Thus to relieve the wretched was his pride, He watch'd and wept, he pray'd and felt for all. Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the ftorm, SOURCES OF LIFE AND DEATH. AN EPIGRAM. THE vital vigor of the human frame, Melts down in death, in women and in wine; Of life and death the fources are the fame, BEAUTY. THE BEAUTY which the gods beflow, The flaunting fun, whofe western beams, But when thy BEAUTY fets, my fair, See too, my love, the virgin rose, Be bleft and blefs, and kind impart To pleasure then, my charmer, hafie, INDEPENDENCE. THY fpirit, INDEPENDENCE, let me share, clime. What time the iron-hearted Gaul With frantic fuperftition for his guide, In heaven's name urg'd the infernal blow; From altars ftain'd with human gore; Lulled by the hoarfe-refounding main; Impell'd by deftiny, his name DISDAIN. Of ample front the portly chief appear'd: The hunted bear fupply'd a fhaggy veft; The drifted fnow hung on his yellow beard; And his broad fhoulders brav'd the furious blaft. He ftopt:-He gaz'd;-his bofom glow'd, And deeply felt the impreffion of her charms: He feiz'd the advantage fate allow'd: And ftraight comprefs'd her in his vigorous arms. The curlew fcream'd, the tritons blew And INDEPENDENCE faw the light. The light he faw in Albion's happy plains, Where under cover of a flowering thorn, While Philomel renew'd her warbled ftrains, The aufpicious fruit of ftol'n embrace was bornThe mountain dryads feized with joy, The fmiling infant to their charge confign'd; The Doric mufe carefs'd the favourite boy; The hermit WISDOM ftor'd his opening mind. As rolling years matured his age, ; He flourish'd bold and finewy as his fire While the mild paffions in his breast affuage The fiercer flames of his maternal fire. Accomplished thus, he winged his way, And zealous roved from pole to pole, The rolls of right eternal to difplay, And warm with patriot thoughts the afpiring foul, On defert ifles 'twas he that rais'd Thofe fpires that gild the Adriatic wave, Where tyranny beheld, amaz'd, Fair FREEDOM's temple, where he mark'd her grave. He fteel'd the blunt Batavian's arms To burft the Iberian's double chain; And cities rear'd, and planted farms, Won from the fkirts of Neptune's wide domain. He, with the generous ruftics, fate, On Uri's rocks in clofe divan; And winged that arrow, fure as fate, Which afcertain'd the facred RIGHTS OF MAN. Arabia's fcorching fands he crofs'd, Where blafted nature pants fupine, Conductor of her tribes a-duft, TO FREEDOM's adamantine shrine; F And many a Tartar horde forlorn, aghaft! He fnatch'd from under fell oppreflion's wing; . And taught, amidst the dreary waste, The all-cheering hymns of LIBERTY to fing. Diffus'd through every baser mould, Ne'er paid that homage which my heart denies. And forge vile fhackles for the free-born mind. While INSOLENCE his wrinkled front uprears, And all the flowers of fpurious fancy blow; And TITLE his ill-woven chaplet wears, Full often wreathed around the mifcreant's brow; Where ever-dimpling FALSEHOOD, pert and vain, Prefents her cup of flate profeffion's froth; And pale DISEASE, with all his bloated train, Torments the fons of GLUTTONY and SLOTH. In fortune's car, behold that minion ride, With either India's glittering fpoils oppreft, So moves the fumpter-mule, in harnefs'd pride, That bears the treafure which he cannot tafie. For him let venal bards difgrace the bay, And hireling minstrels wake the tinkling firing; Her fenfual fnares let faithlefs pleasure lay; And jingling bells fantaftic folly ring; Difquiet, doubt, and dread shall intervene ; And nature, ftill to all her feelings juft, In vengeance hang a damp on every fcene, Shook from the baleful pinions of disgust. |