Or, in a mortgage, prove a Lawyer's share; Or, in a jointure, vanish from the heir; Or in pure equity (the cafe not clear) 170 Who cries, "My father's damn'd, and all's my own. h Shades, that to Bacon could retreat afford, Become the portion of a booby Lord; And Hemfley, once proud Buckingham's delight, Let lands and houses have what Lords they will, 175 180 in the concluding part, obliged him to diverfify the fentiment. They are equally noble: but Horace's is expressed with the greater force. EPISTOLA I RIMA dicte mihi, fumma dicende camena, PRIM Spectatum fatis, et donatum jam rude, quaeris, Maecenas, iterum antiquo me includere ludo. C Non eadem eft aetas, non mens. Veianius, armis Herculis ad poftem fixis, latet abditus agro; Ne populum extremă toties exoret arenas Eft mihi purgatam crebro qui perfonet aurem ; Solve fenefcentem mature fanus equum, ne Peccet ad extremum ridendus, et ilia ducat. Nunc itaque et versus, et caetera ludicra pono: VIR. 16. You limp, like Blackmore on a Lord Mayor's borse,} The fame of this heavy Poet, however problematical elsewhere, was univerfally received in the City of London. His verfification is bere exactly described: stiff, and not ftrong; fately and EPISTLE I. To L. BOLINGBROKE. T. JOHN, whose love indulg'd my labours past, Matures my present, and shall bound my last! Why will you break the Sabbath of my days? Now fick alike of Envy and of Praise. Public too long, ah let me hide my Age! See Modeft Cibber now has left the Stage: Our Gen'rals now, ◄ retir'd to their Estates, Hang their old Trophies o'er the Garden gates, In Life's cool Ev'ning fatiate of Applause, Nor fond of bleeding, ev'n in BRUNSWICK's caufe. A voice there is, that whifpers in my ear, II ('Tis Reason's voice, which fometimes one can hear) "Friend Pope! be prudent, let your & Mufe take "breath, "And never gallop Pegafus to death; "Left stiff, and stately, void of fire or force, "You limp, like Blackmore on a Lord Mayor's 66 horfe." Farewell then Verfe and Love, and ev'ry Toy, The Rhymes and Rattles of the Man or Boy; V yet dull, like the fober and low-paced Animal generally employed o mount the Lord Mayor: and therefore here humourously |