THE BLIND BOY. SAY, what is that thing call'd LIGHT, What are the bleffings of the SIGHT? My day or night myself I make, A lofs I ne'er can know. Then let not what I cannot have INSCRIBED ON A ROSEMARY TREE, PLANTED IN A COTTAGE GARDEN. Thou! whom love and fancy lead Or PITY wak'd thy gentle reed, Repofe beneath my humble tree, Stranger! if thy lot has laid In toilfome fcenes of bufy life, Of weary paffions ill repaid. In a GARDEN live with me, If thou lov ft SIMPLICITY. Flow'rs have fprung for many a year And homeward walking, wept o'er me When paft was many a painful day, One gen'rous fwain her heart approv'd, Yet one boon I have to crave; Stranger! if thy PITY bleed, Wilt thou do one tender deed, And firew my pale flow'rs o'er their grave? THE RURAL RETREAT. MINE be a cot befide the hill; A bee-hive's hum fhall footh my ear; A willowy brook, that turns a mill, With many a fall, fhall ling'r near. The fwallow, oft, beneath my thatch, Shall twitter from her clay-built neft; Oft fhall the pilgrim lift the latch, And fhare my meal, a welcome guest, Around my ivied porch fhall fpring, Each fragrant flow'r that drinks the dew; And Lucy, at her wheel, shall fing, In ruffet-gown and apron blue. The village-church, among the trees, Where firft our marriage-vows were giv'n, With merry-peals fhall fwell the breeze, And point with taper spire to heav'n. THE REQUEST. HOW fhort is life's uncertain space; How swift the wild precarious chase! YOUTH ftops at firft its wilful ears To WISDOM's prudent voice; Till now arriv'd at riper years, What though its profpects now appear Yet groundless HOPE, and anxious FEAR, Since then falfe joys our fancy cheat Ye guardian pow'rs, that rule my fate, May I, through life's uncertain tide, May all my wants be ftill fupply'd, ON A PROSPECT OF EATON-COLLEGE. YE diftant fpires, ye antique tow'rs, That crown the wat'ry glade; Where graceful fcience ftill adores Her HENRY's holy shade; And ye, that from the flately brow, Of WINDSOR's heights th' expanfe below Of grove, of lawn, of mead furvey, Whofe turf, whofe fhade, whofe flow'rs among, Wanders the hoary THAMES along His filver-winding way! Ah, happy hills! ah, pleafing fhade! A firanger yet to pain! I feel the gales that from ye blow A momentary blifs beftow; As, waving fresh their gladfome wing, My weary foul they feem to footh, To breathe a fecond SPRING. The paths of pleasure trace) Who, foremost now delight to cleave The captive linnet which enthral ? What idle progeny fucceed To chafe the rolling circle's fpeed, While, fome on earnest bus'nefs bent, Some bold adventurers difdain And unknown regions dare defcry; Gay HOPE is theirs, by fancy fed, And lively CHEER, of VIGOUR born; No fenfe have they of ills to come, Yet fee, how all around them wait, The minifters of human fate, And black MISFORTUNE's baleful train! Ah! fhew them where in ambush ftand, Thefe fhall the fury PASSIONS tear, And SHAME, that skulks behind; Τ |