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much fulfome attention officiously paid to the name, the effigy, the echo, the very mimic of Pitt. But the policy of his nomination, which undoubtedly originated with Lord Shelburne, when impartially confidered, cannot be condemned: he poflefled the public confidence in no inferior degree; his talents for business were, at leaft fuppofed, uncommonly great, and he came into power at a time when the flate of our finances were not the most flourishing. Genius and address were confequently never more neceffary; and thus circumftanced, the hopes of the nation_ment has been fomewhat uncommon; were not a little raifed from the fond apprehension of the profperity which they derived from the exertions and abilities of the father, might yet return with thofe of the fon.

mon minds are allowed to form no opinion. The India bills, which have been brought in by an illuftrious commoner, and this candidate, at once for the favour of the people and the crown, ftated a most invidious contrast between two of the moft eminent men that ever adorned the age. Thefe two meafures were both great efforts of mind, but that parliament which condemned the peace, and did many other popular things, hath alfo adopted the one and reprobated the other. \


The tranfactions of this short-lived adminiflration were not numerous, but fufficiently important make it long remembered: among thefe the general peace, which fucceeded the American war, was fingular and confpicuous. Politicians are not yet agreed whether this was, on the whole, an advantageous meafure or not. Mr. Pitt, as one of the c net, had undoubtedly his fhare in accomplishing it: this, however, added nothing to that large thare of popularity which he previouffy poffeffed. It cannot be denied that it rather lowered him in the public opinion, notwithstanding the very masterly apology which he delivered in behalf of himfelf and colleagues on that memorable occa


That parliament which diminished the influence of the crown, which finifhed the American war, which expelled the contractors from the house of commons, and difqualified excife and custom-house off cers for voting in elections, flamped this inglorious peace with marks of ftrong difapprobation. Still, however, this very young but extraordinary chancellor of the exchequer was conftantly extolled as the moft worthy of all his coadjutors in office. And if he did not leave the cabinet with the fame circumfiances of high eftimation in which he found it, his official deport ment detracted but little from the general eclat of his character.

His time he is faid to have employed ever fince in fludy and travelling. To recount all his political exertions would be to give his life in detail ever fince he attracted the public attention. No cha racter was ever more problematical than his feems at the prefent juncture. His late promotion to power was one of thofe fe cret evolutions in politics of which com

His fituation with regard to this parlia

they have never been wholly on good terms. They thought his language concerning the late peace not fufficiently correet and explicit. He came into office in the moft open defiance of their authority, and has continued to act ever fince against a very numerous majority; and while thefe memoirs are concluding, it is probable he may be at St. James's, either refigning his appointment, or iffuing his mandate for diffolving the parliament.

The eloquence of this very young and able orator is no longer poffeffed, however, of those charms with which its maiden exertions were accompanied. His official fituations have obliged him to be often on his legs, and he feldom rofe without lofing fome of that admiration he formerly pof feffed: but they ftill liften to him with profound attention. His diction is fingu larly pure and claffical; and though his fpeeches are marked with few frong points, though his reasoning has no uncommon energy, and his declamation no poignancy, though he fometimes trifles with the judgment of his auditors by a mere fonorous arrangement of vocables, in place of argument, his replies are generally happy, his ideas clear and unembarraffed, his remarks always pertinent, and he often enough hits the point in debate with precifion and elegance.

The exterior of this celebrated youth is dignity of gefture and erectness of attitude. He is faid to be faftidious and capricious to all beneath, and not a little obfequious to fuch as are above him. His temper, among domeftics, is by no means engaging; and he is faid to regard the fair fex with a kind of conftitutional averfion. To a manly and genteel figure, however, he adds a musical voice, and a graceful manner. And, unless we fhould except to a uniform movement of his head, the fingu lar prominence of his elbows, and a cer tain theatrical ufe of his hands, he is at leaft the most elegant speaker in the Britifh fenate.



