CI. And thou, my friend! (19) since unavailing woe CII. Oh, known, the earliest, and esteem'd the most! Here is one fytte of Harold's pilgrimage; END OF CANTO I. NOTES TO CANTO I. 1. The little village of Castri stands partly on the site of Delphi. Along the path of the mountain, from Chrysso, are the remains of sepulchres hewn in and from the rock One," said the guide, "of a king who broke his neck hunting.' His Majesty had certainly chosen the fittest spot for such an achievement. 66 2. The convent of "Our Lady of Punishment," Nossa Senora de Pena, on the summit of the rock. Below at some distance, is the Cork Convent, where St. Honorius dug his den, over which is his epitaph. From the hills the sea adds to the beauty of the view. 3. It is a well known fact, that in the year 1809, the assassinations in the streets of Lisbon and its vicinity were not confined by the Portuguese to their countrymen ; but that Englishmen were daily butchered; and so far from redress being obtained, we are requested not to interfere if we perceived any compatriot defending himself against his allies. I was once stopped in the way to the theatre at eight o'clock in the evening, when the streets were not more empty than they generally are at that hour, opposite to an open shop, and in a carriage with a friend; had we not fortunately been armed, I have not the least doubt that we should have adorned a tale instead of telling one. The crime of assassination is not confined to Portugal in Sicily and Malta we are knocked on the head at a handsome average nightly, and not a Sicilian or Maltese is ever punished! 4. The convention of Cintra was signed in the palace of the Marchese Marialva. 5. The extent of Mafra is prodigious; it contains a palace, convent, and most superb church. 6. As I found the Portuguese, so I have characterized them. That they are since improved, at least in courage is evident. 7. Count Julian's daughter, the Helen of Spain, Pelagius preserved his independence in the fastnesses of the Asturias, and the descendants of his followers, after D some centuries, completed their struggle by the conquest of Grenada. 8. "Viva el Rey Fernando!"-Long live King Ferdinand is the chorus of most of the Spanish Patriotic ongs. 9. The red cockade with " Fernando Septimo" in the centre. 10. All who have seen a battery will recollect the pyramidal form in which shot and shells are piled. The Sierra Morena was fortified in every defile through which I passed in my way to Seville. 11. Such were the exploits of the maid of Saragoza. When the author was at Seville, she walked daily on the Prado, decorated with medals and orders, by command of the Junta. 12. Sigilla in mento impressa Amoris digitulo AUL. GEL. 13. These stanzas were written in Castri (Delphos,) at the foot of Parnassus now called Liakura. 14. Seville was the HISPALIS of the Romans. 15. This was written at Thebes, and consequently in the best situation for asking and answering such a question, not as the birth-place of Pindar, but as the capital of Boeotia, where the first riddle was propounded and solved. 16. "Medio de fonte leporum "Surgit amari aliquid quod in ipsis floribus angat." Luc. 17. Alluding to the conduct and death of Solano, the governor of Cadiz. 18. "War to the knife." Palafox's answer to the French General at the siege of Saragoza. 19. The honourable I* W** of the Guards, who died of a fever at Coimbra. I had known him ten years, the better half of his life, and the happiest part of mine. END OF NOTES TO CANTO I. CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE. A ROMAUNT. CANTO 11. I. COME, blue-eyed maid of heaven!--but thou alas! [bestow. (2) That thoughts of thee and thine on polish'd breasts II. Ancient of days! august Athena ! where, Where are thy men of might? thy grand in soul? Gone glimmering through the dream of things that First in the race that led to Glory's gaol [were: They won, and pass'd away-is this the whole? A school-boy's tale, the wonder of an hour! Are sought in vain, and o'er each mouldering tower, Dim with the mist of years, grey flits the shade of power. III. Son of the morning, rise! approach you here! Come-but molest not yon defenceless urn: Look on this spot-a nation's sepulchre ! Abode of Gods, whose shrines no longer burn. Even Gods must yield-religions take their turn: 'Twas Jove's-'tis Mahomet's-and other creeds Will rise with other years, till man shall learn Vainly his incense soars, his victim bleeds; [reeds. Poor child of Doubt and Death, whose hope is built on IV. Bound to the earth, he lifts his eye to heaven- Or burst the vanish'd Hero's lofty mound; Look on its broken arch, its ruin'd wall, The dome of Thought, the palace of the Soul: And Passion's host, that never brook'd control; |