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You laugh, if coat and breeches strangely vary,
White gloves, and linen worthy Lady Mary!
But when ' no Prelate's Lawn with hair-hirt lin'd,
Is half fo incoherent as my Mind,

When (each opinion with the next at ftrife,


One ebb and flow of Follies all my life)

I plant, root up; I build, and then confound;


Turn round to fquare, and fquare again to round; "You never change one muscle of your face,

You think this Madness but a common cafe,


Nor once to Chanc'ry, nor to Hale apply;

Yet hang your lip, to fee a Seam awry!
Careless how ill I with myself agree,
Kind to my drefs, my figure, not to Me.



Is this my * Guide, Philofopher, and Friend?

This he, who loves me, and who ought to mend Who ought to make me (what he can, or none,) That Man divine whom Wifdom calls her own; 180 Great without Title, without Fortune bless'd; Richev'n when plunder'd, honour'd while op



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Lov'd without youth, and follow'd without pow'r;
At home, tho' exil'd; free, tho' in the Tower;
In short, that reas'ning, high, immortal Thing; 185
Juft less than Jove, and much above a King,
Nay, half in heav'n- except (what's mighty odd)

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IL admirari, prope res eft una, Numici,

Solaque quae poffit facere et fervare beatum. D Hunc folem, et ftellas, & decedentia certis

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VER. 3. dear MURRAY,] This Piece is the most finished of all his imitations, and executed in the high manner the Italian Painters call con amore. By which they mean, the exertion of that principle, which puts the faculties on the stretch, and produces the fupreme degree of excellence. For the Poet had all the warmth of affection for the great Lawyer to whom it is addreffed: and, indeed, no man ever more deserved to have a Poet for bis friend. In the obtaining of which, as neither Vanity, Party, nor Fear, had any fhare; fo he fupported his title to it by all the offices of true Friendship.

VER. 4. Creech] From whofe tranflation of Horace the two firft lines are taken.

Vin. 6. ftars that rife and fall,] The original is,

decedentia certis

Tempora momentis


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OT to admire, is all the Art I know,

To make men happy, and to keep them fo." (Plain Truth, dear MURRAY, needs no flow'rs of fpeech,

So take it in the very words of Creech.)

b This Vault of Air, this congregated Ball, Self-center'd Sun, and Stars that rife and fall, There are, my Friend! whofe philofophic eyes. Look thro', and truft the Ruler with his fkies, To him commit the hour, the day, the year, And view this dreadful All without a fear.

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Admire we then what Earth's low entrails hold,
Arabian fhores, or Indian feas infold;

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All the mad trade of Fools and Slaves for Gold?

which words fimply and literally fignify, the change of seasons. But this change being confidered as an object of admiration, his imitator has judiciously expreffed it in the more fublime figurative terms of

Stars that rife and fall.

by whose courses the seasons are marked and distinguished.

VDR. 8. trust the Ruler with bis Skies. To bim commit the kour,] Our Author, in these imitations, has been all along care ful to correct the loofe morals, and abfurd divinity of his Original.

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