Goshen, the district on the borders of Egypt where the Israelites dwelt. gride, cut, vi. 329. grunsel, the threshold, i. 460. gust, taste, implying pleasure in the act, x. 565. Hamath, in N. Syria. Haran, Lat. Carre, in Mesopotamia. harpy, a winged monster in Greek mythology, personification of the storm-wind. Hellespont, the Dardanelles. Hermes, messenger of Zeus, god of good-luck. He carried a caduceus or rod. In iii. 603, the word is used for 'mercury.' Hermione. See Cadmus. Hermon, in Anti-Lebanon, the highest mountain in Syria. Hesebon, or Heshbon, capital city of the Amorites. Hesperian gardens, the mythical gardens of the West, where golden apples grew. Hesperian, Western, often= Italian. Hesperus, the evening star. hierarchy, a sacred principality or holy government, v. 591. Hinnom, a ravine S. of Mount Zion. Hispahan, Ispahan, capital of Persia. Horonaim, a town in Moab. horrent, bristling, ii. 513. horrid, bristling, ii. 710. hull, toss like an empty hulk, xi. 840. hyacinthine, dark and curly like the Greek hyacinth, iv. 301. Hydaspes, the Jhelum, a tributary of the Indus. Hydra, a marsh-monster with nine heads, slain by Hercules. hydrus, water-snake, x. 525. hymenaan, marrying song, iv. 711. Hymen, the presiding deity of marriage. Ida, a mountain in Crete. One legend places the birthplace of Zeus on Mount Ida. There were other mountains of this name, the most famous of which is this next. Ida, near Troy, the scene of the Judgement of Paris, to whom three goddesses presented themselves, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, the fairest to receive as a prize a golden apple. Ilium, Troy. Illyria, the E. seaboard of the Adriatic; Dalmatia, with parts of Croatia, Bosnia, and Albania. Imaus, Himalaya. impaled, hedged, ii. 647. impediment, baggage, vi. 548. implicit, entangled, vii. 323 imp, offspring, ix. 89. impress, a device on a shield, ix. 35. incentive, kindling, vi. 519. indulgence, remission of penalty for sins, granted by the Pope: these were sold. iii. 492. instinct, a flame, ii. 937. interrupt, interposed, iii. 84. Iris, the rainbow (Greek). Isis, an Egyptian deity, wife of Osiris. as Janus, the Roman 'deity of the beginnings,' represented with two heads (sometimes with four). Japhet, used by M. though it were the same word as Iapetus, father of Prometheus. Prometheus stole fire from heaven, and gave it to men; the gods in revenge made Pandora (which see). Javan, son of Japhet, identified with Ion, the mythic ancestor of the Ionians. Josiah, a good king of Judah who purified the valley of Hinnom. Jove, Jupiter, chief of the Roman gods, as Zeus of the Greeks; born, according to one legend, on Mount Dicte in Crete. He deposed his father Kronos. jousted, took part in a tournament, i. 583. Juno, wife of Jupiter, censed against Æneas. Jupiter. See Jove. in Laertes, father of Ulysses. landskip, landscape, ii. 491. Lavinia, daughter of Latinus, King of Latium, betrothed to Turnus, but wedded by Æneas. Ægean Sea, fabled to be the home of Hephaistos (Vulcan). Leo, Lion, a sign of the Zodiac. Lethe, forgetfulness. levant, from the E. or sunrising, x. 704. Leviathan, a word used in the Bible sometimes of the whale, sometimes of the crocodile; but there are mythical legends about the creature, i. 201. levy, raise, ii. 905. Leucothea, a marine goddess of the Greeks, identified by the Romans with the moon-goddess. libbard, leopard, vii. 467. Libecchio, a wind from the S.-W. Libra, the scales, one of the signs of the Zodiac. Lichas, who brought Her cules the poisoned robe which killed him, was thrown into the sea by Hercules in his frenzy. limbec, alembic, a vessel used in the laboratory. limbo, border, the regions bordering on hell and heaven. There were the Limbo of the Fathers or Patriarchs, of unbaptized Infants, and of Fools. limitary, sentinel of the boundaries, iv. 971. lore, lesson, ii. 815. Lucifer, the light-bringer, name of the morning star, also used of Satan, Mæonides, Homer. Lemnos, an island in the N. Maotis, Sea of Azof. Magellan's Straits, off S. America. Mahanaim, E. of Jordan, where Jacob, after parting with Laban, saw heavenly hosts encamped. Maia, mother of Hermes, the messenger of Zeus. Raphael is compared to Hermes because sent as a messenger from Jehovah. Malabar, the S.