Excelling human, Princely Dignities,
And Pow'rs! that earft in heaven fat on thrones, 360 Tho' of their names in heav'nly records now Be no memorial; blotted out and ras'd,
By their rebellion, from the books of life.
Nor had they yet among the fons of EVE
Got them new names; 'till wand'ring o'er the earth,
Thro' GOD's high fufferance for the tryal of man, By falfities and lies the greatest part
Of mankind they corrupted, to forfake GOD their Creator, and th' invifible Glory of him that made them, to transform Oft to the image of a brute, adorn'd With gay religions full of pomp and gold, And Devils to adore for Deities:
Then were they known to men by various names, And various idols thro' the heathen world.
SAY, Mufe! their names then known; who firft, who
Rouz'd from the flumber, on that fiery couch, At their great Emp'ror's call, as next in worth Came fingly where he ftood, on the bare ftrand, While the promiscuous croud flood yet aloof? The chief were those, who, from the pit of hell Roaming to feek their prey on earth, durft fix Their feats long after next the feat of GOD, Their altars by his altar, Gods ador'd Among the nations round, and durft abide JEHOVAH thund'ring out of SION, thron'd Between the Cherubim; yea, often plac'd Within his fanctuary it felf their fhrines, Abominations! and with cursed things
His holy rites and folemn feasts profan'd, And with their darkness durft affront his light. Firft MOLOCH, horrid king, befmear'd with blood
Of human facrifice, and parents tears; Tho', for the noise of drums and timbrels loud, Their childrens cries unheard, that paft thro' fire .395 To his grim idol. Him the AMMONITE Worship'd in RABB A, and her watʼry plain, In ARGO B, and in BASAN, to the ftream Of utmoft ARNON. Nor content with fuch Audacious neighbourhood, the wifest heart Of SOLOMON he led by fraud, to build His temple right against the temple of Go D, On the opprobrious hill; and made his grove The pleafant valley of HINNOM, TOPHET thence And black GEHENNA call'd, the type of hell. 405 Next CHEMOS, th' obfcene dread of MOAB's fons From AROAR to NE BO, and the Wild Of fouthmoft ABARIM; in HESEBON And HORONAIM, SEON's realm, beyond The flow'ry dale of SIB MA, clad with vines; And ELEALE, to th' ASPHALTIC pool: PEOR his other name, when he entic'd ISRAEL in SITTIM, on their march from NILE, To do him wanton rites, which coft them woe. Yet thence his luftful Orgies he enlarg'd
Even to that hill of fcandal, by the grove Of MOLOCH homicide; luft hard by hate; 'Till good JOSIAH drove them thence to hell. With these came they, who, from the bord'ring flood Of old EUPHRATES, to the brook that parts 420 ÆGYPT from SYRIAN ground, had general names Of BAALIM, and ASHTAROTH; thofe male, These feminine: (For fpirits when they please Can either sex affume, or both; fo foft And uncompounded is their effence pure; Not ty'd or manacled with joint or limb, Nor founded on the brittle ftrength of bones,
Like cumbrous flesh; but in what shape they chufe, Dilated or condens'd, bright or obfcure,
Can execute their airy purposes,
And works of love or enmity fulfil.) For those the race of ISRAEL oft forfook Their living ftrength, and unfrequented left His righteous altar, bowing lowly down To beftial Gods; for which their heads as low Bow'd down in battel, funk before the spear Of defpicable foes. With these in troop
Came ASTORETH, whom the PHOENICIANS call'd
ASTARTE, queen of heaven, with crefcent horns: To whofe bright image nightly by the moon, SIDONIAN virgins paid their vows and fongs; In SION alfo not unfung, where ftood Her temple on th' offenfive mountain, built By that uxorious king, whofe heart, tho' large, Beguil'd by fair idolatreffes, fell
To idols foul. THAMMUZ came next behind,
Whofe annual wound in LEBANON allur'd The SYRIAN damfels, to lament his fate
In am'rous ditties all a fummer's day;
While fmooth ADONIS from his native rock
Ran purple to the fea, fuppos'd with blood Of THAMMUZ yearly wounded: the love-tale Infected SION's daughters with like heat; Whose wanton paffions in the facred porch EZEKIEL faw, when, by the vifion led, His eyes furvey'd the dark idolatries Of alienated JUDAH. Next came one
Who mourn'd in earnest, when the captive Ark Maim'd his brute image, head and hands lop'd off In his own temple, on the grunfel edge Where he fell flat, and fham'd his worshippers,
DAGON his name; fea-monster! upward man
And downward fifh: yet had his temple high Rear'd in AZOTUS, dreaded through the coaft Of PALESTINE, in GATH, and ASCALON, 465 And ACCARON, and GAZ A's frontier bounds. Him follow'd RIMMON, whofe delightful feat Was fair DAMASCUS, on the fertil banks Of A BBANA, and PHARPHAR, lucid ftreams! He alfo against the houfe of GOD was bold: A leper once he loft, and gain'd a king, A HAZ, his fottish conqueror, whom he drew GOD's altar to difparage, and difplace For one of SYRIAN mode, whereon to burn His odious off'rings, and adore the Gods Whom he had vanquifh'd. After these appear'd A crew, who under names of old renown, OSIRIS, ISIS, OR US, and their train, With monstrous fhapes and forceries abus'd Fanatic ÆGYPT, and her priests, to seek Their wand'ring Gods difguis'd in brutish forms, Rather than human. Nor did ISRAEL 'fcape Th' infection, when their borrow'd gold compos'd The calf in OREB; and the rebel king
Doubled that fin in BETHEL, and in DAN, 485 Lik'ning his Maker to the grazed ox,
JEHOVAH! Who in one night when he pafs'd From EGYPT marching, equall'd with one ftroke Both her first-born and all her bleating Gods. BELIAL came laft, than whom a spirit more lewd Fell not from heaven, or more grofs to love Vice for it felf to him no temple ftood, Or altar finok'd; yet who more oft than he In temples, and at altars, when the priest Turns atheift, as did ELI's fons, who fill'd With luft and violence the houfe of GOD? In courts and palaces he alfo reigns, C 3
And in luxurious cities, where the noife Of riot afcends above their loftiest tow'rs, And injury, and outrage: and when night Darkens the ftreets, then wander forth the fons Of BELIAL, flown with infolence and wine : Witness the streets of SODOM, and that night In GIBEAH, when the hofpitable door Expos'd a matron, to avoid worse rape.
THESE were the prime, in order and in might; The reft were long to tell, tho' far renown'd, Th' IONIAN Gods, of JAVAN'S iffue, held Gods, yet confefs'd later than heav'n and earth, Their boafted parents. TITAN, heav'n's firft-born, With his enormous brood, and birthright feiz'd 511 By younger SATURN: he from mightier JovE, His own and RHEA's fon, like measure found; So Jove ufurping reign'd: thefe first in CRETE, And IDA known; thence on the fnowy top Of cold OLYMPUS rul'd the middle air, Their highest heav'n; or on the DELPHIAN cliff, Or in DODONA, and thro' all the bounds Of DORIC land; or who with SATURN old Fled over ADRIA to th' HESPERIAN fields, 520 And o'er the CELTIC roam'd the utmost ifles.
ALL thefe, and more, came flocking, but with looks Down-caft and damp; yet fuch wherein appear'd Obfcure fome glimpfe of joy, to have found their Chief Not in defpair, to have found themfelves not loft 525 In lofs it felf; which on his count'nance caft Like doubtful hue: but he his wonted pride Soon recollecting, with high words, that bore Semblance of worth, not fubftance, gently rais'd Their fainting courage, and difpell'd their fears. 530
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