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and all who have studied the subject, expect a great increase in the productivenes of industry from the advance of the co-operative movement.


the model for the great building in Hyde-park, and then of the present Crystal Palace at Sydenham. His design for the erection of a building to be constructed of glass and iron, for the Great Exhibition of 1851, was accepted by the Royal Commissioners, after 233 plans had been rejected. For his public service on this occasion he was knighted. In 1853 he commenced the building of the Crystal Palace, which was completed and opened to the public in June, 1854. In the same year Sir Joseph ON THE WEAR AND TEAR OF STEAM BOILERS.-SIR, off red himself as a representative for Coventry, in place-Anybody who chooses to read my two "6 doubleof his friend Mr. Geach. He was elected without opposition, and retained his seat till a few weeks ago. Shortly after his election he tendered to the Government a practical suggestion to send out a corps of navvies to perform civil work at the siege of Sebastopol, then going forward. The proposal was accepted, and he was entrusted with the organisation of the Army Works Corps-a duty which he discharged with great credit. In politics he was a Liberal, and a consistent supporter of Lord Palmerston's administration. He followed the profession of an archi tect and civil engineer from the time when he constructed the great glass building in Hyde-park; but he did not relinquish his position at Chatsworth. He was happy in the constant esteem of the late Duke of Devonshire, who, some time before his own death, handed to him a lifepolicy for £20,000, upon which he charged himself to pay the premiums for Sir Joseph's benefit. Sir Joseph Paxton was an industrious writer on horticulture, and connected with several literary enterprises. He was a Fellow of the Horticultural Society, 1826; of the Linnæan, 1833; and in 1844 he was made, by the Emperor of Russia, a Knight of the Order of St. Vladimir. The Silver Medal of the Society of Arts was presented to him in 1840, for a communication respecting his invention of a machine for the purpose of making sash bars, the account of which is given at page 87, vol. 53, of the Society's Transactions. He was elected a member in 1850, and was a Vice-President at the time of his death.

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barrelled " letters-each barrel of which seems to be regarded by Mr. Clark as a modern form of the horns of a dilemma-will find convincing proof that Mr. Clark has again been drawing upon his memory for his discoveries, and upon his imagination for his claims. The ostrichlike style of defence that consists in ignoring statement and argument alike, and the lady's reasoning of continued iteration, can be of no avail to my respected neighbour with those who will give themselves the trouble of reading my "double-harrelled" epistles, as they are termed by Mr. Clark. Just, however, as even a Colt's revolver is of no use against the hide of a rhinoceros, so will no "doublebarrelled" epistle-perhaps not even a round robin-be of any effect against Mr. Clark's own tough cuticle. I must confess, however, that this is quite indifferent to myself. Mr. Clark's little weaknesses on the subject of steam boilers are pretty generally known by this time. my thunder-that my explanation of explosions," are perennial cries with the sage of the Adelphi, as of yore with Dennis the actor. Like another great man, he delights in fighting for ideas and for ideas which he may annex, but certainly has never discovered. Mr. Clark's practised and boa-constrictor-like powers of literary deglutition are indeed fully recognised. The publicity, in fact, of the existence of Mr. Clark's little self-delusions on this score forms my protection. This will probably be the case even with that majority of your readers who do not care the value of an old bolt for either Mr. Clark or myself, therefore I must say that, for my own part, I do not so much regret his assertion that I have borrowed ideas from him without acknowledgment as my implied belief in the unscientific and mistaken twaddle which Mr Clark dignifies with the THE CO-OPERATIVE PRINCIPLE IN FRANCE. · The title of explanations of the pitting and furrowing of steam Builder states that the chief instances of application of boilers. In the one sentence by which Mr. Clark attempts principles of co-operation in the building trades are to be to explain pitting, he is seemingly unaware of the existence found in France. Somewhere about twenty-three years of such an action as chemical affinity; and in his "exago, M Leclaire, the house painter, whose experiments planation" of furrowing he has never dreamt of that in connection with painters' work have often been men-action of internal fluid pressure which tends to form a tioned by us, described in a pamphlet the system adopted in his establishment, and gave the reasons that led him to establish it. At present the concern is a partnership, consisting of M. Leclaire himself, M. Defournaux, and the Socié é de Secours Mutuels, of which all persons in the establishment are mem' ers. In the first year the men who worked 300 days made each 300 francs (£12) as the profit, or beyond the wages, which were 4 francs a day. Improvement in the habits and demeanour of the workmen was immediately manifest. M. Chevalier, in 1848, stated, on the authority of M. Leclaire," that the increased zeal of the work people continued to be a full compensation to him, even in a pecuniary sense, for the share of profit which he renounced in their favour;" and in 1857. M. Villiaumé gave similar testimony. The passing of the Limited Liability Act first made similar associations possible in this country. Of successful associations of operatives alone there are in Paris upwards of one hundred. The chief of these associations is that of Its amount of business done from 1852 to


