-Of Delos or Samos from the Cy-} clades (ifles) Himfelf-to a Phenix To Mercury Satan to Briareus, Typhon and the Leviathan :{ 271 285 199. 201 -To the fun rifing in a mist In eclipse To the longest train of a comet To mount Teneriff or Atlas His field-to the moon Towards hedvento (the ship) Argo, gates- -to a fleet in the Offin His and Death's frowns on each other to two thunder-clouds meeting Flight to the court of Chaos-to a Gryphon's in the wilderness thro' the Thracian Bofphorus 636 Appearance in the fun's orb-to a spot in it differing from all aftronomical obfervations - - Book Line 4 4 Meditation on his intended attempt on - Reprehended by Zephonto a fleed 14 183 4 188 4 814 His army against the cæleftials in num- ber-to the stars -To the dew-drops Their applaufe of his reply to Abdiel- Himfelf recoiling on a blow receiv'd His combat with Michael-to two Pla- View (in the ferpent) of Paradife and His tempting Eve-alluded to by the Serpent, that enter'd by Satan-to those -To that affum'd by Efculapius To thofe by Jupiter Ammon, and' 1 to that of an orator of the Athe- dogs -Of the night-hag. Spears to ears of corn ripe for reaping Stars, their orbs-to the Hefperian gardens, &c. Sun, his courfe turn'd at Adam's, &c. Uriel, his defcent from the fun on Para- Waters, their flux into feas, &c. on the To armies forming themselves on found of trumpet FINI S. |