Ime that a periodical paper den finick is feveral years fince the idea ftruck voured to infpire them with that good

occafional and mifcellaneous criticism on the works of both foreign and domeftic writers, ancient and modern, might prove, for properly conducted is included, an agreeable offering to the public. Having lately revolved the plan in my thoughts, it appeared to me, that to point out the beauties of various writers, would be an endlefs, unnecellary, and totally unconne&d work. But that to have one object in view, however various the fubjects with which that object is endeavoured to be illuftrated, would be most likely to give both a propriety and uniformity to the plan propofed. And I have already mentioned, that that falle tatte, which is faft gaining ground in our polite literature, and threatens its fpeedy declenfion, was to be the leading object of our occafional and mifcellaneous ellays.

From examples of falfe tafte, in whatever age or country, the fame falutary leflons may be drawn, as from the tinfel of the most recent writers of our own times; and perhaps the chaflifement of the critical lafh may be more willingly acknowledged, by fome readers, when the object of its feverity is a celebrated Frenchman. On a Frenchman therefore hall the prefent number be bestowed. Nor may that carneft fearch for little finical prettineffes, that petil-maitreifm in poetry, if I may be allowed the exprefhon, which feems to be the ton of the day, be more happily exemplified than from many French writers.

That work of Monfieur Diderot, entitled, " Comaillance des Bautez et des Défauts de la Poche et de l' Eloquence, dans ta Langue Franço fe, a l'Ufage des jeunes Gens et furtout des Etrangers," holds much the fame rank in France as the Elements of Criticifin, by Lord Kaimes, hold in this country; both are much read, and both have their admirers, and both authors have often the fame turn of thinking, and the fame tafte. To prove this is referved for a future occafion. Let us firft afcertain the taffe of Monfeur Diderot. He opens his treatife thus ; "Ayant accompagné en France plufieurs jeunes Etrangers, j'ai toujours taché de leur rfpirer le bon goût, qui eft fi cultivé dans notre Nation, et de leur faire lire, &c." Having accompanied in France feveral young ftrangers, I have always endea EUROP, MAC,

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make them read, with advantage to themfelves, our beft authors. It is with this view I have made this collection, for the benefit of thofe who are defirous to know the true beauties of the French language, and to feel in reality its charms."

From this pompous exordium fomething rational and folid ought to be expected. How thefe qualities, abfolutely neceffary to vindicate the above quotation, appear, the reader will foon be able to judge for himself, from the two topics which will exhauft the limits of this ellay.

"Nous avens en France, fays M, Diderot, une foule de Chanfons préférable à toutes celles d'Anacreon, fans qu'elles aient jamais fait la réputation d'un Auteur, &c." "We have in France numberlefs fongs preferable to all thofe of Anacreon, without having given the reputation of an author to any one. All thefe amiable bagatalles have been written rather for pleasure than for glory-1 fpeak of those easy and delicate fongs which we may repeat without blufhing, and which are the models of tafte. Such is the following; it is a woman who speaks,

"Si j'avois la vivacitè

Qui fait briller Coulange;
Si je poffédois la bautè

Qui fait régner Fontange;
Ou fi j'etois comme Conty,
Des graces le modèle
Tout cela feroit pour Créqui;

Dût il m'etre infidèle ?

Let another fong, cited by our author with the very raptures of eulogium, be alfo examined.

"Who could think, fays he, that in praife of the herb Fern there could have been fuch an agreeable fong as the following.

"Vous n'avez point, verte Fougère, L'eclat des fleurs qui parent le Prin

tems, Mais leur bautè ne dure guère, Vous etes aimable en tout tems.

Vous pretez des fecours charmants Aux plaifirs les plus doux qu'on goûte fur la terre

Vous fervez de lit aux Amants,

Aux Buveurs vous tervez de verre." The first fong is literally thus: "Had I all the vivacity which makes B Coulange

Coulange to fhine; were I poffeffed of all the beauty which makes Fontange reign; were I like Conty the model of the graces, all fhould be for Crequi; ought he to be unfaithful to me?

