M 1 THE SATIRES OF Dr. JOHN DONNE, Dean of ST. PAUL's, VERSIFIED: Quid vetat et nosmet Lucili scripta legentes HOR. S SATIRE II. I do hate IR; though (I thank God for it) In all ill things so excellently best, As, I think, that brings dearth and Spaniards in : One (like a wretch, which at barre judg'd as dead, charms Bring not now their old fears, nor their old harms; SATIRE II. Y ES; thank my stars! stars! as early as I knew This Town, I had the sense to hate it too: Yet here, as ev'n in Hell, there must be still One Giant-Vice, so excellently ill, That all befide, one pities, not abhors; 5 As who knows Sapho, smiles at other whores. I grant that Poetry's a crying fin; It brought (no doubt) th' Excise and Army in: Catch'd like the Plague, or Love, the Lord knows how, But that the cure is starving, all allow. Poor and disarm'd, and hardly worth your hate! One fings the Fair; but fongs no longer move; No rat is rhym'd to death, nor maid to love: * Ο Rams, and flings now are filly battery, Pistolets are the best artillery. And they who write to Lords, rewards to get, And they who write, because all write, have still As his own things; and they're his own, 'tis true, ! The meat was mine, the excrement's his own. But these do me no harm, nor they which use, to out-usure Jews, T'out-drink the sea, t'out-swear the Letanie, Who with fins all kinds as familiar be As Confeffors, and for whose sinful sake Schoolmen new tenements in hell must make; Whose strange fins Canonifts could hardly tell In which Commandment's large receit they dwell. NOTES. VER. 44. In what Commandment's large contents they dawell.] The Original is more humourous, In what Commandment's large receit they dwell. As if the Ten Commandments were so wide, as to stand ready In love's, in nature's spite, the siege they hold, These write to Lords, some mean reward to get, 26 Wretched indeed! but far more wretched yet 30 For food digested takes another name. I pass o'er all those Confeffors and Martyrs, 35 Out-usure Jews, or Irishmen out-swear; Act fins which Prisca's Confeffor scarce hears. 40 Ev'n those I pardon, for whose sinful fake NOTES. to receive every thing within them, that either the Lary of Nature or the Gospel commands. A just ridicule on those practical Commentators, as they are called, who include all moral and religious Duties within them. i |