Speech on the cæleftial army's retreat Returns, from compaffing the earth, to His circuit, &c. defcrib'd Soliloquy thereon Enters the ferpent View (in that shape) of Eve Soliloquy thereon Behaviour to her Leaves her, after eating it 9 784 His fentence thereon (virtually) pro- Paradise Meets Sin and Death upon their journey 10 to the world on Adam's, &c. fall 345 Answer to Sin's speech Parts with them Afcends his throne at Pandæmonium Speech to the fall'n angels assembled there 10 459 Applauded with an hiss 10 504 He and they transform'd to ferpents Further punish'd with an illusion of the forbidden fruit } Both annually continued 10 575 Himself (the ferpent) drag'd in chains at the afcenfion of the Messiah } Sideral blasts, &c. an effect of Adam's fall 10 692 Sin, and Death Vide Death and Sin Sin original, luft carnal the first effect of it 9 1011 Its folace Slavery, original of it the inordinacy of the Paffions The justice of it, as confequential on 12 deviating from virtue, &c. 97 Soul, its faculties Their invisible existence on earth ther, and Son } Material, &c. faculties in fpirits 5 404 5 433 Vital, animal, and intellectual spirits progressive from material nutrition &c. defin'd 344 Stars, and Moon, their courses, influences, &c. 4 661 Storms, &c. an effect of Adam's fall Styx, a river of hell Sun, its appearance, place and power Brightness defcrib'd Orb fed by exhalations from the groffer Part of the fourth day's creation The fountain of light Setting defcrib'd Its annual course, producing intense heat and cold, an effect of Adam's fall 5 } Temperance, the effect of it long life Thunder, an effect of Adam's fall Titan (a fall'n angel) Tradition cenfur'd Tree of life Vide Life. Of knowledge Vide Knowledge. Truth, suffering for it, fortitude, &c. 24 Origine of it, the inordinacy of the paffions 12 86 12 95 Tyrants, their plea for conqueft, &c.com- par'd with Satan's first attempt on man S Twilight defcrib'd Vacuity, God's omnipresence an argument against it 7 168 Valour, (or heroic virtue,) the common notion of it cenfur'd } II 688 Virtue, &c. with loss of freedom degenerates II Descends thither himself, and informs Gabriel of Satan's pre-descent wounds and puts him to flight 363 Vide Similes. 290 Wind, the tempestuous power of it, an ef- fect of Adam's fall 5 10 695 Wisdom, the sum of it, the love, &c. of God 12 575 12 fuccessors, defcrib'd 507 Woman, conjugal obedience her happiness, &c. 4 Two of her loveliest qualities The effect of leaving her to her own will 9 |