House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d Session-49th Congress, 1st Session, Volume 3 |
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Common terms and phrases
1st January 1st Lt 2d Lt act passed aforesaid Alderney allowance whilst surveying amount Asst August Baton Rouge British possession British ships Captain Choctaw Clerk collector and controller Colonel Colonies Commissioners Contingent expenses Court Martial Court Martial duty Creek customs deemed Department diem allowance whilst entitled An act entry exported February foreign forfeited forfeiture Fort Delaware Fort Independence Fort McHenry further enacted George Guernsey honor House of Representatives imported Indian Island James JAMES BARBOUR John Judge Advocate July land late Majesty Majesty's March Martial at Baton Mauritius Mills NAMES AND RANK navigation October officer ordinary seaman paid pension ports possessions in America produce Provided Quapaws quartergunner quartermaster regulations reign repealed Sackett's Harbor salary seaman 5 60 seaman 6 72 Secretary Secretary of War ship or vessel South STATEMENT-Continued Store Surgeon thereof Thomas tion Treasury treaty United Kingdom warehouse warehoused wares Washington Watervliet West Indies William
Popular passages
Page 81 - 13. the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty's sugar colonies in America," as imposes any duty to be paid to his Majesty; and also to repeal so much of an act passed in the seventh year of the reign of King George the Third, entitled " An act for granting certain 7 G. 3,
Page 52 - fifth year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled " An act to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the abolition of the slave trade," shall, in making and prosecuting any such seizures, have the benefit of all the provisions granted to persons authorized to make seizures under this act.
Page 31 - his late Majesty, king George the Third, entitled "An act for removing all doubts and apprehensions concerning taxation by the Parliament of Great Britain, in any of the colonies, provinces, and plantations in North America and the West Indies, and for repealing so much of an act made in
Page 5 - of Commissioners, composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Attorney General of the United States. The patents then did not amount to more than forty or fifty annually, and the gentlemen in the Department of State issued and recorded them till the
Page 56 - LXXXIII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend to preven.t the importation into, or exportation from, the said islands of Guernsey. Jersey, Alderney, or Sark, or either of them, of any wine in bottles shipped in cases or casks only, each containing at least three dozen
Page 85 - all which said several acts so saved and excepted shall continue in such force and effect, to all intents and purposes, as if this act had not been passed ; any thing in this act contained to the
Page 10 - that all duties imposed by either of the said acts, or by an act passed in the fourth year of his said Majesty's reign, entitled " An act to amend an act of the last session of Parliament, for regulating the trade between his Majesty's possessions in America and the West Indies, and other parts of the world,
Page 57 - subject such vessel or boat to forfeiture, or who shall be found or discovered to have been on board any vessel or boat from which any part of the cargo shall have been thrown overboard during chare, or staved or destroyed, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds. LXXXV. And be it further enacted, That it
Page 50 - his usual place of abode, by the attorney or agent to the party who intends to sue out such writ or process ; in which notice shall be clearly and explicitly contained the cause of the action, the name and place of abode of