(For 'faith, Lord Fanny! you are in the wrong, Are no rewards for want, and infamy! When Luxury has lick'd up all thy pelf, 105 Curs'd be thy neighbours, thy trustees, thyself, To friends, to fortune, to mankind a shame, Think how posterity will treat thy name; And buy a rope, that fature times may tell Thou haft at least bestow'd one penny well. P" Right, cries his Lordship, for a rogue in need "To have a taste, is insolence indeed : " In me 'tis noble, suits my birth and state, My wealth unwieldy, q and my heap too great." Then, like the Sun, let Bounty spread her ray, Oh Impudence of wealth! with all thy store, * Iratum patruum, vicinos, te tibi iniquum, Et fruftra mortis cupidum, cum deerit egenti 115 Shalf P Jure, inquit, Trausius iftis Jugatur verbis: ego vectigalia magna, Divitiasque habeo tribus amplas regibus. Ergo, Quod fuperat, non est melius quo infumere poffis? Templa ruunt antiqui Deûm? cur improbe, carae Non aliquid patriae tanto emetiris acervo? Uni nimirum tibi recte semper erunt res? 120 Shall half the new-built churches round thee fall? 125 130 Thus BETHEL spoke, who always speaks his thought, And always thinks the very thing he ought: His equal mind I copy what I can, And as I love, would imitate the Man. In South-fea days not happier, when furmis'd The Lord of thousands, than if now Excis'd; In forest planted by a Father's hand, Than in five acres now of rented land. 135 Content * O magnus pofthac inimicis risus! uterne <* Ad cafus dubios fidet fibi certius? hic, qui Pluribus affuêrit mentem corpusque superbum; An qui contentus parvo metuensque futuri, In pace, ut fapiens, aptarit idonea bello ? u Quo magis his credas: puer hunc ego parvus Ofellum Integris opibus novi non latius usum, "Quam nunc w accisis. Videas, metato in agello, Cum pecore et gnatis, fortem mercede colonum, Non ego, narrantem, temere edi luce profesta Content with little I can piddle here That touch my bell, I cannot turn away. 140 'Tis true, no z Turbots dignify my boards, But gudgeons, flounders, what my Thames affords: To Hounflow-heath I point, and Bansted-down, Thence comes your mutton, and these chicks my own: * From yon old walnut-tree a shower shall fall; 145 And grapes, long-lingering on my only wall, And figs from standard and espalier join; The devil is in you if you cannot dine: Then chearful healths (your Mistress shall have place); And, what's more rare, a Poet shall say Grace. 150 Fortune not much of humbling me can boaft: ! Though double tax'd, how little have I loft! My Quidquam, praeter olus fumofae cum pede pernae. Saeviat atque novos moveat Fortuna tumultus! Quantum hinc imminuet? quanto aut ego parcius, aut VOS, 155 My Life's amusements have been just the fame, (For I, who hold fage Homer's rule the best, Pray heaven it last! (cries Swift) as you go on; "I wish to God this house had been your own: Pity! to build, without a fon or wife; Why, you 'll enjoy it only all your life." The Chancery takes your rents for twenty year: 160 165 170 Who cries, "My father's damn'd, and all 's my own." Shades, O pueri, nituiftis, ut huc novus incola venit? Shades, that to Bacon could retreat afford, Nunc mihi, nunc alii. i quocirca vivite fortes, 175 18. BOOK |