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Scit Genius, natale comes qui temperat astrum:
NATURAE DEUS HUMANAE, mortalis in unum-
Quodque caput, vultu mutabilis, albus, et ater.
• Utar, et ex modico, quantum res pofcet, acervo
Tollam: nec metuam, quid de me judicet haeres,
Quod non plura datis invenerit. et tamen idem
Scire volam, quantum fimplex hilarisque nepoti
Difcrepet, et quantum discordet parcus avaro.
Diftat enim, spargas tua prodigus, an neque sumtum
Invitus facias, nec plura parare labores;

Ac potius, puer ut festis Quinquatribus olim,

Exiguo gratoque fruaris tempore raptim.

Pauperies immunda procul procul absit: ego, utrum

Nave ferar magna an parva; ferar unus et idem.


VER. 277. fly, like Oglethorpe,] Employed in settling the Colony of Georgia.

VER. 280. That God of Nature, etc) Here our Poet had an opportunity of illustrating his own Philosophy; and thereby giving a much better sense to his Original; and correcting both the naturalism and the fate of Horace, which are covertly conveyed in these words,

One, driv'n by strong Benevolence of foul,
Shall fly, like Oglethorpe, from pole to pole:
Is known alone to that Directing Pow'r,
Who forms the Genius in the natal hour;
That God of Nature, who, within us still,
Inclines our action, not constrains our will;
Various of temper, as of face or frame,
Each individual: His great End the same.


• Yes, Sir, how small soever be my heap,
A part I will enjoy, as well as keep.
My heir may figh, and think it want of grace
A man so poor would live without a place :
But fure no statute in his favour says,
How free, or frugal, I shall pass my days:
I, who at some times spend, at others spare,
Divided between carelesness and care.
'Tis one thing madly to disperse my store;
Another, not to heed to treasure more;
Glad, like a Boy, to snatch the first good day,
And pleas'd, if fordid want be far away.

f What is't to me (a passenger God wot)
Whether my vessel be first-rate or not?
The Ship itself may make a better figure,
But I that fail, am neither less nor bigger.


Scit Genius, natale comes qui temperat astrum,





VER. 288. But fure no ftatute) Alluding to the statutes made in England and Ireland, to regulate the Succeffion of Papists, etc.

Non agimur tumidis velis Aquilone secundo:

Non tamen adversis aetatem ducimus Auftris.

Viribus, ingenio, specie, virtute, loco, re,

Extremi primorum, extremis usque priores.

* Non es avarus: abi, quid? caetera jam fimul isto
Cum vitio fugere? caret tibi pectus inani
Ambitione? caret mortis formidine et ira?
Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas,
Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala rides ?
Natales grate numeras? ignoscis amicis ?
Lenior et melior fis accedente senecta?
Quid te exemta levat spinis de pluribus una?
a Vivere si recte nefcis, decede peritis.

Lusisti satis, edisti satis, atque bibisti:
Tempus abire tibi est: ne potum largius aequo
Rideat, et pulset lasciva decentius aetas.


VER. 312. Survey both worlds.] It is observable with what fobriety he has corrected the licentiousness of his Original, which made the expectation of another world a part of that superstition, he would explode; whereas his

I neither strut with ev'ry fav'ring breath,
Nor strive with all the tempeft in my teeth.
In pow'r, wit, figure, virtue, fortune, plac'd
Behind the foremost, and before the last.



* " But why all this of Av'rice? I have none." I wish you joy, Sir, of a Tyrant gone; But does no other lord it at this hour, As wild and mad? the Avarice of pow'r? Does neither Rage inflame, nor Fear appall? Not the black fear of death, that faddens all? With terrors round, can Reason hold her throne, 310 Despise the known, nor tremble at th' unknown? Survey both worlds, intrepid and entire, In spight of witches, devils, dreams, and fire? Pleas'd to look forward, pleas'd to look behind, And count each birth-day with a grateful mind? 315 Has life no fourness, drawn so near its end? Can'st thou endure a foe, forgive a friend? Has age but melted the rough parts away, As winter-fruits grow mild e'er they decay? Or will you think, my friend, your business done, 320 When, of a hundred thorns, you pull out one?

h Learn to live well, or fairly make your will; You've play'd, and lov'd, and eat, and drank your fill: Walk fober off; before a sprightlier age

Comes titt'ring on, and shoves you from the stage: Leave such to trifle with more grace and ease, 326 Whom Folly pleases, and whose Follies please.


Imitator is only for removing the false terrors from the world of spirits, fuch as the diablerie of witchcraft and purgatory.

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