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CHEROKEE Indians, attempt to
prove them defcended from Me-
hek, 164. Prophecied of by
Ezekiel, ib. Are to fubdue the
Europeans, 165.
CHILDREN improperly inftructed
in the myfteries of religion,
CHINA, the high reverence paid
by the inhabitants of that coun-
try to their litera:i, 175.
CHINESE Language, number of
words in, 174. Deftitute of an
alphabet, ib. Their literature
comprized in arbitrary charac-
ters, ib. Wholly addreffed to
the eye, 175.
CHRIST, Jefus, his character
ftrangely burlefqued with Spa
nish comedy, 294.
His nature
and offices, orthodox account

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of, 313.
CHRISTIANITY, not to be rejected.
on account of the immoralities
of its profeffors, 40.
religion in its highest degree of
perfection and purity, 56.
CHRONOLOGY fcriptural, Mr.Ken-
nedy's, unaftronomical, 434
CHURCHILL, Mr. Charles, cen-
fured for debafing his pen by
party fcurrility, 56. Patheti
cally exhorted to purfue nobler
fubjects, 61.

CLARGES, Sir Thomas, his speech

in the house of commons on the
fpeaker's being a courtier, 127.
On the duke of Buckingham's
juftification of himself before the
house, 131. On the growing
greatness of France, 196. On
a breach of privilege, 260.
CLAYTON, Sir Robert, 334.
CLERGY, Ruffian, their reply to
Peter Ift. in regard to his fon
Alexis, 552. Scandalized at a
propofal from the doctors of the
Sorbonne to unite the Greek and

Latin churches, 551. Attach-
ed to their ancient barbarifm,
COLLETON, Sir Peter, his speech

in the house of commons on the
fovereign's partiality to foreign-
ers, 418.
COLONIES, the cautions to be ob-
ferved in fettling them, 403.
Ought not to be too much fub-
jected to laws againft irreligion,
&c. ib.
COLT, Mr. Dutton, his opinion in
the house of commons on place-
men fitting there, 417.
COMEDY, Spanish, an account of,


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COMMERCE, foreign, of this king-
dom, hints for improving, 373.
COMMONS, Houfe of, jealous of
their fpeaker's being under court
influence, 126.

CONDAMINE, Monf. a philofophi
cal traveller, 215. His account
of the emerald cup at Genoa,
216. Of the leaning tower of
Pifa, ib.
Pifa, ib. Of the Campagna of
Rome, 217. His fyftem of vol-
canoes, &c. 219. His obferva-
tions on the liquefaction of the
blood of St. Januarius, 219. On
the longitude,, 221.
COMMONS, or body of the people,
whence, and on what occafion,
taken into the conflitution of
government, 141. Their re-
prefentatives a balance to the
power of the lords, ib. Right
of voting for originally derived
from property, 142. Defect of
the conftitution in excluding the
trading intereft from the right
invested in freeholders, 143.
CONQUERORS, more deftructive to
mankind than tyrants, 529. Not
efteemed refponsible for those
who fall in battle, ib. Will al-
ways be popular, ib.
CONSTITUTION of Great Britain
traced from its first principles,
140. Defective in not compre-
hending the trading intereft in
the election of the reprefenta-
tives of the people in parlia
ment, 143.


CONTINENTAL Connections de-
claimed against, 360.

Sir William, his
fpeech in the house of commons
on the growing greatness of
France, 195. On a breach of
privilege, 260. On bribery,

-, Sir John, his beha-
viour in parliament on a breach
of privilege, 260.
COURTIERS, in the house of com-
mons, ever obfequious to the
court, 419.

COURTS of Justice, enquiry in the
houfe of commons into abufes
in them, 198. Refolution of the
house for redreffing them, 199.
COZELLE, Countess of, her ftory,

CREATION, the date of, deter-

mined, 437:

CRITICISM, the art of conjectur-

ing, or of selecting from a num-
ber of lies that which bears the
nearest resemblance to truth, 10.
CZARINA, Catherine, an anecdote

of her brother, 548. Is falfly
charged with poifoning prince
Alexis, 553. And of poisoning
her husband, 954.



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DICTIONARIES, biographical, their
alphabetical order condemned,
33. The chronological form re-
commended, 34.

DIVORCE, analyfis of the law of,
72. Effects of, 173.

