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The fuccefs that has attended his endeavours muft remain with an impartial public to decide; but he can with truth affirm, that his great aim has been to join the ufeful with the agreeable, to excite in the bofom of his readers a fympathy for their fpecies, and to invite them to the practice of


Under this conviction of the purity of his own motives, he ventures to deprecate the cenfure of those who may think the means he has taken inadequate to the end propofed; mankind having long fince conceded, that to have meant well is at leaf to merit fuccefs, although a deficiency of talent, or an erroneous judgment, may difable us from obtaining it; and this appears to have been the opinion of the celebrated ADDISON when in his fine play of CATO he makes PORTIUS fay:

"" is not in mortals to command fuccefs,

"But we'll do more, Sempronius, we'll deferve it."

As to typographical execution, it cannot fuffer by a comparison with any publications of the prefent day, being printed on an entire new type, caft exprefsly for the purpose by that ingenious artist MR. CASLON; and its price muft certainly be allowed to render it the cheapest collection of the kind.

Upon the whole, therefore, he indulges the hope, that it will be found an inftructive and entertaining POCKET COMPANION, equally acceptable to the traveller, and the focial circle affembled round the friendly fire-fide; and alfo, that it may not be thought an unwelcome recreation to juvenile minds, in as much, as while it unbends them from more fevere fiudies, it will form their flyle, and give them a correct idea of thofe beauties which fo eminently adorn our ENGLISH POETS.

The Editor.

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Collins, 109, 125, 129, 133, 152, 174, Ogilvie, 170

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Crabbe, 114, 138

Parnell, 97

Phædrus, 69

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[blocks in formation]

Cunningham, 43, 51, 52, 53, 104, Prior, 198

Robertson, 60

Rogers, 195, 199, 203

Scott, 182

Garrick, 106, 112

Gay, 107

Shakspeare, 15, 18, 28, 102, 158
Shenftone, 86. 88, 90, 91

Gerrald, 197

Smart, 63, 75, 76

Goldfmith, Dr. 45, 59, 60, 64, 83, Smollett, Dr. 28, 48, 58

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ABSENCE, a Paftoral

Adam's Morning Hymn

Adverfity, an Ode

Alexander's Feaft, an Ode

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Colicy Cibber





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