul fincere, Who broke no Promise, serv'd no private End, |