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-Of Delos or Samos from the Cy-}

clades (ifles) Himfelf-to a Phenix

To Mercury

Satan to Briareus, Typhon and the


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-To the fun rifing in a mist

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In eclipse

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To the longest train of a comet

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To mount Teneriff or Atlas

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His field-to the moon

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Towards hedvento (the ship) Argo,

gates- -to a fleet in the Offin

His and Death's frowns on each other to two thunder-clouds meeting

Flight to the court of Chaos-to a Gryphon's in the wilderness

thro' the Thracian Bofphorus


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Appearance in the fun's orb-to a spot in it differing from all aftronomical obfervations

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Book Line



Meditation on his intended attempt on
the world to a gun recoiling
In paradife to a wolf preying on a fold
To a thief breaking in at a houfe-top, &c. 4
-To a tiger in view of a brace of fawns
Detected by Ithuriel there to gun-
powder taking fire


Reprehended by Zephonto a fleed
rein'd, in a fret







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His army against the cæleftials in num-

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ber-to the stars

-To the dew-drops

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Their applaufe of his reply to Abdiel-
to the found of deep waters

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Himfelf recoiling on a blow receiv'd
from Michael-to a mountain fink-
ing by an earthquake

His combat with Michael-to two Pla-
nets (the frame of nature, fuppos'd,
diffolv'd rufhing in oppofition to
each other

View (in the ferpent) of Paradife and
Eve there to a citizen's taking
the air in the country from his home-
Shape (transform'd to a ferpent) on his
return to hell after the temptation-
to the ferpent Python

His tempting Eve-alluded to by the
ftory of Ophion and Eurynome

Serpent, that enter'd by Satan-to those
Hermione and Cadmus were trans-
form'd to

-To that affum'd by Efculapius

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To thofe by Jupiter Ammon, and'
His motion, wreathings, &c.—to the
work of a fhip in shifting winds, &c.
His creft (preceding Eve to the forbid
den tree) to an exhalation flaming
His addrefs introducing the temptation


to that of an orator of the Athe-
nian or Roman commonwealths
Sin, her middle parts-to the (fuppos'd)
of Scylla


-Of the night-hag.

Spears to ears of corn ripe for reaping

Stars, their orbs-to the Hefperian

gardens, &c.

Sun, his courfe turn'd at Adam's, &c.
eating the forbidden fruit-- as at
the banquet of Thyeftes

Uriel, his defcent from the fun on Para-
dife-to a fhooting star

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Waters, their flux into feas, &c. on the
creation- -to drops on duft

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To armies forming themselves on

found of trumpet

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