The other is thus ;

"You have not, green Fern, the luftre of the flowers which adorn the fpring; but their beauty is foon over and you are amiable at all times. You give the moft charming affiftance to the tweeteft pleafures we tafte upon earth, beds to lovers, and glaffes to topers."

And are thefe bagattels to be compared, nay to be preferred to the brilliant, lively and poetical fallies of an Anacreon! had I this, and had I that, all fhould be for my fweetheart, is the burthen of a thousand fongs, fewof which are more contemptible than the above. And the conceit which winds up the fecond is as inferior to the ufual points of wit in Anacreon, as a modern French petit maitre is to an ancient Greek hero.

Let us now, from the many inflances that offer, take one view of our author's ideas of the fublime.

Having cited fome lines from a poem on Grace by Racine the younger, which he fays contain a fine idea of the grandeur of God, he adds; "Il faut avouer &c. It must be confeffed that the fineft verfes in this paffage are those where M. Racine has followed his own genius, and the worst are those where he has copied from the Hebrew, fo different is the turn and fpirit of the two languages. To weigh the univerfe in the hollow of his hand, appears in French a gigantic and ignoble image; because it prefents to our idea a laborious effort to fupport fomething in forming a hollow in the hand. But when any thing fhocks us in an expreflion, we ought to fearch the fource, and there we will furely find it. For the je ne fai quoi is not always a reafon-it requires no trouble to fhew that this verfe is highly faulty; Et les nuages font la poudre de fes pieds."


"For befides that this image is quite difguftful, it is moft falfe. We know now-a-days that water is not duft.”


Addifon, Swift and Atterbury have feparately given their opiniors, that the tranflations of the bible into English, was the great refiner and enricher of our language; the Hebrew idioms, fays Addifon, run fo happily into it. And every one critically fkilled in the beauties of the English tongue will, I believe, readily aflent to their pofition. But this Frenchman afferts that Racine is beneath himself when he adopts from the Hebrew, fo different is it from the fpirit of the French language. If this be to praife the French tongue, let that nation enjoy it. But it is to be hoped that the French criticifin which calls that grand figure which fays the Deity weighs the univerfe in the hollow of his hand, gigantic and low (peu noble) image, will not yet be the tafte of this country. The perfonification is truly fublime, greatly fuperior in poetical merit, to Homer's admired defcription of Jupiter fupporting the univerfe by a golden chain. The Frenchman's reafon that making a hollow in the hand, implies an idea of labour, is cold and frivilous in the extreme; and were it founded in truth, is infinitely more applicable to Homer's Jupiter and his golden chain. The truth is, poetry delights in perfonification, and catches at the moft ftriking appearances. The Deity, fays the Hebrew prophet, weighs the univerfe in the hollow of his hand, and the clouds are the duft of his feet." Duft raised by a croud aptly defcribes fome appearances of the fky, and it is ufual to lay clouds of duft. But to mention duft, it would feem, puts a Frenchman in fear for his fine cloaths, for he calls it a moft difguntful image; and it is falfe too, fays he, for we know now a days, that the clouds are compofed of water and not of duft”- -Rijum teneatis Amici.


ONTRARY to every thing that was expected by the votaries of faflion, her majefty's birth-day this year was the leaft fplendid, and exhibited the leaft feftivity, of any fince her arrival in this kingdom. Indeed it is not much to be wondered at, when it is confidered this illustrious perfonage looks with inattention on every pleafure out of the bofom of

her family. The propriety of this in a crowned head, I fhall leave to the reflection of my readers.

His majefly appeared in a fuit of marone velvet embroidered with gold. This colour was too high for a complexion fo florid as his majefty's, and it was obferved by the circle he never wore a dress fo unbecoming. The queen was dreffed in green fattin trimmed all over with a mott inestimable rich fable and point lace.

* i. e. The clouds are the duft of his feet.


Her majefty feemed in high spirits, and engaged the attention of every one near her in the circle.

The Prince of Wales wore an air-balloon fattin embroidered down the feams with filver. The inftant he made his appearance the feat of majefty was forgot, and all eyes, (particularly the ladies) diretted towards him. His ufual vivacity attended him, particularly in company with the Hebe's and daughters of Venus, who converfed with him.

