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Clarke (Rev. Father), The Training ECONOMISTS, commercial fallacies

of a Jesuit, 211-225

Cleveland (Grover), the late President

of the United States, his policy on
the currency question, 523-524
Clotilda, marriage of, with Clovis, 377
Clovis, The Baptism of, 367-382
Cobdenism, The Decline of, 173–186
Cockerell (S. P.), Lord Leighton's
Drawings, 809-815

Colonies, scheme for the improvement
of our trade with the. 29 33
Commercial Union of the Empire,

Continental Alliances, England and
the, 681-688

'Coolgardie' mining region, 712
Coquet river, Northumberland, scenery
of the, 469 470

County Councils and Rural Educa-
tion, 596-608

Courthope (Professor W. J.), Life in
Poetry: Poetical Conception, 260-

Courtney (Leonard H.), his Free-trade
speech at the Cobden Club, 175
Cowen (Joseph), ex-member for New-
castle-on-Tyne, 465-466
Cows, danger from unsuspected disease
in, 456

Creyke (Mrs. Walter), Sailing for

Ladies in Highland Lochs, 478-486
Crouch (Archer P.), The World
beneath the Ocean, 881-895
Crowe (the late Sir Joseph), Fra
Filippo Lippi, 643-653
Curchod (Suzanne), Gibbon's courtship
of, 145, 147-148

Currency question, the, in America, see

Cyprus Convention, the double-dealing
connected with the, 839

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of the old, 179-180

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Federation, see Commercial Union
Federation Movement, The, in Austral-
asia, 156-172

Fife (Sir John), 466

Forster (John), anecdote of, 467
Fottrell (George), Land Purchase in
Ireland, 829-837

Fox (Charles James) and Lord R.
Churchill compared, 575–577
Franco-Russian alliance, will England.
join the, 685-688

Frankland (Mrs. Percy), Boiling Milk,

Franks, the ancient, 368-371

conquest of Gaul by the, 375
- defeat the Alamanni, 380

Frederic (Harold), his Illumination,*
noticed, 768-770

Free-trade, present state of public

opinion on, 173-175

Froude (J. A.) on the Jingo agitation
of 1878, 515

[blocks in formation]

The Woman Movement in, 97–104
and England, The Commercial
War between, 925-931
Germany, reception of Li Hung Chang
in, 237-238

Ghost, a so-called, explained, 471-472
Gibbon, Edward, New Letters of, 143-

Gladstone (W. E.), his speech on the
Irish Land Bill of 1870, 345

The Massacres in Turkey, 677–680
letter of, to Mr. Purcell, 541
Godley (Sir A.), testimony of, to Lord
R. Churchill, 568-569

Goldfields of Western Australia, charac-
teristics of the, 712–714
Gordon (General), his remedy for
Turkish misgovernment, 847-848
Gorst (Sir John), The Voluntary
Schools, 699-710

Graham (R. B. Cunninghame), Alvar
Nuñez, 105-116

Greek language, origin and purpose of
accents in the, 794-795
Griffin (Sir Lepel), Russia, Persia,
and England, 1-18
Guilbert (Yvette), 131

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ING (K. Douglas), her Scripture
Reader of St. Mark's,' noticed,

Kropotkin (Prince), Recent Science,

Kyffhäuser, the, mistaken Imperial
celebration at, 1010-1018

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[blocks in formation]

Mahatman, A Real, 306-319

Maitland (J. A. Fuller), The Influence
of Bayreuth, 360-366

Manitoba Schools Question, The Story
of the, 117-127


Newman, Cardinal, Some Recollec
tions of, 395-411

Newman (Cardinal) on omissions in
great histories, 533

on the true method of writing a
biography, 537

New York, ambulance service of, 609-

Nobili-Vitelleschi (Marchese), On In-
ductive Morality, 439-453
Northern Pilgrimage, A, 461-473

Selby), Of Women

Manners, are they disappearing from OAKLEY (Chile, Sen 16

Great Britain? 137-142

Manning (Cardinal), the recent 'Life'
of, 533-542

Matabele, The God who promised
Victory to the, 187-193
Matriarchal Family System, The, 81-


Maynooth, Professor Huxley's impres-

sion of, 279

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replied to, 777-781
Oaks, The High, 341-344

Ocean, World beneath the, 881-895
Olney (Mr.), despatches of, on the
Venezuela question, 321-336
Olney Doctrine, the, and America's

New Foreign Policy, 849–860
Optimism, An Attempt at, 474-477
Orpen (Joseph Millerd), The God who
promised Victory to the Matabele,

Osborne (Francis), 944-957

Ouida, The Quality of Mercy, 293-305
Noticeable Book: Auberon Her-
bert's Windfall and Waterdrift,


DARKER (E. H.), From the Em-
peror of China to King George III.
(Translation), 45-55


