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formed in more hazard of fire than water.

The follies of the learned may as justly be corrected, as the vices of hypocrites; but for the former, ridicule is a sufficient Ridicule is even more

punishment. effectual to this purpose, as well as more agreeable than scurrility, which is generally preferred, notwithstanding, by the learned themselves in their contests, because anger seizes the readiest weapons;

Jamque faces et saxa volant; furor arma ministrat : And where a little extraordinary power has accidentally been lodged in the hands of disputants, they have not scrupled to employ the most cogent methods of convincing their adversaries. Dionysius the younger sent those critics who dis liked his verses, to work in the quarries;* and there was a pleasant tyrant, mentioned by Horace, who obliged his deficient debtors to hear him read his own compositions, amaras historias, by way.

* Plutarch.

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of commutation. I say nothing of the holy faith of pike and gun," nor of the strong cudgel with which Luther terminated a theological dispute, as I desire to avoid religious controversy. But it is impossible, on this subject, to forget the once-celebrated Dempster, the last of the formidable sect of Hoplomachists, who fought every day, at his school in Paris, either with sword or fist, in defence of his doctrines in omni scibili.* The imprisonment of Galileo, and the example of Jordano Bruno, burnt alive for asserting the plurality of worlds,† among other disgraceful instances, shew that laughter is the best crisis of an ardent disputation.

The talents for so delicate an office as that of a literary censor, are too great and numerous to be often assembled in

* Jan. Nic. Erythræ. Pinacothec.

Brucker. His. Critic. Philosoph. tom. v. p. 28, 29. The famous Scioppius published a shocking letter of exultation on this execution.

one person. Rabelais wanted decency, Sterne learning, and Voltaire fidelity. Lucian alone supported the character properly, in those pieces which appear to be justly ascribed to him. As the narrowness of party yet infests philosophy, a writer with his qualifications would still do good service in the cause of truth. For wit and good sense united, as in him they eminently were, can attack nothing successfully which ought not to be demolished.

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The following extract from the Pieces Interessantes et peu connues, p. 196, may serve in place of a whole history.


"Il y a un fait assez curieux, très-sur et peu connu, au sujet du o collier de l'ordre du S. Esprit: la dévotion s'allioit autrefois avec le plus grand débordement des mœurs, et la mode n'en est pas absolument passée.

Le motif public de Henri 11. en instituant l'ordre du Saint-Esprit, fut la defense de la catholicité, par une association de seigneurs qui ambitionneroient d'y


Le vœu secret fut d'en faire hommage à sa sœur Marguerite de Valois, qu'il aimoit plus que fraternellement.

Le S. Esprit est le symbole de l'amour les ornemens du collier etoient les Monogrammes de Marguerite et VOL. II.


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de Henri, séparés alternativement par un autre Monogramme symbolique, composé d'un o phi et d'un d delta joints ensemble; 9, auquel on faisoit signifier fidelta pour fidelta en Italien, et fidelité en François Henri IV. instruit de ce mystere, changea de collier par déliberation au chapitre du 7 Janvier 1597, & remplaça par deux trophées d'armes, le et le Monogramme de Marguerite. J'en ai vu les preuves non suspectes.”

Duclos, who was the collector of these curious anec dotes, is very high authority. But the truth of this fact appears from other proof. In SEGAR'S Honor Militarie & Civil, published in 1602, is a full-length portrait of Henry IV. in the habit of the order, and the mysterious symbols appear most distinctly, not only on the collar, but embroidered, of a very large size, round the robe.

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Eachard's works are now in the hands of few persons. It will be interesting however to his admirers, to mention, that a complete outline of the Grounds and Causes of the Contempt of the Clergy may be found in Burton, in the section entitled, Study a Cause of Melancholy, from p. 81 to 87.

Note III. page 70.

The French translator of Tristram Shandy, who knew nothing of Burton, confesses himself strangely puzzled with the fragment on Whiskers.« Vainement il a voulu eclaircir ce chapitre par des recherches his toriques; le seul fruit de ses de ses peines a eté de trouver que Mlles. Rebours et la Fosseuse sont citées dans plusieurs

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