And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable; add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance ; add love, By name to come call'd charity, the soul Of all the rest: then wilt thou not be loth To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess... The Works of the English Poets: Milton - Page 138by Samuel Johnson - 1779Full view - About this book
| John Milton - Bible - 1711 - 464 pages of God in Heav'n, Aire, Earth, otSea, And all the riches of this World enjoy'dft, jlo And all (he rule, one Empire; only add Deeds to thy knowledge anfwerable, add Faith; Add Virtue, P alienee, Temperance, add Love, By name to come eall'd Charity, the foul Of all the reft : then wilt... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 464 pages
...; Or, works of GOD in heav'n, air, earth, or ica ; And all the riches of this world enjoy'dft ; 580 And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to, By name to come call'd charity, the foul Of ail the reft, then wilt thou not be loth To leave this Paradife, but fhalt pofTefs A Paradife within... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 714 pages enjoy'dft, And all the rule, one empire j only add Deeds to thy knowledge anfwerable, add faitb, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name...foul Of all the reft : then wilt thou not be loath ;S To leave this Paradife, but ihalt poffefs A Paradife within thee, happier far. Let us defcend now... | |
| Nathan Bailey - 1760 - 694 pages
...the Son of the Htattr, bip 38. Only add, Dteds to thy knowledge anfwerahle: add faith; Aád vïrtne, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come, call'd charity, the foul Of all Ac гей. Л .'-':>. Por. Le/, b. xii. 1. 584. Faitk believes the revelations of Cod ; Ьзре «реД»... | |
| William Dodd - English essays - 1764 - 330 pages
...efteem, Yours, &c. • , JNU MNUMBER LVII. Only add Deeds to tly knowledge anfwerable ; add faitk, Add 'virtue, patience, temperance, add love By name to come, call'd charity, the Soul Of all the rejt; then iioilt thou not be loath To leave this paradife, but /halt pojjefs A paradife,... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 376 pages
...nature's works, Or works of God in heav'n, air, earth, or fea, And all the riches of this world enjoydft, And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge anfwerable, add faith, Add vertue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd charitie, the foul Of alt the reft :... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 448 pages, Or works of God in heaven, air, earth, or fea, And all the riches of this world enjoy'dft, 5 80 And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge aflfwerable, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd Charity,... | |
| English poetry - 1776 - 478 pages, Or works of God in Heav'n, air, earth, or sea, And all the riches of this world enjoy'dst, 5So And all the rule, one empire; only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd Charity,... | |
| John Milton - 1789 - 274 pages, Or works of GOD in Heav'n, air, earth, or fea, And all the riches of this world erjoy'd'ft, 580 And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge anf.verablc-, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd charity,... | |
| John Milton - 1795 - 282 pages, Or works of God in Heav'n, air, earth, or sea, And all the riches of this world enjoy' dst, 583 And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd charity,... | |
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