PRINTED FOR BLACK, PARBURY, & ALLEN, BOOKSELLERS TO THE HONOURABLE EAST-INDIA COMPANY, LEADENHALL STREET. PREFACE TO THE SECOND VOLUME. THE difficulties which were to be surmounted in the commencement of the ASIATIC JOURNAL, or at least the deficiencies which were irremediable in that state of its progress, have been gradually conquered; and though much remains to be accomplished, in order to fill up the outline conceived for its permanent conduct, yet the Editor has the satisfaction to think that this Second Volume is not without some marks of improvement, and some promise of a further advance. The contents of this publication naturally divide themselves into four principal branches; first, complete and regular information of all Oecurrences within the several Presidencies in India; secondly, a similar record of all Occurrences at Home, connected with Indian interests and affairs; thirdly, a Critical Register and Analysis of New Publications on subjects of Indian Literature, History, and Public Economy; and fourthly, a General Miscellany of Indian and Asiatic Learning and Science, Arts, Trade, Navigation, and other multifarious objects of useful or liberal inquiry. It was obvious that of the four departments into which we thus suppose the ASIATIC JOURNAL divided, the materials of the second department only were at complete command on this side of that hemisphere to which both India and England belong. In this division are included our Reports of Debates at the East India House, and Proceedings at the Company's Seminaries of Education; a variety of Commercial and Shipping Intelligence, forming features peculiar to, and of prominent value in our work. For whatever relates, in the mean time, to passing occurrences in India, to In |