perfect cylinder. As regards pitting, all Mr. Clark's explanation is contained in one single sentence-a sentence, by the way, which he in roduces with the remark "that we are aware that electrical and galvanic action are adduced in explanation"" (of furrowing and pitting). "But these words," continues Mr. Clark, "have two meanings-they mean electricity and galvanism, and they mean igorance and mystery." We see here, as plainly as anything written can be plain, that Mr. Clark expressly repudiates galvanism as accounting for pitting. We now come to that single pregnant sentence which, like a Delphic oracle, contained everything yet in the womb of the future. Instead of "ignorantly " having recourse to galvanism, Mr. Clark says "The pitting of the metal is readily explained by the presence of chemical agents in solution in the water, and the known inequality of substance of iron plates and bars, in consequence of which the metal is gradually but unequally separated and dissolved, and probably a weak galvanic circuit may be established between the iron shell and the brass tubes, 1858, both years inclusive, has increased from 45,530f. accelerating the process of dissolution." Only in that in the former year to 1,231,461f. in the latter, and its portion of the sentence which I have italicised is there profits from 1.000f. to 130,000f. It lately paid 56 per cent. to be found any attempt at explaining the irregular pock as the dividend of the year on the capital. M. Villiaumé marks of pitted plates; the latter portion is, as I have remarks that intemperance greatly decreases amongst the shown, copied from Professor Tyndall, and could, in any members of the different associations, as well as every-case, only account for an equally spread corrosion. What thing of the nature of coarseness and rudeness. Mr. Mill, Mr. Clark says, neither more nor less, is, that some

the masons.

spots of the metal are softer than others-an isolated
physical fact that could not, per se, explain why any softer
or harder spot should be sooner dissolved than any other.
He simply says, that some portions are easier dissolved
In fact,
than others, from being softer than others.
it amounts to no explanation at all. Years ago I have
heard a stoker explain pitting in this way; and Mr.
Clark has simply clothed it in a Johnsonian sentence.
In a similar mode Mr. Clark talks of "the indirectness of
the strain of the steam pressure" at the joints, which is
quite a different explanation from that which ascribes
furrowing to the mechanical tendency to produce a correct
circle, and to the furtherance of corrosion in the absence
of that protecting coating of incrustation which is con
tinually being broken off by the mechanical action.
defy Mr. Clark to show that either of these points,
amongst others, have been even alluded to by himself.
As to the explanations I give of the deterioration of stay-
bolts, the best joke is that they are quite distinct from
that of Mr. Griggs, published five years before its assimi
lation by Mr. Clark. Rightly or wrongly, I import novel
elements into the matter. I can only suppose that Mr.
Clark has not done me the honour to read what I have
written, and that, misled by a strange self delusion of
which he has given previous proofs, he has claimed the
explanations from the mere fact of their dealing with
steam boilers.-I am, &c.,



18, Adam-street, Adelphi, W.C. [This correspondence must end here.-ED.] ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAYS.-SIR,-The atmospheric railway proposed to be laid down along the banks of the

