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not fair to take for granted, before it legally appears whether he is really the Author or not) and treats Lord Temple with great freedom, for his patronage of that Gentleman; whom, fneeringly and meanly, he terms his Lordship's darling, his minion, &c. There are, notwithstanding, many pertinent obfervations in the pamphlet; although the Writer's zeal feems to have carried him too far:-he goes through with it, • Comand vindicates every thing. Nothing like a ftaunch Advocate ! mend me to a man,' faid a late famous Dutchefs, that will earn his money!'

Art. 21. A Letter to the Right Hon. Earl Temple; upon the probable Motives and Confequences of his Lordship's Conduct with reNicoll. gard to Mr. Wilkes, 4to. rs.

A lighted torch, held up to finge the beards of the noble Lord, and the celebrated Commoner, his friend. The face of the latter efpecially, is fcorched by it, black as the fable-vefted night.'


Art. 22. Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Tfonnonthouan, a King of the Indian Nation called Roundheads. Extracted from original Papers and Archives. 12mo. 2 vols. 5s. Knox. Thefe Memoirs are not fo totally deftitute of humour, as fome may think them to be of decency and probability: indeed, we imagine the generality of Readers know too little of the Indian manners and cuftoms, to enter into the fpirit and defign of our Author. Charlevoix himfelf may pass very well as a Romance-writer for years to come; but then he profefes to write matter of fact, and therefore is well received: whereas a profeffed novel, or humourous romance, like that before us, fhould be founded at leaft on known circumftances, and familiar truths. Withou. this, there is no entering into the humour of the chara&ters, or the spirit of the piece. Thus our Author might almost as well have laid his fcene among the wandering Arabs, and the itraggling hords of Tartary, whofe oddities we certainly thould have entered into, and been highly diverted by the exertion of a fine ftrain of ridicule on fuch capital objects! It would, doubtlefs, be extremely abfurd and ridiculous in an European, to adopt the Indian manitou, and make a deity of a bear's paw, a bull's pizzle, a buffaloe's hide, a brandy bottle, or a red rag; but this circumftance in an untutored Indian, ought rather to excite fenfations of pity and compaffion, than thofe of ridicule and laughOur Novellift is alfo frequently as grofs and indelicate in his fature, as he is mistaken in the objects of it; making no fcruple of bawdry, and bordering fometimes fo nearly on blafphemy, that we can very readily believe what he advances in his preface to be true, viz. that his Bookfeller never read a sentence of his book.


But, even fetting thefe exceptionable points afide, it does not appear to us, that the Author is himself fufficiently verfed in the manners, cuftoms, and circumftances of the people and fcenes, he affects to defcribe. His defcription of the battle between Tfonnonthouan and the bear, with the humours of Diggory Bunce, their fecond, is doubtless very high:



but he is a little unlucky in telling us, that this horrid creature was very near tearing the fair Safterat to pieces, and that he opened a pair of terrible jaws to devour her deliverer, which he would have effected had not his antagonist crammel a brandy-bottle down his throat; the best and latest Travellers from that part of the world affuring us, that the bears they met with, were none of them carnivorous animals. On the contrary, we are told, that, tho' when attacked, or infulted, these creatures will give rather a clofer hug than is agrecable to delicate conflitutions, they never fet their teeth into human fleth living or dead.

We could mention other inttances wherein the Author breaks through the rules of the fpecies of writing he attempts, as well as thofe of decency and decorum; but we are apprehenfive our Readers would not thank us for enlarging on fuch an article.


Art. 23. A Review of the Proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Lincoln upon Mr. Glover, a Lieutenant Colonel of the Militia; who was tried for behaving in a Manner unbecom ing an Officer and a Gentleman; and who was fentenced to be publicly reprimanded. His Grace George Duke of Mancheter Prefident. Wherein many interesting Particulars relative ti Trial are laid before the Public, and the Behaviour of Cal Welby, and other Militia Officers, confidered. Being a to the Remarks on two Courts Martial.


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The publication of the Proceedings and Remarks we of by us at the time of their appearance; though the fur co feem to require the merits of it to be canvaffed beyond de of the court wherein it was cognizable. By this new E. lefs, find, that the court-martial had a fubject of r 1 fore them; the Profecutor being an Officer of the repr Defendant, and the court, Officers of the mi

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Review, vol. XXV : *

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of Gentlemen, but which has not yet obtained in the militia to equal nicety; it appears that by his behaviour before, at, and after, trial, the Defendant fully juftifies the lenient opinion and decifion of the


Art. 24. A concife Account of the Rife, Progress, and prefent State of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, inftituted at London, anno 1754. Compiled from the original Papers of the first Promoters of the Plan; and from other authentic Records. By a Member of the faid Society. 8vo. is. 6d. Hooper.