His highnefs went to St. James's in a new carriage of great beauty The outfede was a very high gold colour, with felloons in party-coloured gold: each corner formed a fluted pillar. The roof was ornamented with a very beautiful crown, and eight plumes in curious carved work. His liveries were as ufual fplendid in the extreme. Indeed it may be faid with truth his liveries are fuperior in point of magnificence to any that have been feen within the memory of man in this kingdom.

We may fay with truth of the Princefs Royal, the was

All that painting could exprefs, Oryouthful poets fancy when they love! The eyes of the male circle were not more captivated by the beauties of her face and perfon, than they were by the elegance of her drefs Her highness's train was a white fattin, figured with blue and gold. The petticoat was entirely covered with a rich embroidered crape, and the ornaments, which were chiefly of gold and foil, were adjusted, with uncommon tafte, into wreaths, fefloons, &c. &c. Her highness's bouquet of natural flowers had a pretty effect, and completed as it were, an artless model of perfection.

The Princefs Augu.ta, from an unfavorable indifpofition, could not be prefent at the drawing-room as was expected; which was much lamented, as her highnefs's beauty and affability have long fince fecured her the affections of all beholders. The Duchefs of Rutland was lovelinefs itself, on this occafion, though it may be faid, without flattery, her grace at no time ftands in need of

-Foreign aid of ornament. Her drefs was magnificent. The body was black velvet, with a pink fattin train and petticoat; the petticoat was covered with a filver embroidered crape, reprefenting grape-vines and bunches of grapes. Acrols the coat was a wreath of gold, and at the bottom a fine execution of black

velvet and gold, en Marlbroug, which fupported a moft coftly gold fringe. Her jewels were estimated at feventy thousand pounds.

The Duchefs of Marlborough was greatly admired for the beauty of her drefs, which was a white and gold figured fattin, fuperbly ornamented in gold and embroidery.

The Duchefs of Chandos drefs was extremely rich and beautiful; her grace's train was a white and gold figured fattin, upon the coat, which was covered with a very fine embroidery, were difperfed wreaths and fefloons of gold, &c. of great value.

Lady Gideon was likewife much dif tinguished for her fuperior neatnefs, at the fame time richness of drefs; her train and petticoat were a fine pale blue fattin, finely ornamented with a filver balloon fringe, wreaths, taffels, bands, &c. Lady Charlotte Bertie was no lefs confpicuous in royal purple, most fuperbly


Lady Ann Lewfon had on a beautiful drefs of embroidery on a white ground, fuppofed to be her ladyfhip's own work. lady in the drawing room. It engaged the attention of almoft every

Lady Georgiana Bulkely was uncommonly graceful and fplendid; her ladyfhip wore a train of blue fattin, very beautiful, and her petticoat, which was white, was trimmed in a very peculiar ftyle of elegance, with blue and gold, and at the bottom was a moft curious border of gold fringe. Her ladyfhip was taken great notice of, and the French Ambaffador was heard to declare fhe was the most elegant woman he had ever beheld.

The younger Mifs Bootle looked diyinely! it has been obferved of this lady, that he was one of the loveliest women that has appeared at St. James's, fince the prefent reign.

Lady Augufta Campbell, never appeared with more charms about her than on that day; and Lady C. Bertie and the Mifs Markhams were likewife diftinguished for their peculiar brilliancy of beauty and attire.

Though Lady Sefton was not altogether as fuperbly dreffed as on the laft birth-day, (this time twelvemonth) yet her admirers were numerous; and it must be added, the poffeffes that enchanting manner when ever the appears in the brilliant allembly, that rifes fuperior to all that art and fashion can beltow.

Of Lady Salisbury, too much cagnet
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be faid, as he is full miftrefs of every nitive beauty; her fuperlative tafte on the prefent occasion was equally confpicuous, and won the admiration of all who had the pleasure of beholding her.