-W. coast of India. Mammon, a personification of filthy lucre. manure, attend to, iv. 628. marasmus, consumption, xi. 487. marle, earth, i. 296. mask or masque, a dramatical fantasia, with songs and dances, iv. 768. maugre, in spite of, iii. 255. Memphian, of Memphis, a famous city of Egypt. Michael, who is like God?' an Archangel. middle (air), i.e. between earth and heaven, i. 516. middle (shore), of the Medi terranean, v. 339. minim, minute thing, vii. 482. missive, projectile (adj.), vi. 519. Mogul, a dynasty of Moslem Emperors, reigning at Agra_first, then Lahore, then Delhi. mole, mass, x. 300. Moloch, an Ammonite firegod, to whom human sacrifice was done, and other hideous rites. Mombasa, Mombasa, near Zanzibar. Montalban, a town in the S. of France. meath, to press so as to Montezuma, emperor of make mead, v. 344. Medusa, a Gorgon whose face turned into stone all that looked upon it. Perseus slew her and cut off her head; from the blood-drops, as they fell, sprang serpents. Megara, a name of one of the Furies, who were described as having snakes entwined in their hair. Melibrea, in Thessaly, famous for its purple dye. Melinda, a haven Zanzibar. Memnonian: Susa was founded by the father of Memnon, who built its fortress. near Mexico, subdued by Marocco, in N. Africa. nathless, nevertheless, i. 299. Nebo, the mountain from which Moses surveyed the Promised Land. nectar, the mythical drink of the gods, iv. 240. Negus, title of the King of Abyssinia. Neptune, Roman God of the sea, incensed against Ulysses, as described in the Odyssey. Ob, a river of Siberia. obdured, hardened, ii. 568. obsequious, obedient, vi. 1o. obvious, in the way, vi. 69. Echalia, probably in Thessaly, whence Hercules was returning when he received the poisoned robe. Eta, a mountain in S. Thessaly, which Hercules, finding himself doomed to die, ascended, and burnt himself on a pyre. officious, subservient, viii. 99. Olympian: at Olympia in Elis were held the most famous athletic contests of Greece. Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great. Olympus, a mountain in Thessaly, where the Greeks supposed their gods to dwell. emnific, all-creating, vii. 217. Ophir, the land whence Soloinon got his gold. Ophiusa, an island full of serpents. opposition, an astrological term, used when the earth lies between two bodies and in one straight line with them, ii. 803. opprobrious, infamous, i. 403. Ops, wife of Saturn. optic glass, telescope, i. 288. orc, a sea-monster, xi. 835. Orcus, a Latin name of the king of the infernal regions. Oread, mountain nymph. Oreb or Horeb, which properly means a 'dry place,' was later used of the Sinaitic region. orient, bright, like the sunrise, xi. 205. Orion, a constellation figured as an armed man, which was supposed to bring storms. Ormus, Hormuz, a rich city on the Persian Gulf. Orontes, a river to the N. of Syria. Orphean: Orpheus was a mythical musician, who played so beautifully that beasts and trees and rocks listened and followed him. Orus, Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. Osiris, an Egyptian deity and culture-hero, husband of Isis. ounce, a kind of leopard, iv. 344. Oxus, a river in Asia. Pales, a Roman deity of flocks and shepherds. pampered, leafy (Lat. pampinus, 'vine'), v. 214. Pandemonium, the place of All-Devils. A word coined on the analogy of Pantheon. Pandora, a woman made by the gods to do mischief to men. The word means that she possest 'all their gifts.' Paneas, now Banias, a town under Hermon at one of the springs of Jordan, believed by many to be the ancient Dan. panim, pagan (or infidel). Pan, the rural god, a kind of personification of nature. The word av means 'everything,' and M. plays on this word in iv. 266, though there is no real connection between the two. Paquin, Pekin (really the same as Cambaluc.) paragon (vb.), to compare, x. 426. paramount, chief, ii. 508. pardon, dispensation or indulgence, iii. 492. peal, fill with noise, ii. 920. Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology; in later times associated with the Muses, because with his hoof he struck, and forth came the inspiring fount called Hippocrene. Pelorus, the N.-E. promontory of Sicily. a the Peor, i.e. Baal - peor, licentious deity. person, character, x. 156. Petsora, Petchora on Arctic ocean. Pharphar, a river flowing near Damascus. Phlegeton (Phlegethon), river of fire, one of the rivers of the infernal regions in Greek mythology. Phlegra, the battle-field of the gods and giants in Greek mythology. Phineus, a blind soothsayer of old Greece. phenix, a fabulous bird, supposed to live a thousand years, and then to burn itself, on which another would rise from the ashes. platane, plane-tree, iv. 478. poise, weigh down, ii. 9a5. Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees, wedded by Vertumnus. ponent, from the W. or sunsetting, x. 704. pontifical, bridge-making, x. 313. Pontus, the Black Sea; also a district in Asia Minor southward of the same. port, gate, iv. 778. pretended, stretcht as a screen, x. 872. prevenient, anticipating, xi. prevention, anticipation (of a coming blow), vi. 320. prick, ride or spur, ii. 536. procinct (in), girt (Lat. in procinctu), vi. 19. proem, prelude, ix. 549. |