Thames is neither more nor less than the invention of the late Mr. Vallance, the well-known banker at Brighton. Thirty or forty years ago that gentleman laid down an experimental vacuum railway of one quarter of a mile in length, of the full size, and carried passengers up and down for some time very successfully. The only difference in detail between the present plan and the former is, that the exhaustion is intended to be applied at one end only, and pressure for the return trip, a variation that will not ultimately be found to answer, the object in the present plan being evidently to avoid the expense of an exhauster at each end. In practice, however, there is a very great difference between exhaustion and compression. In the former case the action seems to be instantaneous, while in the latter the effect is unaccountably retarded, owing perhaps to the elasticity of the atmosphere combined with the friction in the tube. Under the compressed system it has been found that if the pipe of communication be sufficiently long, the most powerful forge blast will not blow out a lighted rushlight placed at the further end.-1 am, &c., HENRY REVELEY.

[blocks in formation]

Chimnies, preventing downward draft in-1471-E. Myers and J.
Circular saws-1475-W. T. Hamilton.


Coke, ovens for the manufacture of-1435-J. Gjers.
Cotton, hydraulic presses for packing-1280-E. T. Bellhouse and W.
J. Dorning.
Cotton, rollers used in preparing-1439-W. E. Newton.
Drain pipes, apparatus for laying-1396-W. Eddington.
Fire-arms-1433-E. Paton.

Fire-arms, breech-loading-1461-T. Bissell.
Fire-arms, breech loading-1356-R. A. Brooman.
Furnaces-1451-M. Cohen.
Furnaces-1469-P. Young.

Furniture, construction of vans for transporting-1495—F. Hazeldine.
Gas burner-1437-G. Bray.
Пloops, &c., manufacture of-1425-J. Ramsbottom.
Irou, manufacture of-1310-J. Bennett.
Knitting machines-1445-W. Clark.
Lamps-1422-C. E. Moller.

Lathes, rests for ornamental turning-1441-T. H. Hoblyn.
Lime, manufacture of-1467-P. A. le C. de Fontainemoreau.
Locks, keys of -1485-S. Grafton.
Locking screws-1473-F. A. Paget.

Locks-1487-J. Calvert.

Machines, reaping and mowing-1371-W. Manwaring.
Machines, rotative-1447-J. A. Heinrich.
Oils, purifying animal and vegetable-1453-Ş. Sequelin.
Pendants, sliding gas-1381-G. H. Brookes.
Railway trains, communication between passengers and guard of-
1493-I. Rogers.
Sail cloth, printing upon-1006-J. Isherwood.
Screw gills-1419 - T. Beanlaud.

Ships' bottoms, paints applicable to-1489-T. Spencer.
Ships, apparatus for steering -1394-J. Martin.

Ships, machine for loading and discharging cargoes from-1449-G.
Elliott and R. P. Clark.

Spherical form, machinery for turning bodies of a-1459-T. Bourne
Spinning machinery-1483-M. Meisel.


steam boilers, composition for preventing incrustation of—1324—W› Steam boilers, furnaces of-1372-T. Moldes, J. Newsome, and J.


Steam hammers-1491-P. Pilkington.
Telegraphic supports-1390-C. and A. Varley.
Tires, cast-steel railway-1455-J. M. Rowan.
Trimming, manufactare of-720-J. P. Booth.
Tubes, apparatus for cleaning the interior of-1479-J. Hare.
Weaving, looms for-1427-D. Welsh.
Whales, rocket guns for the capture of-550-T. W. Roya and G. A.
Writings, &c., producing copies of-1457-R. A. Brooman.


Gas burner-1494-H. Monier.
Ordnance, fuses for rifled-1552-G. Haseltine.

