I had hope to spend, Quiet though sad, the respite of that day That must be mortal to us both. O flowers That never will in other climate grow, My early visitation, and my last At even, which I bred up with tender hand... The Works of the English Poets: Milton - Page 94by Samuel Johnson - 1779Full view - About this book
| Nicolas François Dupré de Saint-Maur - 1745 - 504 pages
...Where I had Hope to fpend quiet, though lad, the Time that Heaven had granted us, 'till the Day come that muft be mortal to us both! O Flowers! that never will grow in any other Climate; that were my early Vifitation in the Morning, and my laft in the Evening;... | |
| John Milton - 1745 - 484 pages
...Where I had Hope to fpend quiet, though fad, the Time that Heaven had granted us, 'till the Day come that muft be mortal to us both! O Flowers! that never will grow in any other Climate ; that were my early Vilitation in the Morning, and ir.y laft in the Evening;... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...Thee, native foil ! thefe happy walks, and fhades, Fit haunt of Gods ? where I had hope to fpend, 271 Quiet, though fad, the refpit of that day That muft be mortal to us both ! O flow rs, That never will in other climate grow ; My early viotation, and my laft 275 At ev'n, which... | |
| John Milton - Plagiarism - 1750 - 720 pages
...! Muft I thus leave thee, Paradife? thus leave Thee, native foil, thefe happy walks and fhades, 270 Fit haunt of Gods ? where I had hope to fpend, Quiet...flowers, That never will in other climate grow, My gether. But in the paffage before fate of Man is determin'd, and Pa" He arenly o lines eated out of... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 714 pages
...Muft I thus leave thee, Paradife ? thus leave Thee, native foil, thefe happy walks and ihades, 270 Fit haunt of Gods ? where I had hope to fpend, Quiet...refpit of that day That muft be mortal to us both. О flowers, That never will in other climate grow, My gether. But in the palTage before fate of Man... | |
| John Milton - Fall of man - 1754 - 482 pages
...Where I had Hope to fpend quiet, though fad, the Time that Heaven had granted us, 'till the Day come that muft be mortal to us both ! O Flowers ! that never will grow in any other Climate ; that were my early Vifitation in the Morning, and my laft in the Evening... | |
| Art - 1762 - 290 pages
...fex. Mufti then leave thee, Paradife ? thus leave Thee, native foil, thefe happy walks and fhades, Fit haunt of gods ? where I had hope to fpend Quiet, though fad, the refphe of that day That muft be mortal to us both. O flow'rs That never will in other climate grow,... | |
| John Newbery - English poetry - 1762 - 292 pages
...fex. Muft I then leave thee, Paradife, t thus leave Thee, native foil, theft- happy walks and fhades, Fit haunt of gods ? where I had hope to fpend Quiet, though fad, the refpite of that day That muft be mortal to us both. O flow'rs That never will in other climate grow,... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 376 pages
...death ! Muft 1 thus leave thee Paradife ? thus leave Thee native foil, thefe happie walks and fhades, Fit haunt of Gods ? where I had hope to fpend, Quiet though fad, the refpite of that day That muft be mortal to us both. O flours, PARADISE HOST. XI". 274. 307 That never... | |
| Publius Papinius Statius - Seven against Thebes (Greek mythology) - 1767 - 696 pages
...Eden. Muft I thus leave thee Paradife ? thus leave Thee, native Soil, thofe happy Walks and Shades, Fit Haunt of Gods ? where I had Hope to fpend, Quiet, though fad, fcff. P«r.Lt>J), B. n. V. 169, Nor thy now breathlefs Grandfon's early Fate, Nor our Complaints and... | |
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