Away they came, through thick and thin, 1185 Behold the place, where if a Poet Shin'd in Description, he might show it; Tell how the Moon-beam trembling falls, And tips with Silver all the walls; 1190 Palladian walls, Venetian doors, Grotesco roofs, and Stucco floors: But let it (in a word) be said, Agrestem pepulere, domo levis exfilit: inde "That "That Jelly 's rich, this Malmsey healing, A Rat, a Rat! clap to the door"- Continuatque dapes: nec non verniliter ipfis 205 210 215 220 BOOK A GAIN? new Tumults in my breast? Ah spare me, Venus' let me, let me reft! I am not now, alas! the man As in the gentle Reign of my Queen Anne. Ah found no more thy foft alarms, Nor circle sober fifty with thy Charms! Mother too fierce of dear Defires! Turn, turn to willing hearts your wanton fires. To Number five direct your Doves, There spread round Murray all your blooming Loves; I Ad VENEREM. NTERMISSA, Venus, diu Rurfus bella moves? parce precor, precor. Non fum qualis eram bonae Sub regno Cynarae. define, dulcium Mater faeva Cupidinum, Circa lustra decem flectere mollibus Jam durum imperiis: abi Quo blandae juvenum te revocant preces. Tempeftivius in domum Paulli, purpureis ales oloribus, Noble and young, who strikes the heart To clarm the Mistress, or to fix the Friend. Shall stretch thy conquests over half the kind: To him each Rival shall submit, Make but his Riches equal to his Wit. Then shall thy Form the Marble grace, (Thy Grecian Form) and Chloe lend the Face: His House, embofom'd in the Grove, Sacred to focial life and social love, Shall glitter o'er the pendent green, Thither the filver-founding lyres Shall call the smiling Loves, and young Defires; Commissabere Maximi; Si torrere jecur quaeris idoneum. Namque et nobilis, et decens, Et pro folicitis non tacitus reis, Et centum puer artium, Late figna feret militiae tuae. -Et, quandoque potentior Largis muneribus riferit aemuli, Albanos prope te lacus Ponet marmoream fub trabe citrea. -Illic plurima naribus Duces thura; lyraque et Berocynthiae There, There, every Grace and Muse shall throng,... The ftill-believing, still renew'd defire; Adieu! the heart-expanding bowl, But why? ah tell me, ah too dear! Steals down my cheek th' involuntary Tear? Why words fo flowing, thoughts so free, Stop, or turn nonsense, at one glance of thee?? Thee, dress'd in Fancy's airy beam, Absent I follow through th' extended Dream; Now Delectabere tibia Mixtis carminibus, non fine fiftula.. Illic bis pueri die Numen cum teneris virginibus tuum : Laudantes, pede candido In morem Salium ter quatient humum. Me nec femina, nec puer Jam, nec spes animi credula mutui, Nec certare juvat mero, Nec vincire novis tempora floribus. Sed cur, heu! Ligurine, cur Manat rara meas lacryma per genas? |