3082. R. H. Johnson.
3103. C. P. Coles.
3104. S. Hood.
3107. A. F. J. Claudet.
3119. F. A. Chevallier.
3120. G. Brown.

3114. W. E. Gedge.

3121. J. White.

3123. W. Cotton.
3133. W. Brookes.

3137. Z. Eastman.
3147. H. F. McKillop.
3178. H. Edmonds.

3252. L. P. E. Max.
178. J. Snell and W. Renton.

From Commissioners of Patents Journal, June 13th.

3108. J. A. Pols.

3118. R. A. Brooman.

3122. W. McNaught.
3125. M. J. Haines.


3126. J. L. Norton and W. Ains


3134. R. A. Brooman.

3136. H. L. Hall.

3158. G. Leach.

3163. J. P. Llagostera.

3210. T. Whitley.

[blocks in formation]


From Commissioners of Patents Journal, June 9th.


Buttons, manufacture of-1110-T. Greaves and J. S. Wright.
Carpets, manufacture of-1499-W. Edwards.

Casting, apparatus for making cores for-1429-D. Law & J. Bennett.

3213. J. Wolstenholme.

3219. J. Dodge.

3227. W. H. Preece and A. Bed


3250. T. Bouch.

5. J. F. Parker & J. Tanner.

164. R. Mallet.

180. W. Clay.

228. J. Hamilton, jun.

248. B. Dobson.

291. A. Murray.

443. E. B. Wilson.

476. A. Sharp.

538. P. A. le Comte de Fontainemoreau.

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The foregoing statement is published in this week's Journal, in accordance with Sec. 42 of the Society's Bye-laws, which provides that, at the Annual Meeting, the Council shall render to the Society a full account of their proceedings, and of the receipts, payments, and expenditure during the past year; and a copy of such statement shall be published in the Journal of the Society, on the Friday before such General Meeting.


The One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Ge

Proceedings of the Society.


The Fourteenth Annual Conference of the

Representatives of the Institutions in Union, and the Local Educational Boards, with the Council of the Society, was held at the Society's House on Wednesday, the 14th inst, at 12 o'clock, noon. WILLIAM HAWES, Esq., F.G.S., Chairman of the Council, presided.

At the conclusion of the Secretary's Report to the Council, read to the Conference, and published in the last number of this Journal (see

P. 506), the Chairman laid before the Confer tions for 1866, and called attention to the folence the proposed Programme of the Examina

neral Meeting, for the purpose of receiving the Council's Report and the Treasurers' Statement of Receipts, Payments, and Expenditure during the past year, and also for the Election of Offi-lowing subjects proposed for the consideration cers, will be held, in accordance with the ByeLaws, on Wednesday, the 28th of June, at 4


The Council hereby convene a Special Ge-
neral Meeting of the Members of the Society to
ballot for members, such meeting to take place
at the close of the Annual General Meeting.
By order,


Society's House, Adelphi, June 21st, 1865.


The Council have much pleasure in publishing the following letter:

17th June, 1865.

DEAR SIR, -Referring to your letter of the 10th of January last, soliciting the co-operation of the Worshipful Company of Plasterers, London, in offering prizes for Art-Workmanship, I have now the pleasure to inform you that the Plasterers' Company have resolved to offer through the Society of Arts one prize of £10 and a second of £5 for modelling.

I send on the other side the particulars of the subject selected, and also the conditions, subject to which the prizes are offered, and I should feel much obliged if you would kindly make the same known as extensively as possible.

I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,

P. Le Neve Foster, Esq., Secretary to the

Society of Arts, Adelphi.


The Worshipful Company of Plasterers, London, offer (subject to the general conditions of the Society of Arts) a prize of £10 for the best floriated bracket or truss in the Italian Renaissance style-dimensions, 14 inches on the beam, 12 inches on the wall, and 8 inches on the face -to be designed and modelled by the competitor, or the designer and modeller may co-operate in the production,

when £5 will be awarded to each.

Five pounds will be given for the next best model, or £2 108. each to designer and modeller.

Artizans' apprentices and students may compete for these prizes, but not master tradesmen, Masters in Schools of Art, or those training for Masters in the Central School of the Department of Art.

