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as to extend itfelf as widely as poffible, for the common intereft. Science and Arts are of no political or religious party. They tend, in the happiest manner, to destroy thofe little prejudices, which alienate one man from another. By opening the foul to wider aims, they improve our charity, our morals, our christianityand, by neceffary confequence, exalt our trueft happiness.

At prefent, we can only sketch a rude and general outline of the fcheme now in contemplation.

The LEARNED LANGUAGES form fo important a part of LIBERAL EDUCATION, that it is not neceffary to enlarge on the propriety of continuing and increasing an acquaintance with them. This it is proposed to do, by lectures, upon a popular and entertaining plan, which shall connect occafional remarks, on the hiftory, mythology, philofophy, manners, jurifprudence, &c. of antient times, with the authors which fhall be read.

The BELLES LETTRES prefent a wide field for highly interefting and useful lectures upon Criticifm, Poetry, Oratory, and the Polite Arts. To this department may likewife be added, lectures upon GENERAL HISTORY, and particularly, upon the HISTORY of our own coUNTRY-upon COMand MORALS. These





various fubjects open fo many views into human

nature, as cannot fail of delighting the mind,


and improving it in its beft principles and operations.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY in all its branches, (except Chemistry)-including Optics, Pneumatics, Hydroftatics, Aftronomy, Electricity, &c.or the dif coveries relating to Vifion, Air, Water, the Heavenly Bodies, Electric Fire, &c. and attended with experiments, on Microfcopes, Telescopes, AirPumps, Fire-Engines, Orreries, Electric Machines, &c. will form a very large and important part of the propofed plan.

CHEMISTRY will be a province by itself. Its extent, and reference to fo many of the arts, on which our manufactures depend, entitle it to this diftinction. Here, will be confidered, the elementary principles, of bodies, the nature of Fire, Air, Acids, &c. And the whole will have a reference to the arts of Dyeing, Bleaching, &c. which, depending upon chemical principles, might probably, by the knowledge of thofe principles," be very greatly extended and improved.

The MATHEMATICS, including Geometry, Trigo-nometry, Conic Sections, Algebra, &c. would fufficiently fill another department, of the importance: of which, no detail is here neceffary.

A SCHEME, THUS FILLED UP, Would, we flatter ourfelves, comprize the principal objects, moft defirable in a SEMINARY OF LIBERAL INSTRUC TION If, however, it should be found proper to add to thefe, other branches of fcience, fuch

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as NATURAL HISTORY, MODERN LANGUAGES, &C. &c. it is not doubted, but that Gentlemen, well qualified to lecture upon them, would concur in giving affiftance and perfection to a plan, of fuch general utility and importance.

If, to provide a prefervative from thofe low, corrupting pleasures, by which thousands of our young men are continually deftroyed-If, to extend ftill further the branches of our commerce, the finews of our wealth, by diffeminating those principles, on which the arts depend― If, to prepare an agreeable entertainment for every period of life, and an honourable character and confolation for its evening-If, to add refpectability to opulence, and dignity to human nature-If THESE are objects, worthy our first regard, the Inftitution here propofed, appears to wear an afpect, friendly to human excellence and human happiness, and to deserve the patronage of our fellow-citizens. The more it is confidered, the more, we truft, it will appear to merit their approbation and encouragement.

We have mentioned it, as principally accommodated to young men, defigned for a refpectable line of trade. But thofe, who are defigned for the different profeffions, as well as thofe, who have no particular profeffion in view, will, probably, find very confiderable advantage from it, either, as preparatory to the university, or to life in general. And there are many Gentlemen, further advanced in age, who have fuffi

cient leifure and difpofition for fuch pursuits, to whom it would, poffibly, be an agreeable circumstance, to have the opportunity of spending two or three hours in a week, in fo rational, and improving an entertainment.

Strongly impreffed with these ideas, the Gentlemen who wish well to this fcheme, hope to fee it profecuted with zeal and perfeverance. They conceive, that it will be an honour to the town of MANCHESTER, to have within itself fuch an inftitution, as that here propofed, and to take the lead, among the other great towns of this opulent kingdom, in establishing a plan, which, it is not improbable, many others will be ambitious to follow.

If, upon this general view, THIS INSTITUTION should appear worthy of the attention and patronage of the PUBLIC, a more particular account of its extent and objects will be given, in another paper,-together with a diftinct fyllabus of the lectures proposed to be delivered, in every separate department. And, it is hoped, that its commencement may take place the enfuing winter.

N. B. It is propofed, that the lectures shall be delivered in the EVENING, or, fo as not to interfere with the regular hours of business.


It may not be improper to mention, that the scheme bere propofed has been carried into execution with confiderable fuccefs. During the two last winters, LECTURES have been delivered, IN DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, to numbers of Gentlemen, who have thus given the most respectable fan&tion to the undertaking. And it may be added, that the Gentlemen engaged in the office of PRÆLECTORS, animated with the encouragement they have already received, hope to pursue their important object with vigour and perseverance, not doubting but that they fball continue to enjoy the patronage and fupport of the friends of fcience and of virtue.

As it is defirable that SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENTS should be formed in OTHER LARGE TOWNS, it will not probably be amifs to fubjoin the FIRST REPORT of this inftitution, printed 1783.



THIS INSTITUTION is intended to provide a courfe Of LIBERAL INSTRUCTION, compatible with the engagements of commercial life, favourable to all its higher interefts, and, at the fame time, preparatory to the fyftematic ftudies of the UNIVERSITY. To unite philofophy with art,, the moral and intellectual culture of the mind, with the purfuits of fortune, and to fuperadd the nobleft powers of enjoyment to the acquifition of wealth, are the great objects which it profeffes to hold in view. The confiftency of these objects has been fully ascertained; and their importance cannot be doubted. It only remains, therefore,

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