SONG, by a Person of Quality.. F Written in the Year 1733. I. LUTTERING spread thy purple Pinions,, Gentle Cupid, o'er my Heart; I a Slave in thy Dominions; Nature must give way to Art.. II. Mild Arcadians, ever blooming, See my weary Days confuming, III. Thus the Cyprian Goddess weeping, Gor'd with unrelenting Tooth. IV. Cynthia, tune harmonious Numbers;. Fair Difcretion, string the Lyre; Sooth my ever-waking Slumbers: Bright Apollo, lend thy Choir. V. Gloomy Pluto, King of Terrors, Lead me to the Crystal Mirrors, VI. Mournful Cypress, verdant Willow, Gilding my Aurelia's Brows, Morpheus hovering o'er my Pillow, Hear me pay my dying vows. VII. Melancholy smooth Mæander, Swiftly purling in a Round, On thy Margin Lovers wander, With thy flowery Chaplets crown'd. VIII. Thus when Philomela drooping, I ON A CERTAIN LADY AT COURT. Know the thing that's most uncommon; I know a reasonable Woman, Handsome and witty, yet a Friend. Not warp'd by Paffion, aw'd by Rumour; Not grave through Pride, nor gay through Folly; An equal Mixture of Good-humour, And fenfible soft Melancholy. "Has she no faults then, (Envy says) Sir?" When all the World confpires to praise her, VOL. XLVI. Aa On On his GROTTO at Twickenham, COMPOSED OF MARBLE, SPARS, GEMS, ORES, and MINERALS. HOU who shalt stop, where Thames' translucent T wave Shines a broad Mirrour through the shadowy Cave; 5 And latent Metals innocently glow; Approach. Great NATURE studiously behold! Approach: but awful! Lo! th' Ægerian Grott, Where, nobly pensive, ST. JOHN sat and thought; 10 Where British sighs from dying WYNDHAM stole, And the bright flame was shot through MARCHMONT'S Soul. Let such, fuch only, tread this facred Floor, To Το Mrs. M. B. on her BIRTH-DAY. OH H, be thou blest with all that Heaven can send, "Not with those Toys the female world admire, With added years, if Life bring nothing new, 5 And all we gain, some fad Reflection more; 10 Let Joy or Eafe, let Affluence or Content, VARIAΤΙΟΝ. Ver. 15. Originally thus in the MS. And oh, fince Death must that fair frame destroy, In some foft dream may thy mild foul remove, Aaz 15 20 To R Το Mr. THOMAS SOUTHERN, On his BIRTH-DAY, 1742. ESIGN'D to live, prepar'd to die, This day Tom's fair Account has run (Without a blot) to eighty-one. Kind Boyle, before his poet, lays 5 A table, with a cloth of bays; And Ireland, mother of sweet fingers, Presents her harp still to his fingers. 10 And for his judgment, lo a pudden! 15 To |