To be delivered at the Society of Arts by the 14th

December, 1865.

of the Conference :-

Institutes, on the plan adopted in the East Lancashire 1. The establishment of organising teachers among the


2. Is any modification of the present scheme of Elemen tary Examinations, by rendering it more adapted to the capacities of class pupils in Mechanics' Institutes, desirable. 3. The advantages of local prizes to successful candidates, at the Society of Arts Examinations, as a stimulus to local competition.

4. Whether any special inducements can be held out to lead soldiers to avail themselves of the Society's Examinations? [See the correspondence with H.R.H. the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Journal p. 493]

5. The propriety of adding to the Society's Examina tions the subject of "Practical Gardening," in accordance with a proposal made to the Council by the Royal Horticultural Society, who have expressed their willingness to offer prizes in this subject.

6. How can Institutions promote the Physical Educa tion of their members?

made to promote the efficiency of Institution Classes?
7. How may Popular Readings and Entertainments be
8. The advantage of Garden Allotments, as a feature
of the Institute, with a view of healthful recreation for
the members.

ticultural Shows, Building Societies, Penny Savings Banks,
9. Should Institutes promote the establishment of Her
and similar movements towards the social amelioration of
the people?

10. The advantages and disadvantages of subscriptions to Institutes being paid by weekly or other small amounts.

The CHAIRMAN said it was now his duty to ask the Conference to enter upon the consideration of the various subjects which had been referred to in the report, and also those which had been suggested for discussion. Before the proceedings went any further he could not help expressing his regret that on account of ill health they were deprived of the presence of Mr. Chester, who had for so many years taken a most active part, and had been of the greatest possible service, in the system of Examinations which was now carried out by the Society. He also regretted that he should be obliged to ask their indulgence in allowing him to leave the chair before the business was concluded. He then called on the Secretary to state the alterations it was proposed to make in

FINAL, FOR 1866.

The SECRETARY stated that, looking at the small number of candidates that in each year had taken Nautical Astronomy, Astronomy, and Agriculture,

it was proposed to omit these subject from the next year's Examinations. As regarded the Elementary Examinations it was proposed, with reference to the Junior Grade, that only one of the special subjects should be compulsory, instead of two as hitherto; and as regards females, that needlework alone should be compulsory. As regards the Senior Grade, the English History would this year include general English History, with special attention to the reign of George III. The Scripture Examinations would be in the facts of St. Matthew's Gospel. Liberty was given for the Boards to hold the Examinations at any time after 3 o'clock, instead of 4 o'clock as hitherto.