DoD, Rev. Mr. centured for his
doctrine of fire and brimstone,
and the eternity of hell-tor-
ments, 311.

DOWNING, Sir George, his fervile
Speech in defence of preroga

tive, 259.
DUNCOMBE, Sir John, recom
mends the punishment of abfen-
tees from the houfe of commons,
126. His moderate fentiments
with regard to the duke of Lav-
́derdale's removal, 130.


ANBY, lord treafurer, his EAST-Indies, fome account of,

motive for caufing Mr.
Montagu's papers to be feized,
263. His evil conduct difco-
vered, 265. Pleads the king's
pardon, 332. Refentment of
the commons thereupon, ib.
DAVID, King, his meaning, by
the expreffion, workers of ini-
quity, 268. His Pfalms, No.
109 and 110, translated by Mr.
Green, 269, 272. Meaning of
his, fuppofed, imprecations, a-
gainst his enemies, 271. Criti-
cifms on the comparison of the
dew, in Pfalm 110, &c. On
the words, Thou art my fon,
this day have I begotten thee,
DEBATES, Parliamentary, thofe

473. The four principal
tribes of the Indians, ib. The
Hallachores, 475.
EDUCATION, ftrangely perfonified,
and poetically celebrated, 104-
ELOQUENCE, its influence in par-
liamentary affairs, 124.
ENTHUSIASM, not the most noble
or effential characteristic of poe-
tic genius, 146. Poetical ana-
lyfis of its operation, 309.
ERNLY, Sir John, 331.
ERSKINE, Mr. his humourous let-
ter to Capt. Bofwell, 477.
EVIL Counsellors, debate on the
removal of, 129.

EUDOCIA, first wife of Czar Peter,
her fcandalous intrigue with
Glebo, and Doritheus bishop of
Roftou, 556.



FAITH and Works, felf-exami-

nation concerning, 314.
FALKLAND, Lord, his fpeech for
limitting the regal power, 413.
On the fovereign's attachment to
foreigners, 418.

FANCY, poetical addrefs to, 377-
FAST on the 30th of January, ob-
fervation of, difapproved in the
houfe of commons, 415.
FASTING, its power and efficacy,

FATIMA, a beautiful Turkish lady,
defcribed, 470, feq.
FINCH, Mr. attorney, his fpeech
in the house of commons, on the
non attendance of members,
FIRE-Cater, humourous account
of, 482.
FOREST-Lands, propofals for fell-
ing them, 178, 182.
Fox, Sir Stephen, a difpenfer of
fecret-fervice-money, 332, feq.
Proceeding relating to, in the
houfe of commons, 333. His
remark on the neceffitics of go-
vernment, 417.
FRANCE, debate in the British par-

liament on her growing great-
nels, 195. Police of, 425. Ex-
cellent regulations for prevent-
ing robberies, &c. 426.
FRANKLIN, the printer, his re-
venge on David Mallet, 167.
FREE - Holders and Freemen,
whence their right of electing
reprefentatives in parliament,
142. Neceflity of investing the
trading intereit with the fame
privilege, ib. feq.
FRENCH, treachery of, to the Nat-
chez, 448.

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our of Titus Oats, 332. On
king James's abdication, and for
limitting the power of his fuc-
ceffor, 41, 414.
GENOA, the famous emerald cup

fhewn there, an impofition, 216.
GEORGE II. King of Great Bri-

tain his character, 362. Princi-
pal events of his reign, 363.
GOD, milreprefented as a dreadful
and vengeful Being, 311.
GooD-Nature, with refpect to re-
ligion, confilered, 42.
GOVERNMENT, naturally tends to
defpotifm, 210

GRANVILLE, Col. his motion for
a temporary tax on place - men,



AMPDEN, junr. his speech in
the house of commons, on
king James's abdication, 415.
HARBORD, Mr. William, his re-
flections in the house of com.
mons, against the speaker, 128.
Employed in the enquiry con-
cerning Montagu's papers, 264.
O bribery, 266. Gn king
James's abdication, 415.
HARCOURT, Sir Philip, his warm
remark in the houfe of com-
mons on a breach of privilege,


HARLEY, Mr. his fpeech for a
f equent renewal of parliaments,


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drefs of the commons, 337.
debates in parliament on his ab-
dication, 411.

