Not equal, as their sex not equal seemed ; For contemplation he and valour formed, For softness she and sweet attractive grace ; He for God only, she for God in him. His fair large front and eye sublime declared Absolute rule ; and hyacinthine locks Round... Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books - Page 66by John Milton - 1903 - 372 pagesFull view - About this book
 | George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates - English periodicals - 1873 - 586 pages
...consequence is, that the only two characters in the poem which awaken our sympathies are Lucifer and Eve: " Not equal, as their sex not equal, seemed; For contemplation...large front and eye sublime declared Absolute rule." The line we have italicised carries what Mill called " the subjugation of women " to a point beyond... | |
 | John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages their fex not equal feemM: For contemplation he, and valor form'd ; For foftnefs she, and fweet attractive grace; He, for God only ; she, for God in him. His fair large front, and eye fublime , declar'd AWolute rule ; and hyacintliin locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Cluftring,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 430 pages
...their fex not equal feem'd; For contemplation he and valor form'd, For foftnefs me and fweet attraftive grace, He for God only, She for God in him : His fair large front and eye fublime declar'd 300 Abfolute rule j and hyacinthin locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung... | |
 | John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 610 pages; though both Not equal, as their sex not equal seem'd; 296 For contemplation he and valour fonn'd; For softness she and sweet attractive grace; He for...God in him : His fair large front and eye sublime, declar'd3OO Absolute rule: and hyacinthine locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Clust'ring,... | |
 | Tibullus - 1798 - 406 pages
...j For comtemplation he , and valour farm'd , For softness she, and sweet attractive grace j He for god only, she for God in him. His fair large front: and rye sublime declar'd Absolute rule j and hyacinthin locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung... | |
 | John Milton - 1801 - 396 pages; though both 295 Not equal, as their ser not equal seem'd; For contemplation he and valour form'd, For softness she and sweet attractive grace, He for...God in him : His fair large front and eye sublime declar'd 300 Absolute rule; and hyacinthine locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Clust'ring,... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1802 - 600 pages
...severe and pure; Severe, but in true filial freedom plac'd : For contemplation he and valour form'd, For softness she and sweet attractive grace; He for...God in him. His fair large front, and eye sublime, declar'd Absolute rule; and hyacinthin locks Round from bis parted forelock manly hung VOL. XI. 6 Clust'ring,... | |
 | Charles Fothergill (of Salisbury.) - 1803 - 342 pages
...pure, " (Severe, but in true filial freedom plac'd) •' Whence true authority in men; though both " Not equal, as their sex not equal seemed; " For contemplation he, and valor formed, *' For softness she, and sweet attractive grace, " He for God only, she for God in him:... | |
 | Books - 1804 - 574 pages
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 | Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1808 - 382 pages
...severe and pure ; Severe, but in true filial freedom plac'd : For contemplation he and valour form'd, For softness she and sweet attractive grace ; He for...God in him. His fair large front, and eye sublime declar'd Absolute rule; and hyacinthin locks Round fiom his parted forelock manVy Clust'ring, but not... | |
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