The Conference then proceeded to discuss


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Mr. H. COLE, C.B., said he should be happy to second the resolution, for the purpose of discussing the question. The first part of it seemed to imply that the Institutions would rely upon gratuitous help for the greater part of their teaching, but would look to an organising teacher once a fortnight or so for the remainder. The principle of the resolution seemed to be that half a loaf was better than no bread, but that a whole one was better still. He (Mr. Cole) objected to reliance on gratuitous services, and wished to make an announcement as to some alditional assistance which the Department with which he had the honour to be connected was disposed to afford in reference to certain subjects, and of which he hoped Mechanics' Institutions would avail themselves. A Minute of Council had recently been passed which enabled any Mechanics' Institution, or any Evening Class connected with a National or other kind of school, to have a drawingclass-which of course they could have without askMr. LAWTON (Lancashire and Cheshire Union) said ing anybody's leave; but if they liked to establish the system referred to was the employment of two such a class, and employ a certificated teacher in gentlemen devoted entirely to the working of a district what was called the second grade," which was comprising about 12 Institutions. The district was schoolmaster's certificate, or, if they preferred it, a divided between them, and they each visited a separate teacher of the "third grade," they might then get paid school every night in the week, taking charge of the for the work which they accomplished. There were no classes, giving lessons, and taking the general super-conditions as to the number of nights which the class need vision of the school for the evening. In addition to this, the organising teachers in East Lancashire held science meet during the year; it was only a question of examination-similar to that conducted by the Society of Artscertificates, and it was understood that wherever they once in a year. When a class required to be examined, visited for elementary work, science classes were always they would have to work papers, which would be examined conducted by them after the elementary classes were in London; and for every paper worked in the second Gnished, so that the Institutions in the district had the benefit of their assistance both for elementary and for grade, or in that grade of drawing, they might get ten shillings; so that if a clever artizan chose to learn a scientific teaching. The plan was a very expensive one to little geometry, and to do a little free-hand drawing, and work. It was certainly doing great service, but it pressed drawing from a model, and in perspective, his teacher heavily on the Institutions that adopted it, inasmuch as might demand from the department £2, or ten shillings for they had to pay £15 a year for the services of the organising each paper. Further than that, if the Institution thought fit teachers, in addition to the expense incurred in providing to employ a teacher having a third grade certificate, their ordinary teaching power. The system sketched out which was an art-teacher's qualification, and would unite for adoption in the course of next year in the Lancashire with any local school of art, the nearest, or any other and Cheshire Union was a modification of this scheme. which might be preferred, and through the School of Art Instead of engaging gentlemen to devote themselves would send up papers of a higher grade than those perexclusively to the Union both day and night, it was formed in the presence of an examiner, and which would proposed to distribute the Institutions into groups. be judged of without reference to time, and solely with There would perhaps be a group of five; one gentleman would take charge of special subjects at the central reference to quality, then they might obtain fifteen shillings Institution on behalf of the district; the members of for such work as was satisfactory, with the chance of comthe different Institutions would attend the central In-peting for gold, silver, and bronze medals. This matter stitution on the same terms as the members of the was one which touched both the teaching of night central Institution itself; the elementary work would classes and the resolution under discussion. The minute be conducted by the teachers belonging to the several had been laid before Parliament, and there was every reason to believe that it would come into operation during Institutions without a visit of a special teacher; and conthe coming year. sequently, with a much less burden pressing upon them, the Institutions would be able to have elementary teaching, and a special teaching power at the central Institution at a much less cost than they would have to pay for the services of a visiting agent for one night.

Mr. BARNETT BLAKE (Yorkshire Union) said that very great expense was certainly involved by the Institutions, because only a very small number could be served by one teacher. The matter had been brought under discussion when Sir James Kay Shuttleworth was present, and it was then considered most advisable, instead of attempting to do so little at so great a cost, to employ one agent for the whole district comprised within the Union, inasmuch as, though each Institution might not be so much benefited as by the system pursued in East Lancashire, yet the advantage really obtained would be spread over a much larger area. The resolution which he wished to propose on the subject was as follows:

"That when ten or twelve Institutions sufficiently near will join in the employment of a competent teacher, to visit each Institution one evening in a fortnight, the instruction in evening classes may be well carried on with gratuitous aid and that in districts where the Union of a larger number of Institutions is necessary to supply funds to obtain the asgained." stance of an organising master, much advantage may be

Mr. BLAKE said the object of the resolution which he had proposed was to encourage Local Unions to do more in practical teaching than they had hitherto done. Because they could not employ paid teachers it was thought there was no good to be done, whereas the fact was, that a great deal might be done by gratuitous teachers properly directed by an occasional visitor. would be able to testify that, in Lancashire, a great deal of good was done by the services of an occasional visitor.

Mr. Lawton

Mr. LAWTON did not consider it a healthy sign that they were asked to encourage a system of gratuitous teaching.

Mr. BLAKE said what he meant was that when they could only get gratuitous teachers they would do well to have a competent man to look after them--a system which was often adopted.

Mr. LAWTON was quite willing to acknowledge the great benefit derived from voluntary teachers under paid teachers, but it was very necessary to remember that they ought in all their institutions to have paid teachers. He would give one instance from his own neighbourhood, as an illustration of a system which he thought would be found to work well. They had five institutions within a diameter of about two and a-half miles; he would suggest that those institutions should engage their own teachers

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