THE FAIRIES. COME follow, follow me, Light tripping o'er the green; When mortals are at reft, Through key-holes we do glide; But if the house be swept, Every night before we go, Then o'er a mushroom's head Tails of worms, and marrow of mice, Grace faid, we dance awhile, O'er tops of dewy grafs Ne'er bends when we do walk; THE MISER AND PLUTUS. THE wind was high, the window shakes, Along the filent room he stalks, Looks back, and trembles as he walks: "Had the deep earth her ftores confin'd, "This heart had known fweet peace of mind. “But VIRTUE's fold. Good gods! what price "Can recompenfe the pangs of VICE? "O bane of good! feducing cheat! "Can man, weak man, thy pow'r defeat › "GOLD banifh'd HONOUR from the mind, And only left the name behind; "GOLD fow'd the world with ev'ry ill; "GOLD taught the murd'rer's fword to kill: ""Twas GOLD inftructed coward hearts "IN TREACH'RY's more pernicious arts. "Who can recount the mifchiefs o'er? "VIRTUE refides on Earth no more!" He fpoke, and figh'd. In angry mood PLUTUS, his god, before him stood. The MISER, trembling, lock'd his cheft: The vition frown'd, and thus addrefs'd: Whence is this vile ungrateful rant, Each fordid rafcal's daily cant? Did I, bafe wretch! corrupt mankind? The fault's in thy rapac'ous mind. Because my bleffings are abus'd, Muft I be cenfur'd, curs'd, accus'd? Ev'n VIRTUE's felf by knaves is made A cloak to carry on the trade; And pow'r (when lodg'd in their poffeffion) Grows tyranny and rank oppreffion. Thus, when the villain crams his cheft, GOLD is the canker of the breaft; "Tis AV'RICE, INSOLENCE, and PRIDE, And ev'ry fhocking vice befide: But when to virt'ous hands 'tis giv'n, It bleffes, like the dews of heav'n: 'Like heav'n it hears the ORPHAN's cries, And wipes the tears from WIDOW's eyes. Their CRIMES on GOLD fhall MISERS lay, 'Who pawn'd their fordid fouls for pay? 'Let BRAVOES, then, when blood is spilt, Upbraid the paffive swORD with guilt.' A WHIMSICAL EPITAPH. HERE lies the body of SARAH SEXTON, UNIVERSAL ORDER. ALL are but parts of one ftupendous whole, Cease then, nor order imperfection name: All partial evil, univerfal good: And, fpite of pride, in erring reason's spite, SIMPLICITY. THOU, by nature taught To breathe her genuine thought, In numbers warmly pure, and fweetly ftrong: In fancy, lovelieft child, Thy babe, and pleasure's, nurs'd the pow'rs of fong! L Thou, who with hermit heart, Difdain'ft the wealth of art And gauds, and pageant weeds, and trailing pall: But com'ft a decent maid, In attic robe array'd, O chafte, unboastful nymph, to thee I call! By all the honey'd store, On Hybla's thymy fhore, By all her blooms, and mingled murmurs dear, In ev'ning mufings flow, By old Cephifus deep, In warbled wand'rings round thy green retreat, When holy FREEDOM dy'd, No equal haunt allur'd thy future feet. O fifter meek of TRUTH, Thy fober aid and native charms infufe! Though beauty cull'd the wreath, Still afk thy hand to range their order'd hués. But virtue's patriot theme, You lov'd her hills, and led her laureate band; But ftaid to fing alone To one diftinguish'd throne, And turn'd thy face, and fled her alter'd land. The paffion's own thy pow'r, Nor olive now, nor vine, Shall gain thy feet to blefs the fervile scene. 4 |