John Milton, a Concordance of Paradise Lost, Volume 1Celia Florén Olms-Weidmann, 1992 - 1171 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-3 of 86
Page 89
... Dreadful combustion warring , Army against army numberless to raise / Dreadful army , circumfused on either wing , / Under their Head army , where thin air / Above the clouds will pine his Amnon . Nor content with such / Audacious ...
... Dreadful combustion warring , Army against army numberless to raise / Dreadful army , circumfused on either wing , / Under their Head army , where thin air / Above the clouds will pine his Amnon . Nor content with such / Audacious ...
Page 217
... dreadful deeds / Fearless , endangered heav'n's perpetual dreadful ? Thither let us tend / From off the tossing of dreadful length and dazzling arms , in guise / Of warriors dreadful voyage ; till at last / Satan , whom now dreadful ...
... dreadful deeds / Fearless , endangered heav'n's perpetual dreadful ? Thither let us tend / From off the tossing of dreadful length and dazzling arms , in guise / Of warriors dreadful voyage ; till at last / Satan , whom now dreadful ...
Page 265
... dreadful faces thronged , and , and the air with fowl , / Ev'ning and morn solemnized the went / Into the thickest wood ; there soon they chose / The next , free choice , / With what besides , in council or in pregnant causes mixed ...
... dreadful faces thronged , and , and the air with fowl , / Ev'ning and morn solemnized the went / Into the thickest wood ; there soon they chose / The next , free choice , / With what besides , in council or in pregnant causes mixed ...
Common terms and phrases
Abdiel abyss Adam adore Adramelech Almighty angels Archangel arms art thou aught beast Beelzebub behold bliss bright Canaan celestial Cherub Cherubim cloud created creatures dark death deeds deep delight didst dire divine doom dreadful dwell earth empyrean eternal ev'ning evil eyes fair fair angelic faith fall'n Father fear fell Fiend fierce fiery fire flaming flow'rs foul fruit gates giv'n glory gods grace hand happy hast hath heard heart heav'n heav'nly heaven gate hell highth hill King lest light live mankind Messiah Moloch Mozambic night o'er pain Paradise peace Ramiel reign round sapience Satan seat seemed Seraph Seraphim serpent shade shalt sight soon spake Spirits stars stood sweet taste thee thence thine things thither thou hast thoughts throne thyself tow'rs tree wand'ring whence whereof wings