Who better seen than I in shepherd's arts, Deprecation To rocks and woods pour forth my fruitless moan. Advice. O think, unwitting maid! while yet 'tis time, But faded beauty has no second Spring. Despair. (1) My words are wind! She, deaf to all my cries, [A. Philips.] Takes pleasure in the mischief of her eyes. XIV. REMONSTRANCE. Part of Socrates' speech to Montaigne, in the French DIALOGUES Antiquity. ANTIQUITY is an object of a peculiar sort : Distance magnifies it. If you had been personally acquainted with Aristotle, Phocion, and me; you would have found nothing in us very different from what you may find in people of your own age. What commonly prejudices us in favour of antiquity, is that we are prejudiced against Difappro- our own times. We raise the ancients, that we may depress the moderns. When we ancients bation. (1) A long pause. were alive, we esteemed our ancestors more than they deserved. And our posterity esteem us more than we deserve. But the very truth of the matter is, our ancestors, and we, and our posterity, are all very much alike. XV. AUTHORITY AND FORBIDDING. Jupiter forbids the Gods and Goddesses taking any part in the contention between the Greeks and Trojans. AURORA now, fair daughter of the dawn, Narration. Awe. Sprinkled with rosy light the dewy lawn; When Jove conven'd the senate of the skies, Where high Olympus' cloudy tops arise, The Sire of gods his awful silence broke; The heavens, attentive, trembled as he spoke ! " Celestial states! immortal gods! give ear; (1) Authority. #Hear our decree; and rev'rence what ye hear; The fix'd decree, which not all heaven can move; Thou, Fate! fulfil it; and ye, Powers, approve. (2) What god shall enter yon forbidden field, Who yields assistance, or but wills to yield. Back to skies with shame he shall be driven, Gash'd with dishonest wounds, the scorn of heaven. (3) Or from our sacred hill, with fury thrown, (1) There are three pretty long pauses to be made in this line, at the words, ftates, gods, and ear. The words, Celestial states! may be spoken with the right arm extended, the palm upwards, and the look directed toward the right, as addreffing that part of the assembly. The words immortal gods! with the left arm extended, in the fame manner, (the right continuing likewife extended) and the look directed toward the left hand part of the affembly. And the words, give ear, with the look bent directly forward. See Authority, page 22. (2) At the words, What god shall enter, the left arm, which should continue extended, with the right, to the beginning of this fourth line of the speech, may be drawn in, and placed upon the hip, while the right is brandished with the clenched fift, as in threatening. See Boasting, page 22. (3) The speaker will naturally here point downward with the fore-finger of his right hand. Threatening. Deep, in the dark Tartarian gulph, shall groan ; With burning chains fix'd to the brazen floors, And lock'd by hell's inexorable doors; As deep beneath th' infernal centre hurl'd, As from that centre to th" athereal world. (1) Let each, submissive, dread those dire abodes, Nor tempt the vengeance of the God of gods. Challeng- League all your forces, then, ye pow'rs above; ing. Your strength unite against the might of Jove. Let down our golden everlasting chain, Whose strong embrace holds heaven, and earth, and main. Strive all of mortal and immortal birth, *Contempt To drag by this the Thunderer down to earth, +Challeng- (2) Ye* strive in vain, if I † but stretch this hand, ing. I heave the gods, the ocean, and the land. I fix the chain to great Olympus' height, And the vast world hangs trembling in my sight. For such I reign unbounded, and above; And such are men and gods, compar'd to Jove. XVI. SUBLIME DESCRIPTION. ́ An ODE, from the xixth Pfalm. Admiration T HE lofty pillars of the sky, (1) "Let each," &c. The speaker may here again extend both arms as before, the open palms upwards, cafting a look over the whole room, foppose to be filled with the gods. (2) The speaker will do well here, to have his arms in any other posture rather than extended; because, after the pause in the middle of the line, the right arm must be extended with great folemnity. And publishes to ev'ry land II. Soon as the ev'ning shades prevail, Confirm the tidings, as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. III. What, tho' in solemn silence, all XVII. DESCRIPTION, SUBLIME AND TERRIBLE. (Pope's The fight about Patrocles' body, broke off by Achilles' appear- THE hero rose, Her Ægis Pallas o'er his shoulder throwς ; H Question. Veneration Admiration Reflecting blaze on blaze against the skies. crowd, Terror. High on the rampart (1) rais'd his voice aloud. Trepidation So high his dreadful voice the hero rear'd; Terror. (2) Hosts dropp'd their arms, and trembled as they And back the chariots roll, and coursers bound, XVIII. COMPLAINT. Humorous petition of a French gentleman to the king, who had given him a title, to which his incoine was not equal, by reafon of the weight of the taxes levied from his estate. Ing. Anc. Mod. p. 428.) (Pens. [After acknowledging the honour done him by the king's conferring on him a title, he goes on as follows.] YOUR OUR Majesty has only made me happy by giving me a title. For there is nothing more pitiable than a gentleman loaded with a Vexation, knapsack. This empty sound, which I was such Complaining. more un (1) The reader will hardly need to be told, that such matter ought to be expressed with a raised voice. (2) These three lines to be spoken quicker than the rest. |