A Weazel once made shift to flink In at a Corn-loft through a Chink; But having amply stuff'd his skin, Could not get out as he got in; Which one belonging to the House ('Twas not a Man, it was a Mouse) Observing, cry'd, "You 'scape not so, " Lean as you came, Sir, you must go." Sir, you may spare your Application, I 'm no such Beast, nor his Relation; Nor one that Temperance advance, Cramm'd to the Throat with Ortolans: Extremely ready to refign All that may make me none of mine. South-fea Subscriptions take who please, Leave me but Liberty and Eafe. 'Twas what I said to Craggs and Child, Who prais'd my Modesty, and smil'd. Give me, I cry'd, (enough for me) My Bread, and Independency! So bought an Annual-rent or two, And liv'd-just as you see I do;
Cui mustela procul, Si vis, ait, effugere istinc, Macra cavum repetes arctum, quem macra subisti. Hac ego fi compellar imagine, cuncta resigno; Nec fomnum plebis laudo fatur altilium, nec Otia divitiis Arabum liberrima muto. Saepe verecundum laudasti: Rexque, Paterque Audisti coram, nec verbo parcius absens:
Near fifty, and without a Wife, I trust that Sinking Fund, my Life.. Can I retrench? Yes, mighty well,, Shrink back to my Paternal Cell, A little House, with Trees a-row, And, like its Master, very low.
There dy'd my Father, no man's Debtor,.. And there I 'll die, nor worse nor better.
To set this matter full before ye, Our old friend Swift will tell his Story.. " Harley, the nation's great support-"" But you may read it, I stop short.
Infpice, si possum donata reponere laetus.
Parvum parva decent. mihi jam non regia Roma, Sed vacuum Tibur placet, aut imbelle Tarentum. Strenuus et fortis, causisque Philippus agendis Clarus, &c.
The latter Part of SATIRE VI*
O Charming Noons! and Nights divine! Or when I fup, or when I dine, My Friends above, my Folks below, Chatting and laughing all-a-row, The Beans and Bacon set before 'em, The Grace-cup serv'd with all decorum : Each willing to be pleas'd, and please, And even the very Dogs at ease! Here no man prates of idle things, How this or that Italian fings, A Neighbour's Madness, or his Spouse's, Or what 's in either of the Houses: But something much more our concern, And quite a scandal not to learn: Which is the happier, or the wiser,.. A man of Merit, or a Mifer?
O noctes coenaeque Deûm! quibus ipfe meique, Ante Larem proprium vefcor, vernasque procaces Pasco libatis dapibus: cum, ut cuique libido est, Siccat inaequales calices conviva, folutus Legibus infanis: seu quis capit acria fortis Pocula; feu modicis uvescit laetius. ergo Sermo oritur, non de villis domibusve alienis, Nec male necne Lepos faltet: fed quod magis ad nos. Pertinet, et nefcire malum eft, agitamus; utrumne
Whether we ought to chuse our Friends, For their own Worth, or our own Ends? What good, or better, we may call, And what, the very best of all?
Our Friend Dan Prior told (you know) A Tale extremely " à propos :" Name a Town Life, and in a trice He had a Story of two Mice.
Once on a time (so runs the Fable) A Country Mouse, right hofpitable, Receiv'd a Town Mouse at his Board,
Just as a Farmer might a Lord. A frugal Mouse, upon the whole, Yet lov'd his Friend, and had a Soul, Knew what was handsome, and would do 't, On just occafion, "coûte qui coûte." He brought him Bacon (nothing lean); Pudding, that might have pleas'd a Dean;
Divitiis homines, an fint virtute beati:
Quidve ad amicitias, ufus rectumne, trahat nos: Et quae fit natura boni, fummumque quid ejus. Cervius haec inter vicinus garrit aniles Ex re fabellas. fi quis nam laudat Arelli Solicitas ignarus opes; fic incipit: Olim Rufticus urbanum murem mus paupere fertur Accepiffe cavo, veterem vetus hofpes amicum; Asper, et attentus quaefitis; ut tamen arctum Solveret hofpitiis animum, quid multa? neque illi Sepofiti ciceris, nec longae invidit avenae:
Cheese, such as men in Suffolk make, But wish'd it Stilton for his fake;
Yet, to his Guest though no way sparing,,
He eat himself the rind and paring.
Our Courtier scarce could touch a bit, But show'd his Breeding and his Wit;
He did his best to seem to eat,
And cry'd, " I vow you 're mighty neat.. "But Lord, my Friend, this savage Scene!. "For God's fake, come, and live with Men:
"Confider, Mice, like Men, must die, " Both small and great, both you and I: " Then spend your life in Joy and Sport, " (This doctrine, Friend, I learn'd at Court)." The veriest Hermit in the Nation
May yield, God knows, to strong temptation.
Aridum et ore ferens acinum, semesaque lardi Frusta dedit, cupiens varia faftidia coena Vincere tangentis male fingula dente superbo:: Cum pater ipse domus palea porrectus: in horna Effèt ador loliumque, dapis meliora relinquens. Tandem urbanus ad hunc, Quid te juvat, inquit, amice, Praerupti nemoris patientem vivere dorso? Vin' tu homines urbemque feris praeponere fylvis Carpe viam (mihi.crede) comes: terrestria quando Mortales animas vivunt fortita, neque ulla eft, Aut magno aut parvo, leti fuga. quo, bone, circa, Dum licet, in rebus jucundis vive beatus:
Vive memor quam sis aevi brevis. Haec ubi dicta
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