Of the rest of the ladies diftinguished for beauty and drefs, Lady Walfingham, Lady Weymouth, Lady Rodney, Lady Harris, Mrs. Burrell, the honourable the Mil's Thynnes, Lady North and the honourable the Mifs Norths, Lady Palmera fton, Mifs Moore, the Mifs Rodneys and Mrs. Johnston, were the moft admired. There was no fixed fashion refpecting the head dreffes. The ladies wore their hair rather wide, as ufual, lightly finished, with gauze, flowers, and jewels difperfed as the idea of fafhion feemed to fuit the The chignion imagination of the wearer. turned up low upon, the neck, in plaits or plain, looked elegant, natural and beautiful. The head was finished in that neat flyle which fhewed almost every hair difinctly wearing its ornamental powder, a colour in which neither pink nor yellow predominated, but which poffeffed a mixture of each. This is called poudre d'Or


The fashionable mens dreffes were filks lined with furs, and tabinets corded and plain, of various colours. Tabinets were worn by both ladies and gentlemen.

The perfumes which predominated were lavender water and olympian dew; the latter, indeed, was refreshing in the circle near their Majesties.

Purple, blue, and brown filks of diffe-
rent fhades, were moft confpicuous through-
out the whole affembly.

The ball-room (which by the bye
would do well enough for a village affem-
bly) was uncommonly crowded, which is
not to be wondered at, confidering the few
that will fill it. Soon after their Majeflies,
the Prince of Wales and Princess Royal
entered the room, and were feated, the
ball was opened by the Prince of Wales
and Princess Royal; his Highness alfo
danced a minuet with the Duchefs of Rut
land, after which minuets were continued
in the following order:
Lord Graham

Lord Rochford

The gentlemen who danced minuets, the Prince of Wales excepted, walked four minuets with each lady.

After the minuets had concluded the Six couple country dances commenced. only flood up!!! the three first of which were the

Prince of Wales-Princess Royal, Marq. of Graham-Lady A. Campbell, Lord Rochford-Lady Salisbury. The ball finifhed about twelve, after The comwhich their Majeflies retired. pany immediately after began to depart, and the room was cleared pretty early.

Among other ladies who had never be fore danced in the presence of their Majefties, was Mifs Rodney, eldest daughter of Lord Rodney.

The Princefs Royal appeared to feel very fenfibly the abfence of her amiable fitter, as the had none to whom the could communicate her obfervations during the continuance of the dancing.

The beautiful bouquet, worn by the Princefs Royal, was a prefent of the Prin cefs Elizabeth's, which her Highnefs gave in emulation of her fifter the Princefs Royal, who had the fame morning paid a fimilar compliment of attention to her Majelly.

The much admired fable, which the Queen wore, is thought to be the finett ever brought to England, and is faid to be a prefent to her Majefty from the Empress of Ruffia.

We fhould not omit that among the belles that danced Mrs. Johnstone was one of the most confpicuous for beauty and elegance; her drefs was chofen with great tafle, grey embroidered with black velvet, ftones and flowers. Every eye in the af fembly appeared charmed with her figure and manner in walking the minuet.


The Duke of Queensbury exhibits on his vis-a-vis the family creft. It confifts of a heart, to which are attached two wings, and over it is placed a crown. Heraldry

Lady Augufta Campbell,

Lady Charlotte Bertie.
Lady Salisbury,
Lady Delaware.
Minuets were alfo danced by Lord De-
lawar, Mr. Onflow, Mr. Smith, &c.
&c. &c.

Lady Georgiana Bulkeley, Mifs Moore,
Mifs Thynne, Mifs Rodney, Mils Bro-
derick, Mrs. Johnitone, &c. &c.

fay what it pleafes, but finely it is the beft expofition to fay, that the puffant Peer is the King of Hearts-female ones of courfe; and that by the wings, his own appears to be in the flutter of everlasting youth.

The Maids of Honour, to a fingle vir gin, now refufe to traverfe the back-ffairs at St. James's; one and all having declared to her, through their Recorder, Mifs

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