Coena defurgat dubia? quin corpus onustum & Alter, ubi dicto citius curata sopori Membra dedit, vegetus praefcripta ad munia furgit. h Hic tamen ad melius poterit transcurrere quondam ; Sive diem festum rediens advexerit annus, Seu recreare volet tenuatum corpus: ubique Accedent anni, et tractari mollius aetas Imbecilla volet. Tibi quidnam accedet ad iftam, Quam puer et validus praesumis, mollitiem; feu Dura valetudo inciderit, seu tarda senectus ? * Rancidum aprum antiqui laudabant: non quia nafus Illis nullus erat; fed, credo, hac mente, quod hofpes Tardius adveniens vitiatum commodius, quam NOTES. VER. 80. The Soul Subfides, and wickedly inclines To Seem but mortol, ev'n in found Divines.) Horace was an Epicurean, and laughed at the immortality of the foul. He therefore describes that languor of the mind proceeding from intemperance, on the idea, and in the terms of Plato, affizit humo divinae particulam aurae. To this his ridicule is pointed. Our Poet, with more fo briety and judgment, has turned the ridicule, from the Doctrine, which he believed, upon those Preachers of it, whose fealts and compotations in Taverns did not edify What life in all that ample body, fay? 80 6 On morning wings how active springs the Mind That leaves the load of yesterday behind ? How easy ev'ry labour it pursues? How coming to the Poet ev'ry Muse ? 85 h Not but we may exceed, some holy time, Ill health some just indulgence may engage, 95 Perhaps, young men! our fathers had no nose. And 'twas their point, I ween, to make it last; 100 NOTES. him: and so has added surprizing humour and spirit to the easy elegance of the Original. VER. 82. On morning wings etc.] Much happier and nobler than the Original. VER. 87. Ortir'd in search of Truth, or fearch of Rhyme.] A fine ridicule on the extravagance of human pursuits; where the most trifling and most important concerns of life fucceed one another, indifferently. Integrum edax dominus consameret. 1 hos utinam inter Heroas natum tellus me prima tulisset. m Das aliquid famae, quae carmine gratior aurem Occupet humanam? grandes rhombi, patinaeque Grande ferunt una cum damno dedecus. adde n • Iratum patruum, vicinos, te tibi iniquum, Et fruftra mortis cupidum, cum deerit egenti P As, laquei pretium. 4 Jure, inquit, Traufius iftis Jurgatur verbis: ego vectigalia magna, Divitiasque habeo tribus amplas regibus. Ergo, Non aliquid patriae tanto emetiris acervo ? Uni nimirum tibi recte semper erunt res? NOTES. VER. 128. As M**o's was, etc.] I think this light Aroke of fatire ill placed; and hurts the dignity of the 105 1 Why had not I in those good times my birth, Are no rewards for want, and infamy! 115 Think how pofterity will treat thy name; Oh Impudence of wealth! with all thy store, NOTES. preceding morality. Horace was very ferious, and properly so, when he said, O magnus pofthac inimicis risus! uterne v Quo magis his credas: puer hunc ego parvus Ofellum Integris opibus novi nori latius usum, Quam nunc * accisis. Videas, metato in agello, NOTES. cur, Improbe! carae Non aliquid patriae tanto emetiris àcerwo. He remembered, and hints with just indignation, at those luxurious Patricians of his old party; who, when they had agreed to establish a fund in the cause of Freedom, under the conduct of Brutus, could never be perfuaded to withdraw from their expensive pleasures what was sufficient for the fupport of fo great a cause. He had prepared his |