JENKINS, Sir Leoline, his flavish
and abfurd fpeech in the house
of commons, on the bill for ex-
cluding the duke of York, 335.
JEWS Harp, verfes adapted to,

JESUITS, hardly dealt by in France,


Their skill in cafuistry,
540. Hold dangerous tenets,
ib. et feq.

for toleration in religion, 542.
Inftances of abominable doctrine
held by them, 546.
IMPRESSING of feamen, debate on,

in the houfe of commons, 132.
The practice of, flavish and in-

human, 133.
INDUSTRY, Improvements of, in

in this country, ought to be fol-
lowed by improvements in the

conftitution of the government, i


INSULTS, perfonal, by whom .
be revenged, 13.

INVASIONS, policy of carrying
them on with humanity, 24
A French commander praised ca
this account, ib.
INVOCATION, to the gboto
Trenmor, an admirable paffage
in Temora, 279. Of Herver,
from the Runic, 283.
JOKES, how commonly spoiled by
dull ftory-tellers, 325.
JONES, Mr. his poem on the birth
of a prince of the Wales, zo.
--—, Mr. Hugh, his Welsh poz
on the fame occafion, 18.

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LAWRENCE, Mr. his verses on the
birth of the prince of Wales, zo.
LAWS of England, their rude and
imperfect flate in the early peri-
ods of our hiftory, 62. Whether
the obfolete ftatutes ought to be
annihilated, 63. Inconvenience
of the multiplicity of penal laws,
ib. and 65. The indifcriminate
feverity of our statute laws com.
plained of, 64. Laws against
irreligion, &c. deftructive to co-
lonies, 403. How far pernici
ous to fociety in general, ib.
LEE, Sir Thomas, his fpeech in
the house of commons, on the
non attendance of members,
125. On bribery and corrup.
tion, 134.
His remark on the


ftate of the navy, 189.
motion on fome diforderly pro-

[blocks in formation]

LONGITUDE, new method of find-
ing, 406.

Love, the efience of true religion;
and Hatred the practice of reli
gious parties, 44.
LoWTHER, Sir John, his fpeech on
the feizure of Montagu's papers,
264. On place-men in parlia
ment, 417. On the mal-admini
ftration of public affairs, 421.
Lucy, Sir Kingfmill, his fpeech on
an addrefs for removing the duke
of Lauderdale, 192.

LUNATION, Mean, exact length
of, 435.

LYTTLETON, Hon. Mr. his verfes
on the birth of the prince of
Wales, 20.

ceedings at a grand committee, MAD

192. His motion relating to
polygamy, 195. Remark, on a
breach of privilege, 260. On

the abdication of James II. 415.
LE ROY, Monf. his Ruins of A-
thens compared with Mr. Stu.
art's Antiquit es of that famous
city, 306. The blunders of the
French artist, 307.
LIBERTIES of the people, in most
danger in times of the greatest
fecurity, 210.

LIBERTY illuftrated and defended,
115. Of the Prefs afferted, 117,
and vindicated, in oppofition to
an Oxford Writer, 18.

Goddef of, her wor-
fhip among the Romans, 510.
Cap of, manner of giv-
it to Roman flaves 513.
LICENSE, of plays, a fatal ftroke
to the Liberty of the Preis, 363.
Actual ill confequence thereof,
LITERARY Reputation, the right
of attacking it. 503
LITTLETON, Sir horas, his
speech in the houfe of commons,
relating to tae fpeaker's being a
courtier, 126. Speaks in the


AD-Houfes, abuses in the
management of, 242.
MAGISTRATE, civil, how far his
power extends over confcience,
507. In what cafe not to be
obeyed, 508.

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MALLET, Mr. moves for a bill for
making polygamy felony, 194
His remark in a debate on the
growing greatness of France,
197. On a breach of privilege,


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MANUFACTURES of this king
dom, prefent difadvantages of,

371. Hints for improving, ib
MARROW - Bones and Clevers,
verfes humourily adapted to, 480.
MARVEL, Andrew, the laft mem-
ber of parliament who received
a ftipend from his conftituents,


MASKELYNE, Mr, his method for
finding the longitude, 406.
MASORETIC Hebrew text uncor
rupted, 441.

MAYNARD, ferjeant, his fpeech
on the abdication of James II.


MEDICINE, its profeffors ill-ufed
by officious managers in public
hofpitals, 247.
Qq z


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