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UNT quibus in Satira videar nimis acer, et ultra Legem tendere opus; fine nervis altera, quidquid Compofui, pars effe putat, fimilesque meorum

Mille die verfus deduci poffe.

Quid faciam? praescribe.


[blocks in formation]

VER. 3. Scarce to wise Peter-Chartres) It has been commonly observed of the English, that a Rogue never gocs to the Gallows without the pity of the Spectators, and their parting curses on the rigour of the Laws that brought him thither: and this has been as commonly ascribed to the good nature of the people. But it is a miftake. The true cause is their hatred and envy of power. Their compaffion for Dunces and Scoundrels (when exposed by great writers to public contempt, either in juftice to the age, or in vindication of their own Characters) has the same source. They cover their envy to a fuperior genius, in lamenting the severity of his Pen.




P. T

HERE are (I scarce can think it, but am


a There are, to whom my Satire feems too bold :
Scarce to wise Peter complaisant enough,
And fomething said of Chartres much too rough.
► The lines are weak, another's pleas'd to say,
Lord Fanny spins a thousand fuch a day.
Tim'rous by nature, of the Rich in awe,
• I come to Council learned in the Law:

You'll give me, like a friend both sage and free,
Advice; and (as you use) without a Fee.

F. d I'd write no more.

P. Not write? but then I think,

• And for my foul I cannot fleep a wink.




VER. 7. Tim'rous by nature, of the Rich in awe,] The delicacy of this does not so much lie in the ironical application of it to himself, as in its feriously characterising the Person for whose advice he applies.

VER. 12. Not write? &c.] He has omitted the most

humourous part of the answer,

Peream mate, fi non

Optimum erat,

and has lost the grace, by not imitating the conciseness, of

verum nequeo dormire.


T. f Ter uncti

Transnanto Tiberim, fomno quibus eft opus alto;
Irriguumve mero fub noctem corpus habento.

& Aut, fi tantus amor scribendi te rapit, aude
CAESARIS invicti res dicere, multa laborum
Praemia laturus.

H. Cupidum, pater optime, vires
Deficiunt: neque enim quivis horrentia pilis
Agmina, nec fracta pereuntes cuspide Gallos,
Aut labentis equo describat vulnera Parthi.

T. Attamen et justum poteras et scribere fortem,
Scipiadam ut fapiens Lucilius.

H. Haud mihi deero,

Cum res ipfa feret: 1 nifi dextro tempore, Flacci


For conciseness, when it is clear (as in this place) gives the highest grace to elegance of expreffion. - But what follows is as much above the Original, as this falls short of it.

VER. 20. Hartshorn] This was intended as a pleasantry on the novelty of the prescription.

VER. 28. falling Horse?] The horse on which his Majesty charged at the battle of Oudenard; when the Pre


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