Yes, the last Pen for Freedom let me draw, When Truth stands trembling on the edge of Law; Here, Laft of Britons! let your Names be read; 250 Are none, none living? let me praise the Dead, And for that Cause which made your Fathers shine, Fall by the Votes of their degen'rate Line. Fr. Alas! alas! pray end what you began, And write next winter more Essays on Man. VARIATION 5, VIR. 255, in the MS. Quit, quit these themes, and write Effays on Man. 255 VER. ult.] This was the last poem of the kind printed by our author, with a refolution to publish no more; but to enter thus, in the most plain and folemn manner he could, a fort of PROTEST against that infuperable corruption and depravity of manners, which he had been fo unhappy as to live to fee. Could he have hoped to have amended any, he had continued thofe attacks; but bad men were grown so shameless and fo powerful, that Ridicule was become as unfafe as it was inef fectual. The Poem raised him, as he knew it would, fome enemies; but he had reason to be fatisfied with the approbation of good men, and the teftimony of his own confcience, ON Receiving from the Right Hon. the Lady FRANCES SHIRLEY A STANDISH and Two PENS. ES, I beheld th' Athenian Queen YES Defcend in all her fober charms; And take (the faid, and fmil'd ferene) "Take at this hand celeftial arms: "Secure the radiant weapons wield; Aw'd on my bended knees I fell, And dipt them in the fable Well, The fount of Fame or Infamy. The Lady Frances Shirley] A Lady whofe great Merit Mr. Pope took a real pleasure in celebrating. What Well? what Weapon? (Flavia cries) But, Friend, take heed whom you attack; "You'll bring a house (I mean of Peers) "Red, Blue, and Green, nay white and black, "L----- and all about your ears. "You'd write as smooth again on glass, "And run, on ivory, fo glib, "As not to stick at fool or ass, "Nor ftop at Flattery or Fib. "Athenian Queen! and fober charms! "In Dryden's Virgil fee the print. "Come, if you'll be a quiet foul, CA "That dares tell neither Truth nor Lies, "I'll lift you in the harmless roll Of those that fing of these poor eyes." ย BODE II. Of the Characters of Women. III. of the Ufe of Riches. With the CommenNotes of W. Warburton, M. A. In Quarto. OPE's Letters, in two vol. in Folio. ́ ́) PE's Letters, in two vol. in Quarto. OPE's Tranflation of Homer's Odyssee, lumes Quarto. ourth and fifth Volumes of Mr. POPE's Odyffee, in Quarto. Poetical Works of Mr. POPE, the fecond in Folio. a Poemata Italorum qui Latinè fcripferunt. te ALEXANDRO POPE, 2 vol. 12mo. 5. e PRINCIPLES of NATURAL and RECED RELIGION, occafionally opened and ed; in a Course of Sermons preached before onourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn. In Two nes. By the Rev. Mr. Warburton, Preacher to ciety. LIAN; or a Difcourfe concerning the Earthand Fiery Eruption, which defeated that Em's Attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. Second Edition, with Additions. e Alliance between Church and State; or, The |