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y But art thou one, whom new opinions sway,

One who believes as Tindal leads the way,
Who Virtue and a Church alike disowns,


Thinks that but words, and this but brick and stones?

Fly then, on all the wings of wild defire,
Admire whate'er the maddest can admire :

Is wealth thy passion? Hence! from Pole to Pole,
Where winds can carry, or where waves can roll,
For Indian spices, for Peruvian Gold,
Prevent the greedy, or outbid the bold:
* Advance thy golden Mountain to the skies;
On the broad base of fifty thousand rise,
Add one round hundred, and (if that's not fair)
Add fifty more, and bring it to a square.
For, mark th' advantage; just so many score,
Will gain ab Wife with half as many more,
Procure her beauty, make that beauty chaste,
And then fuch Friends-as cannot fail to last.
Ad Man of wealth is dubb'd a Man of worth,
Venus shall give him Form, and Anstis Birth.






y virtutem verba putes, et
Lucum ligna? ? cave ne portus occupet alter;
Ne Cibyratica, ne Bithyna negotia perdas :
* Mille talenta rotundentur, totidem altera, porro et
Tertia succedant, et quae pars quadret acervum.
Scilicet b uxorem cum dote, fidemque, et amicos,
Et genus, et formam, regina d Pecunia donat;
Ac bene nummatum decorat Suadela, Venusque.

(Believe me, many a German Prince is worse, Who, proud of Pedigree, is poor of Purse)

His Wealth brave Timon gloriously confounds; 85 Alk'd for a groat, he gives a hundred pounds;

Or if three Ladies like a luckless Play,

Takes the whole House upon the Poet's day.

& Now, in such exigencies not to need, Upon my word, you must be rich indeed;


A noble superfluity it craves,

Not for yourself, but for your Fools and Knaves; Something, which for your Honour they may cheat, And which it much becomes you to forget.

If Wealth alone then make and keep us blest,
Still, still be getting, never, never rest.
i But if to Power and Place your Paffion lie,
If in the Pomp of Life consist the joy;



Mancipiis locuples, eget aeris Capadocum Rex:
Ne fueris hic tu.f chlamydes Lucullus, ut aiunt,
Si poffet centum scenae praebere rogatus,
Qui possum tot? ait: tamen et quaeram, et quot


Mittam: post paulo scribit, sibi millia quinque
Effe domi chlamydum: partem, vel tolleret omnes.
Exilis domus est, ubi non et multa supersunt,
Et dominum fallunt, et profunt furibus. ergo,
Si res fola poteft facere et fervare beatum,
Hoc primus repetas opus, hoc postremus omittas.
Si fortunatum species et gratia praeftat,


Then hire a Slave, or (if you will) a Lord,
To do the Honours, and to give the word;
Tell at your Levee, as the Crouds approach,
To whom to nod, whom take into your Coach,
Whom honour with your hand: to make remarks,
Whom rules in Cornwall, or who rules in Berks: 105
"This may be troublesome, is near the Chair:
"That makes three Members, this can chuse a Mayor."
Inftructed thus, you bow, embrace, proteft,
Adopt him Son, or Cousin at the least,

Then turn about, and laugh at your own Jest. 110
Or if your life be one continued Treat,
If P to live well means nothing but to eat;
Up, up! cries Gluttony, 'tis break of day,
Go drive the Deer, and drag the finny prey;
With hounds and horns go hunt an. Appetite-
So Russel did, but could not eat at night;
Call'd happy Dog! the Beggar at his door,
And envy d Thirit and Hunger to the Poor.




* Mercemur fervum, qui dictet nomina, laevum
Qui fodicet latus, et cogat trans pondera dextram
Porrigere: mHic multum in Fabia valet, ille Velina::
Cui libet, is fafces dabit; eripietque curule,
Cui volet, importunus ebur: Frater, Pater, adde:
Ut cuique est aetas, ita quemque facetus adopta.
Si P bene qui coenat, bene vivit; lucet: eamus
Quo ducit gula: piscemur, venemur, ut 9 olim
Gargilius: qui mane plagas, venabula, fervos,
Differtum tranfire forum populumque jubebat,


Or shall we every Decency confound; Through Taverns, Stews, and Bagnios take our round; Go dine with Chartres, in each Vice outdo • K-l's lewd Cargo, or Ty-y's Crew; From Latian Syrens, French Circæan Feasts, Return well travell'd, and transform'd to Beasts; Or for a titled Punk, or foreign Flame, Renounce our Country, and degrade our Name? If, after all, we must with Wilmot own,


The Cordial Drop of Life is Love alone,
And Swift cry wifely, "Vive la Bagatelle!"
The Man that loves and laughs, must sure do well. 130
▼ Adieu-if this advice appear the worst,
E'en take the Counsel which I gave you first:
Or better Precepts if you can impart,
Why do, I 'll follow them with all my heart.

Unus ut e multis populo spectante referret
Emtum mulus aprum. crudi, tumidique lavemur,
Quid deceat, quid non, obliti; Caerite cera
Digni; remigium vitiofum Ithacenfis Ulyssei;
Cui potior patria fuit interdicta voluptas.
u Si, Mimnermus uti cenfet, fine amore jocisque
Nil est jucundum; vivas in amore jocisque.
w Vive, vale. fi quid novisti rectius iftis,
Candidus imperti: fi non, his utere mecum.







HE Reflections of Horace, and the Judgments paft in his Epistle to Augustus, seemed so seasonable to the present Times, that I could not help applying them to the use of my own Country. The Author thought them confiderable enough to address them to his Prince; whom he paints with all the great and good qualities of a Monarch, upon whom the Romans depended for the Increase of an absolute Empire. But to make the Poem entirely English, I was willing to add one or two of those which contribute to the Happiness of a Free people, and are more confiftent with the Welfare of our Neighbours.

This Epistle will show the learned World to have fallen into Two mistakes: one, that Augustus was a Patron of Poets in general; whereas he not only prohibited all but the Best Writers to name him, but recommended that Care even to the Civil Magistrate: " Admonebat Praetores, ne paterentur Nomen fuum ob"folefieri," &c. The other, that this Piece was only a general Discourse of Poetry; whereas it was an Apo logy for the Poets, in order to render Augustus more their


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