Chambers Dictionary of QuotationsAlison Jones, Stephanie Pickering, Megan Thomson 'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.' -- Derek Bok 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work...I want to achieve it through not dying.' -- Woody Allen 'Life loves the liver of it' -- Maya Angelou An indispensable and comprehensive reference for writers, speakers, educators, executives, and curious browsers, the Chambers Dictionary of Quotations offers more than 20,000 quotations spanning all historical periods and covering diverse aspects of human experience, from politics and feminism, literature and sex, to nature, notable persons, and more. International in scope and broad in coverage, this compendium gathers together notable quotes -- many of which have never been collected before -- from more than 4,000 sources including such contemporary quotables as Salman Rushdie, Maya Angelou, and Henry Kissinger. Each quote is fully annotated, reliably sourced, and put in context along with concise biographical information on its author. Alphabetically arranged by speaker, and extensively cross-referenced, this easy-to-use reference includes a detailed index that facilitates searches by keyword. Readers can quickly locate a quotation on a particular subject, check a half-remembered line, sample the style and philosophy of an author or simply browse through and savor the accumulated wit and wisdom of the ages. The ultimate source of who said what -- and when they said it. |