"The chief defign of this little piece, fays the Author, is to rescue from oblivion the laudable zeal of those noble and worthy perfonages who firft carried into execution the plan for establishing a fociety for the encouragement of arts," &c. The fociety is doubtless very much obliged to this Gentleman for his kind intention to perpetuate the memory of its Founders; but we fear they have only his intention to thank him for; as it does not appear that he has taken due care to insure his own performance from oblivion. So that it is apprehended the fame of those worthy Patriots who first fet on foot this very laudable association, must take its chance, and truft to other means for being duly transmitted to pofterity.. -Some account of this flourishing fociety, may be found in the twenty-third volume of our Review, page 431.

Art. 25. Collateral Bee-boxes; or a new, eafy, and advantageous Method of managing Bees. In which Part of the Honey is taken away, in an easy and pleasant Manner, without deftroying, or much diflurbing, the Bees; early fwarms, if desired, are encou raged, and late ones prevented. By Stephen White, M. A. Rector of Holton in Suffolk. The fecond Edition. 8vo. Is. 6d. Davis and Reymers.

Though the former edition of this judicious benevolent tract, was just mentioned in the Review, yet on the occafion of its fecond publication, we were strongly tempted to recommend once more to the Raisers of honey, a method of ordering their bees, which the motives of eafe, profit, and humanity, join to perfuade thofe to try, who are capable of feeing beyond the prejudices of vulgar cuflom. It is not the fcheme of a vifionary Projector, difficult to execute, and pregnant with difappointment; but a method to which any poor cottager poffeffed of a fingle fwarm, may have recourfe, and which will render the management of them a humane fource of entertainment, at the fame time that it will increase his flock to the full extent of reasonable expectation. Mr. White has clearly fhewn, that it is not only unneceffary, but an act of cruchy and ingratitude, to burn a colony of innocent industrious fervants, who, as they have laboured one fummer for the benefit of their mafters, are, with no increase of trouble in management, or what is ufually understood by driving them, able and willing to continue their induftrious and wonderful employment, in return for the grant of their lives, the enfuing feafon. We fay no more on a fubject which fo copî

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eufly speaks for itself; but, again, earneftly recommend this fcheme to the notice of thofe Readers for whom it was intended; and who, by following the worthy Author's directions, will not fail to reap the just reward of rational benevolence.

Art. 26. The Schemer, or Univerfal Satirift. By that great Philofopher Helter Van Scelter. 12mo. 3s. bound. Wilkie.

A collection of the truly comic papers, published under the above title, in the London Chronicle, and fufficiently known to the public. The ingenious Author has, in this edition, added fome whimfical


Art. 27. A General Hiftory of Sieges and Battles, by Sea and Land, particularly fuch as relate to Great Britain. Including the Lives of the most celebrated Admirals, Generals, Captains, &c. Embellished with a great number of Copper-plates. 12mo. 10 vols. 15s. fewed. Johnfon, Curtis, &c.

Well enough to amuse young Readers, before they have acquired a tafle for more valuable compilations.

Art. 28. An impartial Hiftory of the late War. in boards. Johnson, &c.

12mo. 3s. 6d.

A proper companion for the work above-mentioned; but we do not warmly recommend it, for fear the cuts fhould frighten the children.

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Art. 29. A compleat Hiftory of the Origin and Progrefs of the late War, from its Commencement to the Ratifications of Peace, 1763. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. bound. Nicoll.

Somewhat better than the preceding History; but it seems to be a fatality attending every Hiftory of the current Times, that they are ftuffed with details of fuch occurrences as are below the dignity and character of historical compofition.-But what does the Author mean by thus modefly entitling his work a compleat Hiftory? Were it true that he had, with fingular felicity, wrought up this performance to the fummit of perfection, he might, nevertheless, have left the difcovery of fuch fuper-excellence to his Readers: who would have been as likely to find it out, as they are to credit his affuming pretenfions.-We never knew one of the compleat productions that was not, to lay the lea: much defective as thofe which have been lefs arrogantly introumE.. IL public notice.

Art. 30. Proceedings of a Court-Martial held at Form 1 Ifland of Martinico, in April, 1762, upon the Tumiah. Commandant Colin Campbell. 8vo. IS.

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Major Campbell, of the 100th regiment, hoo. t 2'7 with the murder of Capt. M'Kraag, of the rater "HILOT

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