Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of Americaorder of the Senate of the United States, 1887 - Legislative journals |
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Common terms and phrases
1st July 1st lieutenant 2d lieutenant Abraham Van Buren advise and consent agreeably Alabama Benton brevet Buchanan Cadet captain Charles Clay of Alabama commission will expire Committee on Commerce Committee on Indian Committee on Naval Committee on Public consider the nomi Considered and confirmed District of Columbia district of lands ferred following messages Fulton George Henry Indian Affairs instant JOHN TYLER Joseph June King land office lands subject March messages were read messages were received Messrs Miami tribe motion Naval Affairs Navy nomination of John nominations respectively Ordered port present commission President proceeded to consider Promotion in Army Public Lands receiver of public Referred Reported Regiment of Infantry Reported and confirmed resigned revenue Rives Samuel Second Lieutenant secretary Senate advise Senate proceeded Senators present Sevier Smith of Indiana subject to sale surveyor and inspector Tallmadge treaty unanimous consent United vice voted Walker WASHINGTON Whereupon Resolved William H York Indians
Popular passages
Page 368 - ... profound reverence for the Christian religion and a thorough conviction that sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness; and to that good Being who has blessed us by the gifts of civil and religious freedom, who watched over and prospered the labors of our fathers and has hitherto preserved to us institutions far exceeding in excellence those of any other people, let us unite in fervently commending...
Page 9 - I submitted also to my fellow-citizens, with fulness and frankness, the reasons which led me to this determination. The result authorizes me to believe that they have been approved, and are confided in by a majority of the people of the United States, including those whom they most immediately affect. It now only remains to add, that no bill conflicting with these views can ever receive my constitutional sanction.
Page 212 - Convention read the first time and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and, together with the message, ordered to be printed in confidence for the use of the Senate MAY 28, 1934.
Page 319 - Senate, with a view to its ratification, a treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Belgians, signed at Washington on the 29th day of March, L>40.
Page 22 - California, and of the 12th section of the Act of Congress approved on the 31st of August, 1852, entitled An Act making appropriations for the Civil and Diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-three and for other purposes...
Page 10 - ... shall zealously devote myself; beyond those limits I shall never pass. To enter on this occasion into a further or more minute exposition of my views on the various questions of domestic policy would be as obtrusive as it is probably unexpected. Before the suffrages of my countrymen were conferred upon me I submitted to them, with great precision, my opinions on all the most prominent of these subjects. Those opinions I shall endeavor to carry out with my utmost ability.
Page 356 - We admit of no government by divine right ; believing that, so far as power is concerned, the beneficent Creator has made no distinction among men, that all are upon an equality, and that the only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed.
Page 9 - I must go into the presidential chair the inflexible and uncompromising opponent of every attempt, on the part of Congress, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, against the wishes of the slaveholding states ; and also with a determination equally decided to resist the slightest interference with it in the states where it exists.
Page 10 - ... and we disclaim all right to meddle in disputes, whether internal or foreign, that may molest other countries, regarding them in their actual state as social communities, and preserving a strict neutrality in all their controversies. Well knowing the tried valor of our people and our exhaustless resources, we neither anticipate nor fear any designed aggression; and in the consciousness of our own just conduct we feel a security that we shall never be called upon to exert our determination never...
Page 360 - ... did not clearly see the mode of its accomplishment. The general government has seized upon none of the reserved rights of the states. As far as any open warfare may have gone, the state authorities have amply maintained their rights. To a casual observer, our system presents no appearance of discord between the different members which compose it. Even the addition of many new ones has produced no jarring. They move in their respective orbits in perfect harmony with the central head, and with...