Rainbow, its first appearance after Noah's flood 11 865 Sign of God's covenant to destroy the Ramiel, Ariel, and Arioc (fall'n angels) 6 vanquish'd 369 Raphael (the angel) his descent to Para- dife to warn Adam against his fall 5 His perfon described Answer to Adam's invitation to his bower, and entertainment there Salutation of Eve 3 388 5 468 Discourse with Adam on various fubjects On the perfection, variety, and gradual On obedience, as a duty of choice, not On the revolt and defeat of the fall'n Thence warns him against Satan's temp- 640 On the motion, appearances, and influ-) • Reply to Adam's account of himself on Reply to his question concerning love, and Advice to Adam at parting, and re- 8 afcent to heaven 630 Vide Similes. ter the fix days creation } 7 581 ham's loins, but his faith 449 I fall from heaven 34 Paradife }4 358 fumes several animal shapes Descends from the tree of life, and af-34 395 Liftens to Adam's discourse with Eve on God's prohibition of the tree of knowledge Soliloquy on the fubject of it 4 Resolves thence to tempt them to disobedience 4 505 512 toad, on Eve afsleep First attempt in the affumed shape of a |