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This first book propofes, firft in brief, the whole fubject, man's difobedience, and the lofs thereupon of Paradife wherein he was plac'd. Then touches the prime caufe of his fall, the ferpent, or rather Satan in the ferpent; who, revolting from GOD, and drawing to his fide many legions of Angels, was, by the command of GOD, driven out of heaven, with all his crew, into the great deep. Which action pass'd over, the Poem haftes into the midft of things, prefenting Satan with his Angels now fallen into hell, defcrib'd here, not in the centre (for heaven and earth may be fuppos'd as yet not made, certainly not yet accurs'd) but in a place of utter darkness, fitlieft call'd Chaos: Here Satan, with his Angels, lying on the burning lake, thunder-ftruck and aftonifh'd, after a certain space recovers, as from confufion, calls up him who next in order and dignity lay by him; they confer of their miferable fall. Satan awakens all his legions, who lay 'till then in the fame manner confounded: they rife; their numbers, array of battle, their chief leaders nam'd, according to the idols known afterwards in Canaan, and the countries adjoining. To thefe Satan directs his fpeech, comforts them with hope yet of regaining heaven; but tells them, laftly, of a new world, and new kind of creature to be created; according to an antient prophecy or report in heaven: for that Angels were long before this vifible creation, was the opinion of many antient Fathers. To find out the truth of this prophecy, and what to determine thereon, he refers to a full council. What his affociates thence attempt. Pandæmonium, the palace of Satan, rifes, fuddenly built out of the deep: the infernal Peers there fit in council.

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Cooper Sculpt.




F Man's firft difobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whofe mortal tafte
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With lofs of EDEN, till one greater MAN
Restore us, and regain the blissful feat,
Sing, heav'nly Mufe! that on the fecret top
Of ORE B, or of SINAI, didft inspire

That fhepherd, who first taught the chofen feed,
In the beginning how the heav'ns, and earth,
Rofe out of CHAOS. Or if SION hill
Delight thee more, and SILOA's brook that flow'd
Faft by the oracle of GoD; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my advent'rous fong;
That with no middle flight intends to foar
Above th' AONIAN mount, while it purfues
Things unattempted yet in profe or rhyme.



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AND chiefly thou, O SPIRIT! that dost prefer Before all temples th' upright heart and pure,

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