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Those Askaparts b, men big enough to throw
Charing-Cross for a bar, men that do know
No token of worth, but Queens man, and fine
Living; barrels of beef, flaggons of wine.
I shook like a spied Spie-Preachers which are
Seas of Wit and Arts, you can, then dare,
Drown the fins of this place, but as for me
Which am but a scant book, enough shall be
To wash the stains away: Although I yet
(With Maccabees modesty) the known merit
Of my work lessen, yet some wife men shall,
I hope, esteem my Writs Canonical.


► A Giant famous in Romances. P.

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Each man an Afkapart, of strength to toss
For Quoits, both Temple-bar and Charing-cross.
Scar'd at the grizly forms, I sweat, I fly,
And shake all o'er, like a discovered spy.


Courts are too much for wits so weak as mine: Charge them with Heaven's Artillery, bold Divine ! From such alone the Great rebukes endure,

Whose Satire's sacred, and whose rage secure : 'Tis mine to wash a few light stains, but theirs

To deluge fin, and drown a Court in tears.


Howe'er what's now Apocrypha, my Wit,

In time to come, may pass for holy writ.

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