Hear her black Trumpet thro' the Land proclaim, That NOT TO BE CORRUPTED IS THE SHAME. 160. In Soldier, Churchman, Patriot, Man in Pow'r, 'Tis Av'rice all, Ambition is no more! See, all our Nobles begging to be Slaves ! The Wit of Cheats, the Courage of a Whore, 165 Are what ten thousand envy and adore : All, all look up, with reverential Awe, At Crimes that 'scape, or triumph o'er the Law : While Truth, Worth, Wisdom, daily they decry"Nothing is Sacred now but Villainy." Yet may this Verse (if such a Verse remain) Show, there was one who held it in disdain. 170 Written in MDCCXXXVIII. DIALOGUE II. IS all a Libel - Paxton (Sir) will fay it may; And for that very cause I print to day. } How should I fret to mangle ev'ry line, 5 Vice, with such Giant strides comes on amain, Feign what I will, and paint it e'er so strong, F. Yet none but you by Name the guilty lash; 10 Ev'n Guthry faves half Newgate by a Dash. NOTES. VER. I. Paxton.) Late sollicitor to the Treasury. VER. 11. Ev'n Guthry.) The Ordinary of Newgate, VOL. IV. R3 Spare then the Person, and expose the Vice. F. You do. P. I don't. 20 P. See, now I keep the Secret, and not you! The bribing Statesman-F. Hold, too high you go. 24 P. The brib'd Elector--F. There you stoop too low. P. I fain would please you, if I knew with what ; Tell me, which Knave is lawful Game, which not? Muft great Offenders, once escap'd the Crown, Like Royal Harts be never more run down ? Admit your Law to spare the Knight requires, As Beasts of Nature may we hunt the Squires ? Suppose I censure-you know what I meanTo fave a Bishop, may I name a Dean ? NOTES. 30 who publishes the memoirs of the Malefactors, and is often prevailed upon to be so tender of their reputation, as to * fet down no more than the initials of their name. P. 35 F. A Dean, Sir? no: his Fortune is not made, You hurt a man that's rifing in the Trade. P. If not the Tradesman who set up to day, Much less the 'Prentice who to morrow may. Down, down, proud Satire! tho' a Realm be spoil'd, Arraign no mightier Thief than wretched Wild; Or, if a Court or Country's made a job, Go drench a Pick-pocket, and join the Mob. 40 But, Sir, I beg you (for the Love of Vice !) The matter's weighty, pray confider twice; Have you less pity for the needy Cheat, The poor and friendless Villain, than the Great? 45 Alas! the small Discredit of a Bribe Scarce hurts the Lawyer, but undoes the Scribe. Then better fure it Charity becomes To'tax Directors, who (thank God) have Plums; Still better, Ministers; or, if the thing 50 May pinch ev'n there--why lay it on a King. NOTES. VER. 35. You hurt a man that's rising in the Trade.] For, as the reasonable De la Bruyere observes, " Qui ne " fait être un ERASME, doit penser à être Evoque." SCRIBL. VER. 39. Wretched Wild] Jonathan Wild, a famous Thief, and Thief-Impeacher, who was at last caught in his own train and hanged. P. VER. 42. for the love of Vice] We must confider the Poet as here directing his discourse to a follower of the new system of Politics, That private vices are public benefits SCRIBL. F. Stop ! stop! P. Must Satire, then, nor rise nor fall? Speak out, and bid me blame no Rogues at all. F. Yes, strike that Wild, I'll justify the blow. Who now that obsolete Example fears? F. What always Peter? Peter thinks you mad, -- P. Do I wrong the Man ? 56 60 64 God knows, I praise a Courtier where I can. NOTES. VER. 57. Ev'n Peter trembles only for his ears,] Peter had, the year before this, narrowly escaped the Pillory for forgery: and got off with a fevere rebuke only from the bench. P. VER. 65. Scarb'row] Earl of; and Knight of the Garter, whose personal attachments to the King appeared from his steddy adherence to the royal interest, after his refignation of his great employment of Master of the Horse; and whose known honour and virtue made him esteemed by all parties. P. VER. 66. Efher's peaceful grove,] The house and gar |