Landschaft in Texten: zu Geschichte und Phänomenologie der literarischen Beschreibung |
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Page 17
... trees . If a generation all the same between forty and fifty as as . As they were and met . Was it nderness and seem . Might it be as well as mean with in . Ordinary pigeons and trees . This is a setting which is as soon which is as ...
... trees . If a generation all the same between forty and fifty as as . As they were and met . Was it nderness and seem . Might it be as well as mean with in . Ordinary pigeons and trees . This is a setting which is as soon which is as ...
Page 26
... Trees of noblest kind for sight , smell , taste ; And all amid them stood the Tree of Life , High eminent , blooming Ambrosial Fruit Of vegetable Gold ; and next to Life 220 Our Death the Tree of Knowledge grew fast by , Knowledge of ...
... Trees of noblest kind for sight , smell , taste ; And all amid them stood the Tree of Life , High eminent , blooming Ambrosial Fruit Of vegetable Gold ; and next to Life 220 Our Death the Tree of Knowledge grew fast by , Knowledge of ...
Page 125
... Trees on the very Edge of the Top , Birch and Ash , O how lovely ! - Pity there is any water or that it is not clear / - now the lower Half wood and the higher bare ; now the higher wooded & the lower bare / and sometimes one great huge ...
... Trees on the very Edge of the Top , Birch and Ash , O how lovely ! - Pity there is any water or that it is not clear / - now the lower Half wood and the higher bare ; now the higher wooded & the lower bare / and sometimes one great huge ...
Common terms and phrases
Addison allegorischen Ann Radcliffe Arnheim Aspekt ästhetische ästhetischen Einstellung beautiful beauty Bedeutung Beschreibung besonderen bestimmt Betrachter bewußt Bewußtsein Bild Bildobjekt Blick bloß Boswell Claude Lorrain Cooper Cooper's Hill country Darstellung Defoe Dichtung Dorothy Wordsworth Edgar Allan Poe emblematischen enclosures englischen Landschaftsgartens Erscheinung erschließt erst Fancy Funktion Garden Garten Gartenkunst Gedicht Gertrude Stein Gilpin Grand Tour great Grongar Hill heißt hermeneutischen high Hinsicht historischen Husserl Ibid Ideal Imagination Ingarden Jahrhunderts Johnson konkreten Kontext Korrelat Kunst lake landscape Landschaftsbeschreibung Landschaftsbild Landschaftsdeskription Landschaftserfahrung Landschaftserlebnis Landschaftsmalerei läßt lebensweltlicher Leser literarischen Deskription Literatur Malerei Marvell Modell Modifikation Möglichkeit mountains muß Natur als Landschaft neue Objekt Perspektive phänomenologischen Phantasie picture picturesque pittoreske place Pleasures poetische poetry prospect Prozeß Reflexion Reisenden Roman Sartre scene Seiten Band side spezifische sprachlichen Struktur Subjekt subjektive Szenerie tatsächlich things Thomson trees unsere Unterschied Vergegenwärtigung vermag view Vorstellung Wahrnehmung Wahrnehmungsfeld Welt whole wieder William Gilpin William Kent woods Wordsworth