- (George F.), The Cry for Fraudu-
lent Money in America, 516-532
Parliament, women as members of,

Pasteurisation of milk, 458

Paul (Herbert), Sterne, 995-1009
Peel (Sidney), A Seventeenth Century
Chesterfield, 944-957

Peking Politicians, Some, 896-906
Persia, results of the late Shah's reign
in, 5-9

attitude of England and Russia to-
wards, 9-11

the present ruler of, 12

true policy of England in, 13
the Imperial Bank of, 15-16
urgent need of roads in, 16-17
Babism in, see Bab

Phillips (W. Alison), The Influence of
Machiavelli on the Reformation in
England, 907-918

Walter von der Vogelweide, the
Minnesinger, 67-80

Pickering (Professor W.), his studies of
the moon's surface, 245-246
Pilgrimage, A Northern, 461-473
Poetry, Life in: Poetical Conception,

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AMAKRISHNA Paramahansa, the
Mahatman, 308-319

Red Sea, western shores of the, 580-

Rees (J. D.), The Bab and Babism,

Reformation and Reunion, 34-44
Reformation in England, see Machia-

Reich (Dr. Emil), The Jew-baiting on
the Continent, 422-438

Reid (Sir Wemyss), A Northern Pil
grimage, 461-473

Why Russia distrusts England,

Noticeable Book: Shorter's 'Char-
lotte Brontë and her Circle,' 772-

Rhodesia, the native god of, see Mata-

the real enemy of the Chartered
Company in, 194-195

Rinderpest, the, in Rhodesia, 194–195
Rogers (Dr. J. Guinness), The Massa-
cres in Turkey, 654-659

Round (J. H.), A Visit to Queen
Elizabeth, 619–631

'Rule Britannia,' Authorship of,

Russell (Hon. Mrs. Bertrand), The
Woman Movement in Germany,

Russell (George W. E.), Reformation

and Reunion, 34-44

Russell (Lord John), anecdote of, 571
Russia, Persia, and England, 1–18
Russia distrusts England, Why, 509-

Russia, unfriendly attitude of, to the
Armenians, 843

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Seaton Delaval, the 'ghost' of, 471-

Shaylor (J.), On the Selling of Books,

Shinto Funeral, A, 974-981
Shorter (Clement K.), his 'Charlotte
Bronte and her Circle,' noticed,

Silhouette, the, in Lord Leighton's.
art, 813

Silver craze, the American, 199-202
Sisyphus in Ireland, 345-359

Sketches made in Germany, 383-394,

Slave-trade in the Soudan, 583-584
Small-pox, history of, 960-963

mortality from, in the vaccinated
and the unvaccinated, 965
Smith (H. Herbert), English and
Dutch Dairy-farming, 797-808
Soissons, capture of, by Clovis, 375
Spencer (Herbert) on commercial
morals, 721

Stanley (Dean), impressionableness of,
anecdote, 286

Statius, the Thebais' of, 268-269
Sterne, 995-1009

Swinburne (Algernon Charles), The
High Oaks, 341-344

- Noticeable Book: William Morris's-

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VACCINATION Commission, The
Superfluous, 958-973

Van Oss (S. F.), The Westralian Min-
ing Boom,' 711-720
Venezuela question, Lord Salisbury's
views on the settlement of the, 322-

Vere (Aubrey de), Some Recollections
of Cardinal Newman, 395-411
Vienna, Volunteer Humane Society of,

Villiers (Charles P.), his vindication of
Free-trade, 177

(Melius de), Why South Africa

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Voltaire at Ferney, Gibbon's picture of,


Voluntary Schools, The, 699–710


AGNER performances at Bay-
reuth, 360-366

Walter von der Vogelweide, the Min-
nesinger, 67-80

Ward (Wilfrid), Thomas Henry Huz-
ley, 274-292

(William George), Professor Hux-
ley's account of, 275

Webb (Mr. and Mrs. Sidney), Arbitra-
tion in Labour Disputes, 743-758
Wedmore (Frederick), The Music
Halls, 128-136

Welby (Lord), his impressions of Lord
R. Churchill, 572–573
West (Sir Algernon), Lord Randolph
Churchill as an Official, 567–579
Westralian Mining Boom,' The,

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Williams (Ernest), his Made in Ger-
many,' noticed, 177-178
Woman Movement, The, in Germany,

Women, sporting tastes of, 304

Mill's treatise on, 500-505
Women in Assemblies, Of, 559-566
a Reply, 777-781

YOUNG (Sir Frederick), Commercial

can wait (Letter to Editor), 338-YUnion of the Empire, 27-33


Virgil, the Eneid' of, 267-268

Volapük, 789-790

Young (Robert), Commercial Morality
in Japan, 721-728




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